Twitch streamer breaks MMORPG gaming record?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mukk, Aug 30, 2020.

  1. Mukk

    Mukk People Like Me

    Twitch streamer breaking the record for longest marathon playing a MMORPG. He's already at 35 hours, and aiming for 40.

    I have a hard time believing that the previous record was only 32.5 hours in 2017. I'm sure there were some players back in the day that went way longer.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2020
  2. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    Those are rookie numbers son!
    Verdent likes this.
  3. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    So unhealthy to be sitting that long.
  4. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    There were some deaths reported back during WoW from really long sessions like that. Never really understood stuff like this.
  5. Yarnee

    Yarnee People Like Me

    I prefer milk, but maybe im just that kind of guy.
  6. Mukk

    Mukk People Like Me

    The rules allow you 10 minutes breaktime every 60 minutes, which you can bank; so you could take an hour break every 6 hours if you wanted to.

    The streamer said he took a few breaks to stretch and use the bathroom, but that was about it.

    He stopped at 37 hours.
  7. Radda

    Radda People Like Me

    me and my roomate did 56 hours for p99 greens manastone camp
  8. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    absolute lightweight, I spent about about 35hrs poopsocking Emp Ssra on Fippy, to which we subsequently lost the DPS fight on Blood.
    I'm sure some proper EQ veterans could smoke that record if they tried - it takes about 30 hours just to move up the list to get into the frenzy camp in lguk
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2020
  9. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    when i was in high school i stayed up way too late to attend an open raid on nagafen that was slower than molasses to get rolling. i can't remember if i even saw the dragon when we got there, i probably just cast greater healing through a wall.
  10. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I think a far more interesting record would be consecutive days where your only activities are Sleep, MMO, Eat, Bathroom. I am sure plenty of people here have a story of a week~ or longer time frame where they did nothing but EQ and sleep.
  11. Tryfan

    Tryfan People Like Me

    During release Velious in early 2001, started Stormfeather camp after university classes finished on friday afternoon. He spawned sunday late morning. I actually was failing to stay awake at the end; I wss snapped back to reality by the sound of him killing my sentry character.

    I will never do anything like that again.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2020
  12. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    Anyone remember the original cleric epic bottleneck ? ZORDAK RAGEFIRE !
    Sketchy and Ravenwing like this.
  13. Yarnee

    Yarnee People Like Me

    yea early velious was kind of crazy here there were long lines for stuff, the days when it was hard to find lodizal up and shell pieces still were worth something. I remember waking up at 3-4am to check for stormfeather after getting the timer. Im very afraid PoP release is going to have some of these elements of craziness.
  14. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    PoP will have some of the elements of craziness for sure. Part of it will be exciting, part of it will be frustrating. I hope people can just keep their cool, maintain a civil atmosphere. In general, realize that we will be playing in PoP for as long as the server and people are here.
  15. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    how long do you think that will be?
  16. Tuluvien

    Tuluvien I Feel Loved

    Until solar flare or civil war take down the hardware.
    sowislifesowislove likes this.
  17. Radda

    Radda People Like Me

    Yeah and Sony GMs just went ahead and spawned you your own Blood/Emp anyways. I was so mad and i was guild#3 DAMN YOU CITIZEN.
    showstring likes this.
  18. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Lol they didn't spawn it, after a day of waiting (24 hr spawn window expiring) we petitioned saying why didn't it spawn, so they reset the <24 spawn timer window. So it started a fresh 24 hr spawn window. Hence the 35 poopsock. Amazing stuff.
  19. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    How long this specific server lasts is almost irrelevant; once development is done the code base becomes open source. After that it's just a matter of data. I like to think that if we ever have to sunset TAKP that we might provide character dumps. Not up to me of course.
  20. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    I was in TL :).
    showstring likes this.