When it comes time to slay the dragon

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by abacab, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. abacab

    abacab New Member

    How are we going to do this guilded pals? FTE or rotation?
  2. wharhogg

    wharhogg Member

    FTE, the way EQ was intended! :!:
  3. abacab

    abacab New Member

    I can't wait to phone bomb 20 other people at 3 AM on a Tuesday to wait two hours in SolB to slay Nagafen!
  4. iance

    iance New Member

    having played on-demand for eq before on p99, I have to say, looking back, it was probably the most pathetic phase of my life

    I really enjoyed the laid back atmosphere of eqmac (apart from the super nationalism vs. p99 imigrants, and the sad training fiasco), and I think rotations only serve to enhance the feeling of PvE: ie> working towards a common goal, even if in opposing guilds. I am not against Power Gaming, but being the best at content 15 years after its creation, its kind of a pathetic goal to set for yourself...
  5. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    I know FIF, but what is FTE ? First Time Ever? Failure to Eject ?
  6. furst

    furst Member

    I like mobilizing. Saying that I'm betting there will only be population for 1 raid guild.
  7. wharhogg

    wharhogg Member

    Yea, I don't see this being like P99 3am poopsocks....the only reason that was the way it was.....very limited content.
  8. iance

    iance New Member

    FTE First To Engage
  9. Theus

    Theus Well-Known Member

    I agree.

    Maybe we should raid as a server and not as guilds. Guilds could serve as small groups of friends. Then there is no need for rotations. I was disappointed to see how competitive AK got after FTP. I was also disappointed to hear about the training and reading the accusations which are still going on as a few days ago on this forum. I know I am most likely a naive idealist, but I would love if all the guilds had open raids and we raided as a server.
  10. abacab

    abacab New Member

    That doesn't work because of loot, if Guild A thinks they deserve that CoF, and Guild B thinks they deserve it too, gets kind of ridiculous.
  11. Esildor

    Esildor Member


    This 100%, especially when it comes to classic EQ. All the gear is terrible, the 'raid' gear is just slightly less terrible :p
  12. wharhogg

    wharhogg Member

    I am going to be 100% honest...I have raided eq to the utmost hardcore......4am Trak...when I have to wake up for work at 6, I am alll set with that deal. Kunark and classic have very few targets to raid..I expect this server to get to post Kunark rather quickly compared to p99/classic. Once the server is into Velious there are plenty of targets to split between 1-3 guilds. There will be an order that will arise between people who put in more time vs people who put in less time....this is normal and expected. The most important thing is that the people who put in more time need to keep progressing forward and allow others to get targets 1 step behind progression....don't take loot just to take it.....allow others to get some targets and play at their pace. The one thing I hope we all agree on is that this is an Oasis in a world of shit MMO's and that through working together we can all find a place that suits us best. I am willing to lead, I am willing to follow, I just hope we all find a place to call home.
  13. abacab

    abacab New Member

    All I can say to Wharhogg's post is:

    My body is ready

  14. echofinder

    echofinder Member

    If you're in a guild and your guild raids does that make your guild a raid guild? Last I played a raid was a group of more than 6 toons
  15. iance

    iance New Member

    Yeah in a perfect world it would be like that. There is just too many people (trolls) who only play for the sole purpose of destroying other people's fun nowadays. And its not a new thing either. This already happened back in Luclin/PoP Times on EQPC, when 1 guild would "cockblock" all the Velious and Luclin content to hinder other guild's progression and crap into their cornflakes. Add to that some people who would rather play alone with their 30 box army and hacks, and some global ooc trolls, and you get a toxic playing environment quite quickly, if you don't have some sort of control.

    edit> but I want to say I completely agree with your sentiment. That's the way it SHOULD be, and I hope that's the way it will be :)
  16. Kazlan

    Kazlan New Member

    I'm sure we will come to some agreement when we get to a point where two or more groups want a shot at the same target. I honestly don't think guilds will be competitive enough to have bat phones and the like. At least I hope not. If it does happen anyway, I would like to encourage the rest of us to hang back and enjoy the other content the server has to offer.
  17. Yinn Yang

    Yinn Yang People Like Me

    We should all be thankful to gain the population to have this problem. Not saying we won't, but if we get to the population which needs a guild rotation, we will have a damn fun server filled with classic EQ lovers!
  18. Tylaric

    Tylaric Well-Known Member

    Based on what I've heard of progression being that the server will unlock content based on population percentage completion I really hope that cooperation and rotation will be the norm.

    Like other posters have said, I think we'll likely only have the population for 1-2 raid guilds and their associated friends. So I really don't think that cooperation would be to far fetched.
  19. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    Rotations, man... It's 2014, and most of us are over 30 years old with careers and families, etc. The (mostly) chill nature of EQMac when it came to sharing raid targets between guilds is one of the things I loved about the server.
  20. furst

    furst Member

    I do not like the idea of rotations when in the current expansion. Personally I do not think its fair if one guild wants to raid 4-5 nights a week, but a guild who only raids 1-2 nights gets the target. Lets say the target pops on tuesday and the second guild doesnt raid till saturday. Once content is moved on to the next expansion I agree there could be room for rotations then. We move into Kunark and VT then we can start rotating Vox and Naggy.
  21. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    Well I'm sure guild leaders can all be reasonable with each other. If it is shown that guild A raids 4 nights a week, and guild B raids 2 nights a week, it seems to make sense that guild A would get 2 kills for every 3 spawns, and guild B would get 1 kill for every 3 spawns. And once a spawn happens, whoever is next on rotation could have a 24 hour time limit or something. Just ideas... These aren't insurmountable problems to deal with... So long as we are all reasonable and rational with each other.
  22. wharhogg

    wharhogg Member

    Good communication between raidleaders will be the key to making rotations even a possibility. I don't particularly like rotations for breaking edge content....but if it is forced on us...24hour clause makes the most sense. Guild A gets 24hours from the point the mob spawned to kill it, if it is not killed by 24 hours after it has spawned it is open to anyone else. To make this fair as far as timing on mob rotations....the mob spawn time should be posted on forums.....so Guild A gets their fair 24 hour timeframe. By making it black and white it will save GM headaches later on.
  23. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    Yes, this seems very reasonable. Let's hope we have the population on this server to make this an issue in the first place!
  24. wharhogg

    wharhogg Member

  25. Thuule

    Thuule Active Member

    I plan on playing so casually that I doubt anyone will ruin it for me at this point. there really wont be much of anything on this server ever that i have not encountered in EQ before. and now that AK was finally destroyed by the toxic culture that is online gaming at large, i dont even have that as a new experience. i hope if this server starts attracting that sort of player then if and when this gets out of beta that the admins just keep wiping the server clean until they go away.
  26. Theus

    Theus Well-Known Member

    I agree.
    I believe the culture is the most important aspect of the server. FTP ruined the culture of AK. I really want to start leveling characters that will not be wiped, but I know it is much more important that we have the pre FTP play culture of AK. If it takes wipes to rid us of those who bring a toxic culture to the server than so be it. I will happily start over again with level 1s if that is what it takes to have the cooperative culture of AK on this server. I am disappointed by the discussion I see in the accusations and rebuttals thread.
  27. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    I think wiping the server is a little extreme. I was mostly AFK during the last few months of AKs existence, but I assume most people knew who the bad apples were, right? It was mostly a matter of SoE not having the resources to handle disciplining said bad apples, that caused the havoc, wasn't it? I would assume punishment for breaking the rules on THIS server will be much more swift and severe. This is just speculation though. I really have no idea what it takes to keep a server clean of vermin. So someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
  28. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    I plan to play on a character that will never be associated with me as a GM. If ever spotted, I'll switch names :)
    This is when I even get a chance to play. Rest assured, that GMs will play and I do hope that they remain as anon as possible.

    Players tend to see things a tad easier than GMs (hmmm probably due to hacks that notify people of GMs in zone? heh)
    I fully intend to deal with the players on a case by case basis, or guild by guild basis. I won't ever wipe the entire server just to spite a few griefing jerks.
    If we did that, they would get what they wanted and accomplish being a nuisance to everyone on the server.

    Also there is a GM tool in the making that no 3rd party hack will ever be able to detect that they are being watched period.
    It interacts entirely with the server only. nothing gets sent to other clients by proxy. It is truly a god mode. :)
    I would bet the farm on the idea that SOE never had anything even remotely as powerful and useful on their servers.

    I too am raising an eyebrow to that thread. But, we'll see as time goes on if it is just forum smoke and mirrors not reflecting who they intend to be in game.
  29. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    Resetting a server because a few people cause trouble? That is way too extreme. People invest a lot of time in their characters, and not everyone wants to go back to lvl 1 like you Theus. Look at P99, even with all the shit that has gone on there, and all the requests for wipes, the staff hasn't done it. Why? Because people need to have trust that their chars will be available as long as possible. If people don't have that trust, then no one will invest the time.
  30. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    That sounds entirely bad ass.