Serverwide Mayong Mistmoore Raids

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Inacht, Dec 21, 2021.

  1. Verdent

    Verdent People Like Me

    No one wants to police this thing. Rolling on present characters who are 60 is easy for everyone and about as fair as it's going to get without a lot of admin work. 150AA's is a lot of time, 60 is a high enough bar. Dont expect to win the item, there will be lots of people attending. At least it isn't just going to one strike force and everyone can get a shot.

    I dont imagine very many low levels are trying to jump into the fray, but I think letting them in the zone so they can watch and hang out wouldn't be the worst. It's not like high level players don't make mistakes. I feel like it's just your way of pushing your onlyfans via your link on your twitch stream Rimi.
  2. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    no worries, won't stream it then, have fun with the lowbies
  3. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Maybe a start date requirement would be good. Like anybody that created an account after, say, January 2015 shouldn't be able to get something from MM. He is old world, after all.
  4. RossGuy

    RossGuy Well-Known Member

    We should also restrict loot from those who can't make it up the "tree" and levitate over. Clearly, they're too much of a n00b for such epic loot. /s
    Radda likes this.
  5. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    That's kind of the point. I feel that as a courtesy people should be rolling on toons they've really invested time in.

    Think of it this way. There are more than a dozen illusion items that bards can get. Almost all are obtainable with a little patience/camping. If you haven't gone out of your way to collect most of these, then rolling on the dwarf mask is a slap in the face to those who have gone out of their way and are trying to complete a set.

    I realize this is not enforceable. I'm just asking people to think about the relative value before they bring an alt to compete for the sake of competing.
  6. Toomuch

    Toomuch Member

    Level 60 and for one of the characters present, unless otherwise publicly specified in advance before the raid, seems like a fair (and specific) middle ground between "any noobs can roll on anything for any toons, who cares" and "only level 60's that have more AA's than any of their other characters, minimum 150 AA's, and created their character before 2016, and can provide proof of donation totaling no less than the equivalent of $100 USD, and have met Brad McQuaid IRL and can prove it." /s

    Example of how the "unless otherwise publicly specified in advance before the raid" thing could play out: You're helping out the raid/server by playing toons that will ensure success - a 60 geared Knight tank, and you're also on a 60 cleric and a 60 bard, clearly pulling your weight and then some, but you would rather have your level 60 Necro there for the robe, and you don't really like playing your cleric, it's just needed. Before the raid/fight starts, in a public channel, you clarify that you will NOT be rolling on anything for your 60 cleric named _____, and instead of your cleric, you'll be rolling on caster loot for your level 60 necromancer named ______.

    Does that sound about right? I am being this specific because I could see myself in this situation, like for example if my 60 paladin is more desirable at the raid than my 60 warrior, or visa-versa.

    Edit: more hyperbole
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2021
    RossGuy likes this.
  7. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    Mayo spawned, holding the sparkly blue blade of badassery.

    Also looks like he has the robe equipped.
  8. nworbetan

    nworbetan Member

    Have I ever showd off my dice collection? I have spent decades scouring card shops, comic stores, conventions, flea markets, swap meets, craigslist, ebay, and other sketchy places I'd rather not even name, searching and capturing the rarest of rare dice. I feel that out of courtesy people should respect my dedication to the Craft of Dicery and simply stand back, watch in awe and amazement while I select and roll in succession several of my very largest and most dependable die, as only a true Diemaster can.
    Toomuch and Ripwind like this.
  9. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me


    Toomuch and Break like this.
  10. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Ooooh myyyy
  11. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

  12. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Lenas has 132 days played and 22 AA. Is that cool?
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2021
    Verdent likes this.
  13. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    I bet Placerslute has you beat
  14. John Stark

    John Stark People Like Me

    Wait, so only Rangers can roll?
    Verdent and rainessa like this.
  15. Lavittz01

    Lavittz01 Well-Known Member

    lvl 60 is plenty of gatekeeping for a server open raid and anniversary event that is for everyone.
    Toomuch, Palarran, Mukk and 1 other person like this.
  16. Savok

    Savok Active Member

    I guess my 72 AA means I'm out, even though I am probably one of the best geared bards on the server (as a main) and have been to the last 2 MM runs as one of the dedicated knight grouping bards, contributing to the success of the event. Oh well... /s

    Level 60 and winning only one of the drops seems fine to me.

    EDIT: Don't be a douche, have fun and make sure everyone with a level 60 toon is included on a serverwide event.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2021
    Toomuch likes this.
  17. RossGuy

    RossGuy Well-Known Member

    Gatekeeping over a dorf illusion is silly.
  18. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me


    Please, you are the kind of bard I would be happy to lose to. Try not to focus on the numbers I threw out there and instead look at the spirit of my proposal - it's a guideline for people to evaluate "how much do I really want this item?". If they don't play their bard, if they haven't collected any of the available illusion items, etc, perhaps they should reconsider competing for it.

    But srsly, how do you only have 72 AA??
  19. Savok

    Savok Active Member

    I played on p99 for 7 years and only made it to level 56, you should be amazed that I have this many AAs (I'm sure half my guild are amazed as well)
  20. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Savok shocked eveyone when he hit level 60, the fact he has exceeded Baron AA title is a miracle.
  21. Placer

    Placer Well-Known Member

    846 days. Does that mean my bard mule can loot?
    RossGuy likes this.
  22. Tryfan

    Tryfan People Like Me

    Your blue circle is like in the wolf pit. All the little lowbies coming to watch gonna die to shaman epic mob...
  23. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Thanks for that, sorry.

    For those that want to pre-camp that aren't familiar with this, you climb a tree to the right of the gate outside the castle (when looking at the front gate). This is in the blue circle somewhere. You then glide over to either the lip of the courtyard and stay on top, or on the side of the hill to the west, both in the red squares. Don't fall into the courtyard, you need to stay outside of it.

    Sometimes people have issues doing this due to their system or connection, I'm sure there will be a mage or two to help out the problematic cases. I'll bring mine.

  24. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    Is there anything he even drops for priests?
  25. Kristopher

    Kristopher New Member

    Is there a way to turn-in items to Mayong while KOS? I'm thinking of it as screwing over the big MM if there is a method while KOS.
  26. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    I believe only FD works. He dispells illusions and sees through sneak/hide
  27. Break

    Break People Like Me

    It looks like there is at least one method depending on the faction needed. I can't speak the the faction needed for Mayong. That's assuming we have the same mechanics at play, and I think we do.

    Oh. I thought sneak always worked from behind. Maybe I was incorrect.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2021
  28. nworbetan

    nworbetan Member

    I always thought sneak always worked from behind too. Mayong Mistmoore is custom content though, and he may be coded to break what we previously thought of as rules.
  29. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    No other NPC's I know of dispell you to remove an illusion unless they are attacking you. He's turbo custom.
  30. Inacht

    Inacht People Like Me

    First kill on MM is in the books! Congrats to Gnomnom on Frostbite, Cold Blade of Dread, Shoosh on Besmirched Mask of Conception, Raeve on Robe of the Vampire Lord and Scrylline on Bladesouls Spiritual Armguards! Our next raid is scheduled for Wednesday, 12/29, 9pm est!
    Draeko, RossGuy, Break and 4 others like this.