
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, Aug 3, 2022.

  1. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member


    * fixed a bug that allowed rezzing the same player corpse a second time (thanks Beastymanz for reporting)
    **Bard patch
    **Various spell casting things were changed and it's possible some things are broken as a result.
    I tried to clean up some of the inconsistent behavior and casting messages.
    * Bard song range extension AA effect made consistent among initial and repeat ticks. It only works on group songs, not the AoE regen and resist songs.
    * Items which have a bard song will play like a normal bard song and keep pulsing until stopped.
    * Songs with a recast delay or mana cost will not keep pulsing, but they won't automatically reset the spell gems either. This makes all songs behave consistently, needing to be turned off to return to the normal resting state.
    * Bard songs won't generate 'did not take hold' messages. I looked through AK logs and didn't find any. Also suppressed some of these for Teleport and Mass Mystical Transvergance.
    * Nearby players shoudn't dance anymore when a bard is playing a detrimental song.
    * Bards shouldn't dance unless they have an instrument mod in effect. Bards also don't perform the cast animation for clickies; this is how it still is on live eq.
    * Players will get hit by player cast detrimental AoE spells/songs and receive pvp protection messages. When in the same group or raid, they won't be hit.
    * Instruments need to stay equipped for songs which require them or they will stop pulsing.
    * Spells with targettype 3 can affect allies for NPC casters
    * Changed the order of skill up checks for casting/specialization/channeling skills to match what I found in logs.
    * Changed how some spell effect protections are applied so that particles are still visible for the spell even if it doesn't take effect.
    * removed some unneeded Idling code that breaks the actual idling timer.


    * Quest / Dialogue updates for Neriak and Grobb
    * Aid Grimel will no longer use the modified skill amount, it checks your un-modded skill.
    Mechaike, Devour_Souls and Quellious like this.
  2. Smudge

    Smudge People Like Me

    Out of curiosity is the 2nd part here saying that it will no longer work on AoE regen/resists? Or that it never did and this is for clarifying the first point?
  3. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    This is referring to xp gain or the teleport to corpse part?
  4. solar

    solar Administrator Staff Member

    It wasn't intended but extension worked on the AoE songs before, but only on repeat pulses not the first. There's only one code path for both actions now.
    Mechaike likes this.
  5. solar

    solar Administrator Staff Member

    Should be just the exp part, that's what I meant by rezzing it.
    Mechaike and Mokli like this.
  6. Radda

    Radda People Like Me

    Mechaike and Ripwind like this.
  7. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Getting a dance flash mob going was kinda cool.
  8. Break

    Break People Like Me

    Interesting. I never played a bard on live, but I assumed clicky songs were just fixed duration. I guess I'll have to remember to turn off my selo's pants. Does this change the way "Whistling Fists" work, or is it only for bards with clicky songs?


    Didn't realize this was a bug, but it was definitely useful for invis song.

    What is targettype 3?
  9. Break

    Break People Like Me

    Can't edit.

    Will I be able to stop a song by clicking on an item that has a song?
  10. solar

    solar Administrator Staff Member

    Bards only.

    Just one of the million values in spell data, for example http://lucy.alkabor.com/spell_3606.html - so we can give an NPC a Hopebringer and it can heal the NPC's nearby friends too.

    No, you need to activate a spell gem or /stopsong.
  11. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    Thanks for the huge update! There's a lot to unpack here

    How confident are you that this is the correct behavior? My recollection from AK is that the lute of flowing waters was a one-click item.

    Also for must-equip items like the selos pants, you can currently equip them, pulse the song, unequip them, and the song will keep pulsing. That seems wrong to me. The pants were broken beyond belief on AK, but there must be logs of people using the lute for one-shot marr, and I have to imagine other clickies would work the same way.

    Same as above - how confident are you that this is correct? I can't remember a time on AK where I had to turn off slow or ancient mez. These are long recasts and it doesn't make sense that they would keep the spell gems greyed out. This is especially true for DA, which I am quite certain should not grey out spell gems once it lands.

    Are there any logs of someone casting DA from AK?

    You feel protected.
    You no longer feel protected.
    [Your song ends.] <--- This is what I would expect to not see before another song effect lands
    Your feet move faster. (Or some other song effect)

    Of course this wouldn't be conclusive, but if you can find even one example of DA with another song effect landing prior to any "song ends" message then I think it would prove these type of abilities do reset the spell gems.
  12. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    By the way I'd like to add that just because I don't remember something doesn't mean these changes are wrong. I know you did a lot of research and have a solid set of evidence or rationale to support these changes. I just want to better understand that evidence so I reconcile why it seems different from the AK behavior I recall.
  13. solar

    solar Administrator Staff Member

    I'm not confident in my memory about this either, but I found logs of the ornate chest/greaves being used. I tried stuff like dirge, kazumi, charm and requiem on live eq and it's consistent with other songs - it needs to be stopped to ungrey the casting gems. I'm not 100% on the elemental lute and breath of harmony, but since the other items with songs keep pulsing, I did the same with these instant ones.
    Mechaike and Radda like this.
  14. Radda

    Radda People Like Me

    so not you can no longer add in Breath of Harmony as a 5th song click among others, correct?
    never would have had to /stop song or still have the spell gem to stop it
  15. Radda

    Radda People Like Me

    sent message to early.
    I do vaguely remember having to stop Requiem and a few others before continuing, but those servers also had melody.
    I belive adding those in would break the melody.
  16. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Instant clickies should bypass this I think? Allowing lute and breath of harmony to work.

    I know on live at least bards can use instant clickies and it doesn’t break their melody. But any click with a cast time breaks melody. Or at least it did a year ago.
  17. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    I incline towards believing that the way these songs work on live is to play nicely with melody, and is not true to AK. DA greying out spell gems doesn't seem right.

    I can't really argue against the ornate greaves/BP effects if you have AK logs that indicate they could be rolled. But the greaves were broken beyond belief on AK and using them caused the bard to be muted in all channels.

    Are there any bard logs I can review to look for examples of the DA/requiem/clickies? I know Torven had pasted some logs in the past but I can't find them.
  18. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    Chorus songs should not generate 'did not take hold' messages, but single target detrimental songs cast on players or pets should generate these messages. Prime example being mez for automezzing. Surely there are AK logs from a bard who was automezzing?
    rainessa likes this.
  19. solar

    solar Administrator Staff Member

    The instant songs finish quicker than a normal song and can be stopped right away. The Composers Greaves cast faster than the memorized version too. So you can still do the same thing with Breath of Harmony or the elemental lute, I think. This stuff works differently on live, clickies work with melody as a convenience I think, but ours doesn't work like that yet in this era. You just can't 'cast' a clicky while you're in bard song mode.
  20. actualspaide

    actualspaide People Like Me

    im fairly certain that the clickies staying on is not akkurate. i never had ornate legs or bp but the way breath of harmony acts right now is certainly not how it worked on alkabor.
  21. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    The ornate whozits do come from logs, but it's very possible that instant click songs - Breath of Harmony, Lute of Flowing Waters - are an exception.

    @Darchon, did Performer have a Lute or a BoH? Can you check your logs on this one?
  22. Delorne

    Delorne People Like Me

    Lute of Flowing Waters was insta-click, it counted as a pulse of the song and faded after it lasted the songs duration. It did not continue to keep rolling. It was the same for the Niv's click sword and the singing steel boots. I never used the ornate BP/Legs because they bugged /group chat on AK, but I'm confident they acted in the same manner.

    This contradicts my experience on AK. I never had to double tap DA song, Requiem of Time, Charm, Ancient Mez, or Brusco's. They stopped after I sang the song and then the other gems came back. These long recast songs were even subject to the bugs that existed due to insta-click refreshes, but they were unusable in spite of their gem looking refreshed.
    Pithy likes this.
  23. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    Oh. This is definitely right. (Sorry, Solar, I think I might have skipped over this bit when we talked on Discord.)

    From Torven's AK logs:

    [Mon Oct 21 18:37:41 2013] Your Composers Greaves begins to glow.
    [Mon Oct 21 18:37:42 2013] Your feet move faster.
    [Mon Oct 21 18:37:48 2013] Your feet move faster.
    [Mon Oct 21 18:37:51 2013] Your song ends.

    So know for sure that the ornate legs (I think the BP is used in these logs as well) continue rolling until stopped, just like a song started from the song bar.

    I'm sure you're right about BoH and the Lute, but hopefully someone has a log somewhere of one of them being used.
  24. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Never won lute, never camped BoH :/.
  25. Delorne

    Delorne People Like Me

    This is a Bard on Live with a macro that demonstrates that he doesn't have to stop the song done by his item click when using Lute or BoH.

  26. Cadsuane

    Cadsuane People Like Me

    you playing again?!
    lurari likes this.
  27. solar

    solar Administrator Staff Member

    What's the actual problem here with bard songs? The way it was just happened to be how it landed last time I worked on it and it wasn't right.
  28. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    With certainty:
    • Insta-click bard songs should be one-shot clicks, and should not continue to pulse after the click. They should also be spammable without using stop song (i.e. can hotkey lute of flowing waters and spam wind of marr).

    With confidence:
    • Songs with recast timers should not have to be "turned off" once they cast. Song should stop and gems should auto-refresh (this is how it worked before).
    • Single-target, detrimental songs (i.e. mez) that are cast on other players or pets should provide a not-take-hold message

    With skepticism:
    • Choruses should provide SOME kind of message. Currently there's no message for when any chorus spell lands.
    • I guess the logs show that ornate legs had to be turned off. But They were wildly broken on AK (and would cause additional bugs like bards not being able to speak), so I'm really not sure what the correct behavior is supposed to be.
  29. Delorne

    Delorne People Like Me

    That's a good sum up of it.

    I don't remember a landing message for Chorus of Marr. Only a fading message. I always left it on while sitting so I could recover mana during recoveries and I don't remember being spammed. People hit by EC/PC definitely saw a landing message. If anyone has logs of a Cursed Cycle or Rydda raid I was on, those were the ones I covered as much of the raid as possible with EC/PC. I made a thread of bard roles and recommended songs on the tem boards, I followed those religiously and cross comparing those with logs would be a good indication of messages.

    I want to say this was one of the big differences between CoMarr and WoMarr. I think WoMarr spammed a message to the group (and so did the click) while CoMarr didn't.

    I'm farting around on my paladin/shaman/necro crew from time to time. Got myself killed in KC earlier today. Good times.
    Neealana likes this.
  30. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me


    As unlikely as it may be given the time intervals, this *could* easily happen with one-shot clickies:

    1) Click greaves, your feet move faster, song stops and spell gem refreshes
    2) Play actual selos song from spell gem, your feet move faster, and song rolls
    3) End song