Serverwide Mayong Mistmoore Raids

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Inacht, Dec 21, 2021.

  1. Inacht

    Inacht People Like Me

    Hello TAKP,

    This upcoming reset will be our special anniversary event, as well as the final reset before the planned PoP release. While there are numerous events for players to participate in group and solo content, Mayong Mistmoore is a special raid target that provides opportunities for unique, interesting items. Because it is only possible to kill MM 3 times in the reset window (and thus per year!) it is very difficult to reach a reasonable agreement on how this mob would be rotated or shared.

    With the above in mind, the leaders of the raiding guilds have come together and reached an agreement to raid MM. MM will be killed via server wide raids, and we will be attempting the maximum of three kills.

    When: These raids will occur Thursday 12/23 3pm est (a euro time raid - if we are unable to kill MM, we will attempt again later that evening at 9pm est), Wednesday 12/29 9pm est, and Tuesday 01/04 9pm est.

    Where: MM will be killed the the courtyard of Castle Mistmoore. The raid will be positioned above and outside the courtyard which we will levitate over to.

    Loot rules: Items will be distributed via random. Each player may roll ONCE per linked item. Only level 60 players will be eligible to roll. You may only roll for characters you bring to the raid to contribute unless an explicit exception is made before the kill. Items will be rolled on in the order they appear on the corpse - top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right. When a player wins an item, they are no longer eligible to roll on the remaining items from MM this reset. MM drops 4 items - if we succeed in killing him 3 times, that means a total of 12 items for the entire year. Should you win anything, please consider yourself fortunate! As of this post, there are currently just 12 total MM items scattered across all of TAKP.

    About Mayong Mistmoore: This mob is a relatively complex encounter that requires a core of attentive and geared players. MM charms his melee targets (thus wiping their generated hate), and regularly fears + AoE lifetaps. To counter this, we will be outranging his AE and tanking with well geared, unbuffed fearless knights grouped with a bard singing group dispel. To keep ranged DPS from pulling aggro, MM will need to be blurred on regular intervals, and so DPS will need to be attentive to avoid nuking right after the blur lands. Unfortunately, due to MM's AoE lifetap, melee classes and pets will not be able to engage. Healing can be done by chains, spotting a dedicated target, or assisting MM and spotting.

    Who can attend: This raid will be open to all players on the server who are willing to abide by the loot rules, follow direction, and be attentive! You must be level 60 to roll on any items that drop.

    Classes that contribute to the encounter:
    Exceptionally geared knights with the fearless AA are a requisite for this encounter, we will also need a well geared bard or two to keep them company. Beyond that, ranged dps and healing are the most effective choices for this encounter. Least effective will be melee dps such as rogues, monks, and warriors who will be relegated to throwing stones and hooting from the sidelines. Having said that, you should feel free to bring these classes if you would like to roll on an item that they can equip.

    If you have a quest item to turn in to MM: If you truly wish to consort with this foul vampire, your window for turnins will be limited this year! Expect MM to be up within 24hrs of the server reset, with additional windows ~12 hours before the 12/29 and 12/04 kills.

    Should you have any questions, feel free to reply here or reach out on discord!

    Thanks & see you at the Vampire's Castle,
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2021
    RossGuy, Toomuch, Reacshion and 7 others like this.
  2. bophop

    bophop New Member

    Sounds good! One question,
    "Each player may roll ONCE per linked item."

    player == human or toon?
  3. Palski

    Palski Member

    Human - cant roll on other boxes.
  4. Inacht

    Inacht People Like Me

    Player refers to you, the actual person behind the screen! You'll get 1 roll per item (assuming one of your present classes can use it).
  5. kai4785

    kai4785 People Like Me

    I love this server. Thanks to all involved in organizing the efforts, and good luck to the Euro team! I hope to be there cheering and throwing rocks!
    Toomuch and Verdent like this.
  6. phresh2k3

    phresh2k3 Member

    very cool indeed!

    anyone have a link to Mayong's drop table?
  7. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    no, there is no such link possible because it's mostly custom loot specific to takp, and the devs disabled database lookups for anniversary mobs

    those who have the drops, can post a screenshot if their items

    the drops that can be linked are the sleepers tomb 2.0 revamp items such as:

    the loot you can peek would be equipped on the following chars:
    Linkamus -

    Danzig -

    there's also a glowing blue 2h sword that nobody knows the stats of, and maybe some other items
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2021
    Mokli and Verdent like this.
  8. branamil

    branamil New Member

    Must you loot on the character that won the roll?
  9. Animalevic

    Animalevic New Member

    If I understand correctly, player rolls on ONE toon, if they win then any of that player's toons that are present can loot.
  10. Verdent

    Verdent People Like Me

    Loot is limited to players level 60, are lower levels allowed to help or even just watch?

    Danzig winning the robe after being the first person to wander into MM and subsequently get slaughtered when no one even knew Mayong existed is perfect.
    showstring and Radda like this.
  11. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Supposedly its this:


    No one has one yet though on the server.
    Radda likes this.
  12. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    Can we restrict loot to main characters? It did not feel good to roll against 25+ bard alts last year.
  13. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    I'd say anyone that isn't a well geared level 60 is a liability. they can watch someone's twitch stream if they want to watch

    Edit: I should be able to make this raid, and I will hopefully also stream it for entertainment and documentational purposes!
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2021
    Ripwind likes this.
  14. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    it just uses that sword's graphics, nobody knows the actual stats tho... it's just an assumption that is the actual item
    Radda likes this.
  15. Smudge

    Smudge People Like Me

    Not everyone has mains like we do :(
    Radda likes this.
  16. Smudge

    Smudge People Like Me

    We SHOULD restrict the loot to people who haven't won something before though ;)

    as in last year too.
    showstring likes this.
  17. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    sounds like a great idea! share the love
    Smudge likes this.
  18. Inacht

    Inacht People Like Me

    You will be expected to roll on the character you intend the loot the item on should you win.

    Players will be able to bring 3 characters to the raid, and will be able to roll on items those characters can equip. NAG does not have a mechanistic concept of 'mains' and 'alts' in the manner that Temerity does, I'm not sure about the other guilds. The present characters limit will prevent players with many 60 alts from simply rolling on every item.

    While I agree with this in principle, I do not have a list players who already have something from MM and this would need to be agreed on by all the other guild leaders. Having said that, I do know that I have something from MM, so I won't be rolling on anything this year.
    Verdent, Radda and Break like this.
  19. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    Surely there's some better indicator than which toons people bring to the event. Or are we just trusting people to not bring random bard alts that they don't consistently raid/play with.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2021
  20. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    Bringin my random bard alt.
    Verdent, Radda, Mokli and 2 others like this.
  21. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

  22. Break

    Break People Like Me

    Speaking of bard alts and raid strategy, I have two questions.

    How much damage does the AE lifetap deal? I ask this because bards have group runes. I know people use runes to counteract VS for instance. Would that not work for this particular lifetap? It would also enable melee characters to actually participate.

    What items do all these bard alts want so badly? I didn't see anything that a bard could even wear when I looked at Rimidal's links.
  23. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    Dwarf Illusion.
    Break likes this.
  24. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    The AE lifetap dot is not that bad - even if the recourse stacks on Mayong, a level 60 rogue or monk would still be netting reasonable DPS.

    It's the AE fear and the dictate proc that make melee a poor proposition.
    Break likes this.
  25. Savok

    Savok Active Member

    You have two bards in each group of knights who just sing dispell to remove the fear and dots, each bard covers the other so there is always at least one bard who is active. I plan to be at the first two MM kills and will be rolling on that mask to complete my collection.
  26. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    It would be nice if we could enforce something like you must be level 60 with 150 AA on your toon -or- have it be your highest AA toon in order to roll. But given that that would require honor system anyways, I hope folks are considerate of people who have invested a lot in their toons and don't bring random afterthought alts to compete on this unique loot.
  27. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    I'm sure there are plenty of "main" toons out there at level 60 without 150 AA's that would be excluded. Not everyone has been playing here for 5 or more years. None of the loot is earth shattering if you're in a raiding guild anyway. I'd love for someone to get a trinket and actually be able to use it for a long time on their toon.
    Toomuch, Verdent and Break like this.
  28. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    Yes Mokli, super valid point, that's why I suggested that they could still roll on a toon with less than 150 AA if it is their highest AA toon (indicating it is their main, or part of their main trio).

    At the end of the day, this is impossible to strictly enforce, but I do hope people consider it as a guideline for etiquette.
  29. Inacht

    Inacht People Like Me

    Players will be eligible to roll for items they can use on level 60 characters they bring to the raid. There will be no inspection of characters to determine who is a 'main' and who is an 'alt'.

    Expect to have plenty of competition when rolling for items.
    Toomuch and Lenas like this.
  30. Reacshion

    Reacshion New Member

    Certain classes also don't really have as many AA's worth getting, for example my rogue (which is my main) at like 120 AA's the remainder is total junk. On my pally who is at 140 I still need another like 80 to ideally have all the decent ones before PoP is out. My highest AA toon is one I stopped playing like 6 months ago as well, so AA's really play no part in what is deemed a "main".
    Toomuch, Break and Manstache like this.