Trophy Trios: the Three-Box Challenge

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pithy, Nov 30, 2016.

  1. Delorne

    Delorne People Like Me

    First time peeking in this thread, since I'm starting to try to get my shaman/necro at least slightly closer to my paladin level-wise. I like the idea.

    To answer the PoFear break in question, Pithy pretty much nailed it. I would accumulate a large train and take it to the NW corner. I would reverse-charm kite, nightstalker camp style, with my gazughi ring (charm, send into the herd, break at low hp, chant to death, repeat). Some trash made better pets than others, and some were completely immune to charm (either because of level or some inherent immunity? mostly it was level, I think). I had a lot of sustain, charm pretty much didn't affect my mana bar at that point. Super deep pool and I always had F15 (on top of AAs) on when I wasn't in melee mode.

    Of the trash I pulled, nothing summoned me. If it had, I wouldn't have been able to use that tactic at all. Even at 65 and fully EP geared, the trains I was making would have killed me in short order. I mentioned it in guild chat earlier this evening, but I never bothered with the Amygdalan Temple and I didn't have to put up with Terror's guards due to my pulling tactics. So I think I dumb lucked myself into avoiding all the summoning trash.

    I think a bard could manage it in our current era. It would be ridiculously slow during portions. But bards are nothing if not masochistic. So someone's either already done it or will do it.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2017
    Pithy likes this.
  2. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    Even at 65 on AK, soloing Terror as a bard was a pretty cool feat, Del.

    I'm thinking that if you zoned in and went to the NW corner, you probably missed the few Amy roamers in the zone, which would have summoned. Also probably the turmoil toads, whose fear might have caused pet problems.

    Here on TAKP, I think it would be impossible because of the scarelings and a shadowstep mechanic I described a while back and Cavedude implemented. Your story makes me second-guess myself: there's no way you could kite in the NW corner without getting scarelings, and having your pet warped back to its spawn point would inevitably have created a disaster sooner or later.

    I wonder, then, if the gating charm pet business was some oddity peculiar to Quavonis' AE, rather than a regular result of SS effects. (There are already a couple uniquely bizarre aspects of Quav's AE: first, the Jopal should have been immune to it in the first place because it checks against fire, and second, the spell data says it does damage, which it didn't.)
    Pithy likes this.
  3. Delorne

    Delorne People Like Me

    Scarelings shadowstepped my pet only a certain distance away. Nothing gated back to spawn. If it did, I definitely would have gotten cross-zone DTed way more than I did. I want to say that I just chant kited those once I saw them in the pack, but I honestly don't remember.

    I did get a couple turmoil toads, and I remember that I would usually chant kite those and the massive dispelling mobs first before I charmed anything. The knockback mobs were also a bit of a hassle, but I don't think I saw too many of those.
    Pithy likes this.
  4. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    Bump! Spaide and I talked about this a while back, and we think it'd be fun to open the challenge up to borrowed toons. That way you don't have to level and gear your own beastlord (or whatever) in order to have just the right setup to kill some tricksy pixie in the Plane of Sparkle.

    There's also been some interest in a non-charm 3box challenge. The objection being (I think -- paraphrasing) that a lot of the harder targets on this list are out of reach without a charm pet.

    Any thoughts?
    Quirk and Ransom like this.
  5. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Yes to both.
    Quirk and Ransom like this.
  6. Quirk

    Quirk Well-Known Member

    The more categories and awesome 3 boxing feats the better.

    This gives us 4 categories then:

    1. Personally owned toons w/charm
    2. Personally owned toons w/o charm
    3. Borrowed toon(s) w/charm
    4. Borrowed toon(s) w/o charm

    Let the games begin.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2017
  7. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    The charmless trophy trio challenge is born!
  8. Loraen

    Loraen Well-Known Member

    [ ] King Tranix in Nagafen's Lair
    [ ] Royal Scribe Kaavin in Icewell Keep
    Are these super hard? I was hoping to take them out with my low 50s Monk/Shaman combo just because I need the gear!

    [ ] sebilite protector in Sebilis
    [ ] Tolapumj in Sebilis
    These were a pretty fun monk/shaman duo on Project 1999. I'm kind of unsure whether they would be harder or easier here; the P99 version of Raev has 1400 AC but then the sebilite protector is also pretty resistant. I would get slowed with two jsticks and pretash him and it still would take ~4 slow rounds to land; after that he was a pussy.

    And yeah I do think that the challenge is more fun on AK with boxing rather than being basically limited to Shamans and Clerics with Puppet Strings.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2017
    Locus likes this.
  9. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Royal Scribe Kaavin is difficult only because he is Magic immune and flees. Grand Huntsman Darrel the same. No stun/snare/root can stick on them.

    So from the 20%ish flee threshold to death you have to kill that mob within 5-6 seconds before it aggros all of Dains entourage.

    King Tranix isn't too terrible if you can split his lair. Giants on this server though have ridiculous MR compared to P99. Charms last for 10-20 seconds, and roots maybe 5-10 seconds with a level 60 enchanter and Tash. So you need to drag an imp or elemental pet up to deal with them if you're charming. I've only done Tranix once on this server and without a tank, relying on charm I found it too tedious to bother with again. Especially since I couldn't split them without some exploity faction bullshit.

    Those Seb named would come down to your tank. Because AC is quite effective here any typical Tank/Slower/Cleric combo should be able to whittle them down. Getting a charmed pet all the way down there though is extremely tedious, so I'm out on those :).
  10. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Boxing the blue drakes in sky should be a top one: lvl 60 with garrisons/sunstrike, only bellycastable and constant proc of spin stun, did I mention they hit for 650s and have 20-24khp all while getting one solo out of a pack of 18 and not getting death touched

    And no, I won't summon you there
    showstring likes this.
  11. Hove!

    Hove! People Like Me

    Royal Scribe Kaavin won't flee if the tank is low HP. Intentionally be low hp, win.
  12. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    This is one way to handle it for sure!

    I've also started a train on another character to clear out the throne room to allow me more time to kill the Coldain.

    As with most things in EQ, many ways to skin that cat.
  13. necra

    necra People Like Me

    can solo royal scribe on a necro in his room, still trying to work out a way to solo huntsman as he is more MR than scribe.
  14. Tarkon

    Tarkon Well-Known Member

    I do both rooms on my rogue / mage / cleric. It is just a function of burning them down fast enough.
  15. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    Has anyone tried boxing Lord Bob? I wonder how hard he'd be..
  16. Mambo

    Mambo Well-Known Member

    Getting back to him sounds unfun. :/
  17. actualspaide

    actualspaide People Like Me

    we did lord bob once with like 9 or 12 or something. he hits really hard and fast lol
  18. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    He can be snared so I wonder if you could pull him to zone.
  19. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    Bump. I edited the OP a bit to reflect some of the more recent discussion. I nuked the rule about using only your own toons; go nuts, boxers of friends' toons! Borrow and shuffle however you like to get just the right mix of classes with all the best gear.

    I also added a master level target:

    [ ] break-in to Halls of Testing in Temple of Veeshan

    I managed this today (after many lolsy wipes) with SK/enc/clr, starting from the 4-way. It was by far the trickiest thing I've done to date!

    I think the two lower tiers could stand to be fleshed out a bit. Any target suggestions?
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2017
  20. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Sk/ench/clr took you hours due to 0 dps~
  21. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    Mm hm. Hey, do you folks think the DEs on the second floor of Hate would be good warm-up tier targets? Some of 'em hit in the 200s, have decent chunks of hp, and are unslowable. Plus they drop cool stuff slightly more frequently now! I wonder who'll get the server first Hate Crystal...
  22. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    I added Talendor in there too. Has anyone trio'd him yet? I feel like he should be straightforward with WAR/CLR/BRD.
  23. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    what's the name of the mob? allaclone linky?
  24. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

  25. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

  26. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Can't add drakes since people can't access it unless it's me or rw

    I did the darkies in hate and those dude are very resistful
  27. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    RW, Darch and I can summon folks up to Sky :p
  28. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    And ruin the #Bumopoly
  29. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    This is a trophy challenge - difficult accesses might just be part of it!
  30. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Sounds like I should be summoning people up there for free...
    delete, sowislifesowislove and Draeko like this.