Not sure

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Foxhorde, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. Foxhorde

    Foxhorde People Like Me

    i don't want to report this as a bug because I can't remember for certain how it was on the AK server.

    When you kill an npc with a summoned pet is the pet suppose to automatically die like with a player?
  2. Bornex

    Bornex Member

    Ive seen both on takp fox, for instance the shadow men in SK pets don't die. So be interesting to hear whats supposed to be normal.
  3. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    It's based off of the pet owner has aggroed or not... as in, if you one shot the mob with a nuke, the pet poofs
  4. Bornex

    Bornex Member

    Thanks Bum, always wondered, named pets always killed pet 1st then to named , but my sk farmed shadow men a while and had to kill pet after i killed them.
  5. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    in my experience, pets of mobs do not despawn when mob is killed. For instance, shadow knight pets and so forth are always still attacking me after I kill their owner. I have never 1 shotted an owner yet though, so I don't know what happens then.
  6. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    P 99 has the pet die if the owner dies. At least they did when I played there. Obviously not a relevant source of info, just an FYI.
  7. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    if the mob can be one shotted nuked, then pet poofs

    if not, you kill pet after

    or mem wipe pet
  8. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    On AK it worked as Bum says above.

    NPC pets depop if their owners are dead AND they have nothing on their aggro lists. Killing an NPC before it aggros you - i.e. one-shotting it from range - will cause its pet to depop rather than aggro. Blurring a pet whose master is dead will also cause it to depop. Just killing a pet's already-aggro master won't poof it, though; the pet will keep fighting until its hate list is empty.
  9. cavedude

    cavedude Administrator Staff Member

    This *should* be working as said above. If not, let me know. I fixed this a while ago, and death has been messed with a few times so something may have changed it.
  10. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Shouldn't be unless it was changed. One shot npc owner, pet dies. Otherwise the pet is a normal npc that stays up if owner dies, until loses aggro. Then it depops.

    I will check p99 code to make sure its working correctly.
  11. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    Hmmm maybe I'm not remembering correctly but I feel as though when I started playing here I distinctly noticed the difference. But perhaps it was a one shot scenario.