When it comes time to slay the dragon

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by abacab, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. Thuule

    Thuule Active Member

    It was much more than just a few bad apples. We had lots of RMT activity, an entire messageboard full of people constantly pumping out new exploits, and a pretty significant pool of griefers willing to use them because they knew nothing would happen to them. And it was just getting worse as the weeks went by.
  2. Theus

    Theus Well-Known Member

    Sketchy, I have no desire to go back to level 1. The point I was trying to make was given the choice between starting over and playing on a server with the culture being demonstrated on the "Accusations and Rebuttals" Thread, I'll take level 1. Speedz has pointed out there are better ways to keep the server clean, for that I am grateful. I am looking forward to developing my characters and not having them wiped.
  3. wharhogg

    wharhogg Member

    Agreed, a well policed server takes care of 99% of what went on in the accusations thread.
  4. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    I second the idea that rotations (if they exist at all) should only be enforced at least one expansion behind the newest. (I know we want to keep it like old AK but for the love of God consider instancing PoTime, Al'kabor's Plane of Time was a buggy mess compared to the instanced form) Enforcement of rotations fwiw sucks for the enforcers, they tend to suck for the people in them, sure AK's worked (kind of) but other than when DC was actually in VT, it was just between temerity (who really didn't give a shit about VT, it was mostly for gearing alts and new toons - hell lurari got like 8 pieces in 1 or 2 raids, the demand/need was so low) and destiny who was in a very similar boat. The Xegony rotation was only active because she was such a joke on AK, not spawning her adds that actually made the fight interesting or fun or difficult at all. If necessary we should hold a vote but mobilizing for fights can be very very fun even if people are tremendous douchebags like some folks were on the progression servers. Knowing that you are racing another guild for a spawn increases the difficulty of what end up being relatively routine encounters, and can even make the encounter more difficult as individuals need to be well versed in the fights themselves and be able to adapt and fight on the fly, even if it means starting with less than optimal buffs or 30% mana - because that other guild is running up to the 3rd floor of ssra and you need to engage NOW.

    If we do mobilize I hope that poopsocks and dps races (complete with mem blurs) will be kept to a minimum but you never know.
  5. Laugher

    Laugher New Member

    Soo haven't been reading around these forums lately but judging by the lack of variance talk the consensus I'm assuming is that variance is not a resolution as much as lockouts? Not that I'm pro-variance, but it just seemed like everything in the 4 pages here walked right around that topic hehe.

    I'm a little too casual as it is to be concerned with raiding lineups and how the community is going to resolve its issues when the pop grows to be too big for just 1 raid guild to plow content, but am optimistic about it happening here. PoP was an awesome xpac and by that point I tend to think a lot of the kinks in terms of population and raid target quantities will probably resolve themselves (ex. I doubt one guild is going to be able lock down VP/ToV/VT/Time/elementals on their own).

    I'm sure individual targets like AoW might, but what would an EQ server be if a guild couldn't put a 100k sword on farm status? :p

    *edit* for curiousity's sake did AK ever get revamped VP?
  6. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    Nope it kept the original VP all the way. Never got ChardokB, Veksar, SolC, Splitpaw revamp, and Droga revamp either.
  7. Laugher

    Laugher New Member


    Still have yet to raid anything but the revamped version, having a swack at the orginal sounds p fun