
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, May 18, 2016.

  1. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member


    * Charmed vendors can no longer be browsed.
    * NPCs will no longer be affected by Levitate or See Invisible spells. (The spell will take hold but have no effect.)
    * Corrected the success formula for Memory Blur spells. (Thanks Ravenwing and Darchon for the formulas!)
    * The client will no longer apply more damage than it should on melee hits.
    * Added the ability to add an item to the cursor queue without sending a packet to the client. This should help prevent desyncs caused by items being in a different order on the server and client's respective queues. This also allows us to control the cursor queue "rules" server side, and have GMs bypass them if need be.
    * This change fixes the desync that happens when multiple items are handed back as a result of a tradeskill, and should help to bullet proof other cases where the cursor queue is used (forage, spell summons, #si for GMs)
    * Pushing items to the cursor during trades and when no other slot is available in general was not changed in this commit.
    * Added Lua export for PushItemOnCursorWithoutQueue
    * Change how rules are loaded and inherit values - When a custom ruleset is loaded, it will always first look for a value present in the ruleset id for that zone, when it is not present, it will load from the default ruleset instead of immediately falling back to the source value. This is to eliminate the excessive amount of duplicate entries in the rule_values tables (credit to Akkadius)
    * Procs will no longer occur while Divine Aura is active.
    * Stuns will no longer take affect when a NPC is mezzed. Pre-existing stuns will fade when the Mez wears off.
    * Dispels can now be cast on other players in PVP situations.
    * Single target buffs will now overwrite the group version of the buff and vice versa provided the caster's level is equal or greater than the original caster's level. If it is not, it will be blocked in both cases.
    * Added KILLED emote type, which causes the NPC that gets the final hit on any other entity to emote. KILLEDNPC for NPC slays and KILLEDPC for PC slays are unaffected by this and will continue to work. However, using either combined with KILLED will result in a double message.
    * Removed #itemsearch alias "search" since it was ambiguous. #itemsearch, #finditem, or #fi all still work.
    * Added HPRatio to #showstats.
    * Added the remaining boat NPCID defines in preparation of a future commit.
    * Added IsQuestTrigger() to determine if a NPC is an invisible quest trigger. Unused at present, reserved for future use.
    * Damage Shields will no longer have reduced damage in PVP.
    * Added sort_order to npc_faction_entries, so the order faction hits appear in game can be changed.
    * Fixed a zone crash in the emote code.
    * If all the damage was done to a NPC using a damage shield, faction hits will no longer occur.
    * Changed the race/bodytype of zone_controller to match Haynar's findings and to match the triggers in the DB.
    * Removed IsQuestTrigger() as it's no longer necessary.
    * Added mule exception for IP limit.
    * Attempting to open a door with the wrong key will now give the proper message.
    * Added NO_LOITERING special attack, which forces an NPC to immediately begin pathing/return home after losing aggro.
    * Clicky items with 0 casttime and 0 recast delay will no longer suffer a 400 millisecond cooldown.
    * Removed the extra message casters receive when they heal another character.
    * Fixed the issue causing the healed message to not show up for the target on Heals and Life Taps. HoT spells have been excluded from this.
    * When a caster casts an exceptional heal, they will now see two exceptional messages. One for them, and one everybody else sees.
    * Corrected Mez overwriting rules.
    * Stacking rules regarding detrimental songs and detrimental spells will now work better.
    Eye of Zomm changes and fixes:

    > Players can now chat, and cast spells/songs with the eye up.
    > The eye is now attackable and killable by all players, and will leave a corpse and grant 1 point of XP.
    > The eye will no longer assist the caster after the buff has been clicked off.
    > The server is now properly keeping track of the eye's current location.
    Flee changes

    > Added a new NPC special attacks for flee:
    > ALWAYS_FLEE_LOW_CON: Causes a NPC to always flee once they reach the HP threshold if they are green to top hate.
    > FLEE_PERCENT_CON: Causes NPCs to flee at 50% when they are deep green to top hate. Note: NPCs over level 18 will essentially ignore this special attack as IsDeepGreen() was changed to max out at level 18 when compared to a entity that is level 65.
    > Removed Combat:UseConForFleeRatio as it is now handled by the special attack above.
    > Corrected the issue causing a NPC to flee at the percent below the one desired. Changed the default value of Combat:FleeHPRatio to 20 (from 21) as a result.
    > Changed #fleeinfo to handle the new variables. Altered GetFleeRatio() to optionally accept a Mob object instead of using top hate in order to allow #fleeinfo to print out the percentage the NPC target will run at. GetFleeRatio() in normal flee situations will continue to use top hate.
    More changes based on feedback from Torven:
    > Mobs that are level 18 or lower and green to top hate will now always run at 50%.
    > Removed special logic regarding yellow cons, they will now use the normal percentage calculation. Reds will now always run at a lower percent.
    > The FLEE_PERCENT special attack will now ignore any special rules. The NPC will always run at whatever that is set at.
    > Removed IsDeepGreen() as it is no longer necessary.
    > Please note: We know this still isn't perfect, and that there are many exceptions on Live (and presumably AK.) But hopefully, this should get us closer to where we need to be.
    * Updated hazard navigation in pathing to be more accurate. Mobs should be a bit smarter and not fall off bridges or down holes, like on the bridges in Sebilis.
    * Made adjustments to fizzle rates. Everyone should fizzle less, especially hybrids.
    * Added support for different invis types (invis vs animals, invis vs undead) to be sent with spawn packets.
    * Improved some z calculations when npcs move towards other players or npcs in open areas. This should help prevent falling below world when short races are involved.
    * PC stuns on NPCs capped at 7.5 seconds
    * Reworked and refactored UCS Process not to skip clients. (credit to Demonstar)
    * fixed various memleak (credit to Demonstar)
    * added zonecontroller ported over from eqemu. (credit to Akkadius with Cavedude adding lua support)
    * Rewrite VarCache_Struct (credit to Demonstar)


    * Captain Boshinko in HHK is now on 6 minute respawn time.
    * adjust loots for Iksar Trustee in Chardok to have an even chance to drop either Earrings of Purity and Cleansing
    * fixed the model for Enraged spectral librarian in Kaesora.
    * the door to Polzin in the hole should no longer be locked.
    * Wu's should now be combinable for all sewing kit containers including racial only containers.


    * enabled zonewide repop on CT spawn in plane of fear.


    * Updated pathing for Kael, Velketor's Labyrinth and Solusek's Eye.
    * Updated some pathing areas with issues in Veeshan's Peak.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
    Ransom, Elrontaur and Ghakim like this.
  2. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    * Added mule exception for IP limit.

    Is this enabled for us yet?
  3. Palski

    Palski Member

    What a great patch. Thank you all for your hard work!
    Elroz likes this.
  4. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    no, not yet. This is just a preparation for it. Speedz will announce when it is enabled and ready.
  5. Kagatob

    Kagatob People Like Me

    Eye of Tallon is no longer opening doors via proximity, clicking on the doors gives "too far away" message.
  6. cavedude

    cavedude Administrator Staff Member

    Damn, I tested that but most have broken it during my cleanup by mistake.
  7. cavedude

    cavedude Administrator Staff Member

    This has been fixed. Not sure when it will get in. If we have to hotfix something, then I'll sneak it in then.
  8. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    Yea sever backend is ready for it, but the web page needs to be tested on it yet.
    Page is coded but on a test version and will release it live once its ok.
  9. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I saw some mentions of the restrictions on it, but when it goes live can the restrictions on the mule account(s) be explained so that we know what we are and are not allowed to do on 4th box mule accounts?
  10. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    In theory the server should handle the restrictions automagically.
    But it will be 3 playable plus 1 mule account allowed online at any given time.
    All characters on the mule account won't gain xp.
    They are not restricted to any particular zone.
  11. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    So, you could have 4 toons on in a group, say all lvl 50 and the first three that log in get exp? Or are there level limits as well? Or are transfers to/from the mule account not allowed? Interesting.
  12. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    I can see a lot of utility if transfers are allowed, such as coth bots, rogue corpse drags, etc.
  13. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    Mules won't have any effect on group bonus.
    But yes they can group with no real point to it.

    You also can't move characters in/out of the mule account.
  14. surron

    surron People Like Me

    how is an account determined to be a mule account?

    login order? or a checkbox on the website?

    what happens if you have all available accounts used up
  15. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    You will have to move characters out of an account that you don't want locked as a mule.
    There will be a one time checkmark setting to set the account as mule in the site.
  16. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    First of all, thank you for the work you've been putting in on this, Speedz!

    With apologies for the barrage of questions, though: to clarify, does this mean it will be possible to flag an account with high-level characters on it as the mule account? Porters, CoH/necrobots, rogues for opening doors or dragging, high level toons of other classes whose future AA/leveling prospects players are willing to "sacrifice" in order to essentially 4-box?
  17. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    we are discussing this and I personally think it should be all new accounts and not transferable. meaning all mules would be level 1.
    Neealana, Mokli, Elrontaur and 2 others like this.
  18. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Go ahead and move all mule's loots to Bumloots.
  19. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    It was decided to only allow mule toggle on an empty account.
    Then after that it would not be reversible and can not transfer characters in/out or gain xp on characters in the mule account.
    You will be able to defend yourself however in your noob area while making your way to the Baz or PoK.

    I appreciate the credit, but it's not just me working on this :)
    Cavedude did the server code I am doing the web code.
    phresh2k3, Mokli, MikayahEQ and 2 others like this.
  20. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Once again, you guys simply rock.
    Ransom likes this.
  21. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    Ok all coded up web side. I personally tested it and tried to break it.
    I will wait for the sign off from the other admins before I throw the switch.
    I'll make a web changelog once I do with some details outlined here already.
  22. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    but... I need to be able to move Bumloots, Bumlewts, Bumspells, Bumbank, Bumlore, Bumbota, Bumbotb, etc to this account!!
  23. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    i think what bum is saying, is that all his accounts should be flagged as mule accounts and stuck at level 1
  24. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    You will give us a little time to organize mule accounts ? Mine are scattered across the known universe.
  25. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    See news post, trader toggle is now active, Neea players can toggle their account when ever ready.
    There is no GM interaction on the account toggles.

    Sort at your leisure :)
  26. surron

    surron People Like Me

    once i have my empty mule account, can i just move my trader back to it? or is it impossible to move a character to a trade account and I must create a new trader?
  27. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    But without Bumloots in the bazaar... how will people know who to buy everything from?
  28. Ghakim

    Ghakim Well-Known Member

    So last night when healing I could not see how much I healed for. This included when casting regular heals, heals over time, and casting buffs.
  29. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    The person being healed should see a number (on instant heals, at any rate, not HoTs), but the healer shouldn't. Prior to the patch, it was backward.
  30. Ghakim

    Ghakim Well-Known Member


    Seems like a quality of life thing. It would be nice if it worked in both directions.
    Kagatob and kattibrie like this.