Out of Range (distance) xp bonus

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slade, Dec 19, 2020.

  1. Slade

    Slade Member

    Our wiki says the following about out of range (distance) xp bonus:


    If a character is out of XP range, they are not included in the XP division. However, the group size bonus is still applied to the members that do receive XP, as long as the OOR characters are still in the same zone. The most optimal application of this would be for 6 soloers to group together but spread themselves throughout the zone outside of XP range of each other. In this scenario, each soloer would be receiving a 260% bonus over the norm.

    This game mechanic is also useful for those who have access to spare boxes, or have friends that are going to be AFK for an extended period of time. Note that there is no additional XP bonus for a 6th person in the group, so you only need to artificially pad your group to 5. Also note that a level 1 character can serve this purpose (see "Groups that are Far Apart in Levels").

    Can anyone confirm if this still works? With a friend I've tried a version of this in 3 different zones with no change in exp. In all 3 zones, we had 3 lvl 60's at the killing/exp spot, and two lvl 1's all in the same the group, but the lvl 1's far away (definitely out of exp range, in one case the /loc was about 3,500 different on the y axis).

    any input is appreciated, thanks!
  2. Indi

    Indi Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure it isn't working and hasn't been for a while. I tried doing this with my wizard in Highkeep a while back. I parked a couple lvl 1's at the zone in, well out of exp range, and never saw any added exp on the wizard.
  3. necra

    necra People Like Me

    Doesn’t work on takp like it did on ak
    lurari likes this.
  4. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    I believe it was an explicit dev choice not to reproduce this bug on TAKP. Experience on TAKP is already abnormally fast due to the bugged 4th toon bonus, the serverwide 20% bonus, etc.
  5. Tryfan

    Tryfan People Like Me

    I miss green mob exp the most. Nothing faster than having a L60 dps slaughtering L39 mobs while the L40 in group gets solo exp for it.
  6. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    The out of range EXP bug is a little better balanced with the 3-box limit we have here, but it was pretty ridiculous to be getting 30-40% per kill in PoFire with 4 out of range. But really, once you've reached Elemental Planes flag, you've defeated almost all content and the EXP offered there being absurd isn't a big deal.
  7. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    This was one of those "AK like but don't replicate some bugs" issues.
  8. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Nuked it on the wiki then. If incorrect, undo what I did and change to how it works here please.
    DubRemix88 likes this.
  9. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    Well we’ve had quite the amount of xp nerfs this year, the nerfs being AKurrate. Maybe the devs would consider bringing back some AKurrate xp qwerks that benefit the player.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2020
    Qelana likes this.
  10. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    That is a fair point.
  11. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    The OOR bug was a deeply weird and antisocial mechanic that created a perverse incentive to fill empty group slots with dummy characters sitting AFK on the opposite side of the zone instead of live players.

    Not that it wasn't nice to "solo" a flamehead at the tables in PoFire and earn 55% of an AA for one kill ...
    Neealana, Break and Speedz like this.
  12. shorttin

    shorttin Member

    not to derail the thread but has the distance at which players get exp change? I was exp'ing today and stopped getting exp on a grouped character that was only 400 away on the y axis and I used to be able to be 1000+ away
  13. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    I find it strange how this community often complains about people not grouping together at the same time people keep asking for things that disincentivize grouping
    Speedz and Neealana like this.
  14. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    There are a few types of people that play here.

    1) Those that want 100% AKcurracy (or as close as possible barring exploits or extreme bugs, the definition of which varies greatly from person to person)

    2) Those coming from Live or other emu's and want to be able to play the way they remember

    3) Those that want to play on a PoP enabled server and want what the original devs intended for the game and not what it actually was.

    I'm sure there are others. In the end, they are not entirely compatible views, so yeah, you're going to get mixed messages.
    Sketchy and anotheregostar like this.
  15. RichardCox

    RichardCox Active Member

    I noted this in early July, the same patch that nerfed the XP for Lt Blue mobs. I haven't quantified it the way you have, but it sure feels like your numbers have it dead on.
  16. necra

    necra People Like Me

    It’s 2 different groups torven. Those who want to group with others and those who want easy xp, bring on pop and I’ll finish my aa’s
  17. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    The range check wasn't working in some circumstances and it was fixed
    anotheregostar and Tuluvien like this.
  18. Devour_Souls

    Devour_Souls People Like Me

    Act of Valor is the only important Paladin AA to have.
    Ablazze and solar like this.
  19. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    I bought it before Fearless and SU3, that is how important it is!
    Devour_Souls likes this.
  20. necra

    necra People Like Me

    You are obviously more of a team player than me sketchy
  21. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    I was trying to impress Perish! it made him smile so it was all worth it!
  22. Ablazze

    Ablazze Member

    I like MLK, Have a dream of running a raid where the only healing is a Paladin Act of Valour chain.
    Devour_Souls likes this.
  23. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Clearly the only logical thing to do is implement OOR exp but only in awful zones.

    Plane of Time A, Plane of Air, Halls of Honor B, Plane of Torment, Stonebrunt Mountains, Dalnir, Mons Letalis, Twilight Sea, Lake Rathetear, Dagnors Cauldron, Gorge of King Xorbb, and The Great Divide. I don't believe I've ever seen someone form an EXP group in any of these zones for any reason on any server in any era.
  24. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    TAKP's version of a hotzone, I like it.
  25. Walex

    Walex I Feel Loved

    That's not true. There was the one time when umm... Those people who... hmm. You know, with the group? I'm sure of it.
  26. Devour_Souls

    Devour_Souls People Like Me

    Just sayin'
  27. Suiddaru

    Suiddaru Member

    I have XP grouped gleefully in Rathtear, Dagnors, Gorge and GD ;p All during original release, though ;p
  28. Cillipis

    Cillipis Well-Known Member

    ...and only after all camps in neighboring zones were taken with a We Got Next line formed.
  29. Tryfan

    Tryfan People Like Me

    The orc camp in Dagnors gives some exp while you wait for the courtyard or first floor in Unrest to clean out a little, back in the day. Not good exp though. Similar thing in Lake Rathe when the chicken town was overcamped in early vanilla.

    There are a LOT of casters in Dalnir, including enchanters. It's rough for in-era and standard gear and the CRs are nightmarish. If any dungeon deserves its ZEM switched with Highkeep its that place.

    Back in the day I found both Stonebrunt and Jaggedpine to be extremely slow experience. Its easy, but its mindnumbingly slow. Either you're hunting widely spread roamers (in which case Kunark zones like OT were ten times better), or you were fighting the camps for outdoor zone ZEM where you could have been doing the same in a dungeon for much better exp.

    No sane person exped in Mons Letalis. You could have cranked that to ZEM 300 it still wouldn't be worth the annoyances.

    The EQ devs listened to complaints in vanilla about there being no casual outdoor leveling zone past South Karana levels (and not enough overall to satisfy the hordes of druids etc), and thats why we got zones full of happy newbies in Kunark like Loio and OT. Other zones were very unpopular, like EJ or SoNH. People like to be able to see the mobs they want to pull to speed it up and make it safer. But in Velious its like they forgot why OT and LoIO were popular, and the mobs in GD were too spread apart to be any good, same with the other zones other than the static camps. Then in Luclin while you got decent zones for that in Dawnshroud, others seemed to have been designed with the idea of anything that annoyed the players is good, so you got lousy zones like Marus Seru and outright violations of the Geneva Convention in Mons Letalis.
    Mechaike and Cadsuane like this.
  30. Suiddaru

    Suiddaru Member

    EJ is awesome!! Hunting seb frog keys? Who doesnt love that?