Misc feedback requests

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Torven, Aug 27, 2015.

  1. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    those first 2 named (when you go left and right in the first corridor) were shorter respawn than the other bosses iirc. We used to offnight raid them quite a bit early after breaking into VT.
  2. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    I had already set those to 3 days, no variance.

    It makes a lot of sense to me that Sony did not add variance to the zone because of warders. The question is 5.5 vs 6.5 days. (or I suppose just 6) 6.5 sounds more likely to me because most other stuff in the expac is 6.5 and people keep saying that they had to do the first clear in a rush to fit 3 clears in.
  3. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Did any of the VT bosses do nasty things if you pulled them out of their rooms on AK? (like nuke you through walls for 500k)
  4. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    I don't think so. We always pulled TVK to the foyer outside his hall, the second Blob2 to the room where we killed the first, and I know plenty of people pulled the TVXs to the ZI by various means (not all of them legitimate), and I never saw or heard of anything like that happening.

    It's not a terrible idea, though! It'd be kind of sad if everything wound up being pulled to the zone. I understand they're now tethered on Live? Perhaps some kind of z-axis restriction to keep things on the appropriate floors ...
  5. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    TVX's were linked to their 4 guards. To get them solo you had to do .... tricks .... to get them at Zone in. The rest of the bosses had no issues and I think other than mini ahr// ahr everything was moved a little if it could.
  6. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    The TVX's weren't just linked to their guards, they were linked to all (or at least a significant portion of) their wing. So, in fact, were the guards themselves.

    We discovered this the hard way when a group of us sat around after a TVX kill to wait on Va Xakra key mob respawns only to have a dozen or so shades charge us the instant the first one repopped.
  7. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    6.5 sounds likely on VT. I think 5.5 or even a flat 6 would have meant a lot of triple clears in the early days of VT raiding on AK, when Thalmart was shiny and new.
  8. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    In my uh ... expeditions? its only the guards that are linked to TVX although there are some weird behaviors when it dies (like a whole wing training a corpse)
  9. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    I noticed Cazic Thule seems to have NPCs/items added to it that is after our era.

    Are the loot and NPC lists here http://www.allakabor.com/eqatlas/cazicthule.html complete for AK? Or can anybody provide a complete list of rare NPCs? (or just the new ones I can exclude) I can probably do this by checking item IDs, but that'll take awhile, and time is an issue.
  10. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    yeah there's only a few new named :
    "Jungle Hunter"
    "Lifesapper Mosquito"
    "Tae Ew Guard"
    "Tae Ew Watcher"

    Their loot should look different than the regular "req/recc 51" stuff too I think
    Last edited: May 11, 2018
  11. Foxhorde

    Foxhorde People Like Me

    As I maimed a necro on AK position dots initially drew more aggro then diease. Not sure if that is because a lot of the necro posion dots have an slight did effect on cast. My personal feeling, no logs to back posion was just all around
    More aggro then diease be it at initial cast or a few ticks into it. I would normally not fd until I started my second round of dots with my necro unless I was using the posion one in which I would fd after that cast or the next because I knew aggro was coming after that posion dot. I mostly used my pet as the tank, not sure if that makes a difference.
  12. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    So... back to the researching the ever eluding resources on Grieg's End. lol
    I have been avoiding this to the last minutes because I am not sure how to start or go about. I'll just have to do the best I can. Anyway....

    The race / class combo that spawns from the traps.
    so Far we have this in our database:

    Dark Sending:
    Dwarf Warrior
    Vah Shir Shadowknight
    Lightcrawler Cleric
    Lightcrawler Warrior
    Orge Monk

    A_Coelesced_Sending seems to be static (non trap) that spawns any race. Incidently according to our spawnlog they are all necromancers. there's currently 3 static spawnpoint of that.
    Human Necromancer
    Half Elf Necromancer
    Wolf Necromancer
    Sunflower Necromancer
    Gallorian Necromancer
    Wood Elf Necromancer

    Does anyone remember what other races / class combo do these Dark Sending. and Races from Coelesced Sending?
  13. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    Last edited: May 13, 2018
  14. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    Last edited: May 13, 2018
  15. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    the npc id matches PEQ database. so I'm not sure if these are accurate.
  16. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    ahh ok, nevermind then!
  17. Morbo

    Morbo Well-Known Member

    This is a screenshot I took on live in GE killing Kallain Agarnuzum. This was taken on E'ci/Tunare.

    And others. Hope they help
  18. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

  19. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    What precisely were the loot drops from the trash mobs in VT? Magelo seems to have some cross-NPC contamination so I'd like to hear from people who farmed this zone for years. (ya'all be crazy)
  20. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    Eoms seemed to drop weapons of Slaughter and random drops from the TVX loot tables. Both weapons and TVX freebies were very rare.

    I don't think anything else dropped anything of note.
  21. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    Random cloth caps!
  22. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Oh, interesting. Guess it wasn't contamination
  23. Morbo

    Morbo Well-Known Member

    Cloth caps were no doubt a placeholder for something, that stuff was funny when it dropped - trying to figure out if they were used for something in the zone.
    I also remember Eoms rarely dropping bane weps and stuff like cord of midnight. I don't recall how many of those drops we got on a clear, however. Probably 1 a clear. (Clear meaning a good amount of coh, not a full trash clear)
  24. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    1 a clear was rare on AK (coth). maybe 1 every 2-3 resets. And then like 4 cloth caps.
  25. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Does anybody know with a high degree of certainty what types of shades can spawn from akheva deaths? The random nature of this makes it extremely time consuming (and tedious) to try and verify all combinations on Live, and the zone may have changed.
  26. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I thought every combination was possible:

    Level Qualifier:

    Qua - level 55 -- Mezzable
    Zov - level 58 -- Mezzable
    Zun - level 61
    Pli - level 64
    Eom - level 66

    Class Qualifier:

    Centien / Va Dyn - Warrior -- Enrages + Rampage + Flurry
    Senshali - Rogue -- Enrages + Flurry
    Liako - Paladin -- Rampage
    Va Liako - Shadowknight -- Flurry
    Thall - Cleric -- Gates
    Zethon - Wizard -- Gates

    Body Type Qualifier:

    ~~Blank after Class Qualifier~~ - 4 arm model -- Spawns NAME Xakra after its death. IE - Eom Zethon will pop an Eom Zethon Xakra on its death.
    Xakra - Plain black robe
    Va Dyn - Rock-man


    So basically every combination of the Level and Class qualifiers, with Xakra tagged on the end.
  27. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    I don't think an Eom Zethon always pops an Eom Zethon Xakra, though. I think it will randomly pop any Zethon Xakra.

    Knights (Liako and Va Liako) seem to be interchangeable, i.e. a Liako 4-arms can spawn either a Liako Xakra or a Va Liako Xakra.

    I thought that the Xakras were always of equal or lower rank to their progenitors, but it looks like I've got a log of a Zun Va Liako Xakra popping from a Qua Liako.

    It'll be a little time-consuming, but I'll poke around and see if I can figure out if there's a pattern.
  28. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Right now on Live (and I've only noted 56 kills thus far) the pattern seems to be:

    Eoms can spawn Zuns, Plis, Eoms.
    Everything else spawns Quas, Zovs, Zuns.

    However I did find an old 2002 post that claimed higher rank spawns were possible for Zuns and Plis.
    Last edited: May 20, 2018
  29. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    That seems to check out against the logs I looked at.

    Xakras are of the same type as their progenitors, with Liako and Va Liako being interchangeable. Pli and Eom Xakras only appear to spawn when Eom four-arms die, and Eoms never spawn Qua or Zov shades.

    In the 30 Eom Centien kills I checked, I saw 15 Eom Centien Xakra spawns, 7 Plis, and 8 Zuns. That could obviously just be noise, but it also wouldn't shock me if Eom four-arms had an increased chance of popping Eom Xakras.
  30. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    I got 4 Eoms from 14 Eom kills. An old 2002 post I found said this:

    --> Eom: 3 times
    --> Pli: 6 times
    --> Zun: 8 times

    So I think the chances are weighted equally. Sample sizes are not large though.
    Faults and Elroz like this.