TAKP TLP - The 10th Anniversary Celebration

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Elroz, Jul 22, 2024.

  1. steeds

    steeds New Member

    6 month unlock seems like a decent balance with 1 box.

    I understand you all don’t want to mess with xp rates, but I’d hope you can would consider adjust group xp rates to reinforce eq being a group game
    gitgud likes this.
  2. Gamer1047

    Gamer1047 Active Member

    I can only offer my perspective as a TAKP only playing gamer. When the devs released the source it somewhat divided playerbase across different tlps all taking advantage of the extraordinarily valuable code that you generously shared. With our raid population going down every time someone quits and the number of active guilds decreasing I have extremely mixed feelings about this. I guess the most probable outcome is relatively low population server. If thats the case and we’d like to support those tlp players as a community a simple button transferring you from tlp to the prime TAKP would be incredibly welcome. I’m shamelessly stealing this idea from Break. I also think the goal of server is important. If you want progression through raiding more boxes are better, but single box may get a higher population. I guess I can imagine messing around with trying to 6 box some things I can’t trio today, but the thing I care most about is getting 30+ humans together here to win on a regular basis.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2024
    pivoo and gitgud like this.
  3. Zetterbeard

    Zetterbeard New Member

    This will kill the main server, RIP
    Barnd0g, DarkAkuma and Manstache like this.
  4. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    It will split the player base more, yes. Just like the other servers did from TAKP source. Mainly just TAKP people will play on the new server IMO.

    Also, there's no point in making a single box server for this, those already exist. I would recommend 2box if not 3.
    gitgud likes this.
  5. Inacht

    Inacht People Like Me

    I know this is outside of the scope of the idea of TAKP, mac compatibility & this new server but I'd love to see the devs tackle LoY and a few further expansions. IMO that'd be really appealing and interesting. I want to experience new content and higher QoL EQ. If a TAKP progression server ends up attracting new people that's great but I'm concerned we will see an already small player-base split and diminished.
    Aurora, gitgud, Gindainy and 3 others like this.
  6. DarkAkuma

    DarkAkuma Active Member

    After taking time to think about this... I have to say...

    I think this will absolutely kill TAKP. I get the idea and theory about it being to help TAKP, but that seems very misguided. The majority of new players will end up on this TLP and absolutely gut the already minuscule influx of new players to the main server. And new players are the lifeblood of any server. So what if they end up merged into the server in the end, if there isn't anyone left playing after guilds fall apart as people move on and theres no one to replace them? That is what will happen when suddenly that small feed of new players is completely gone for however long the time the TLP is around.

    Best case scenario for the main server, we lose the feed of new players mostly when new expansions unlock. But even then, the health of the main server cant bear that, I believe. But I don't believe that scenario is realistic. You could argue that there is nothing stopping new players from choosing the main server, as some could be like me and not care about or have fun with more limited content of early eras. But even then, say it was a 50/50 split of new players going to the main and TLP server. That loss is still too much for the main server.

    I get that the idea is that the TLP is probably more expectant to catch the players that would otherwise choose not to play on TAKP. So in theory, not taking anything away from the main server. Like people are saying "I'd like to play EverQuest, but this server is too developed already to get into. I want a fresh start.". But I think thats wrong too. PQ likely got most of such people. Now, the average is probably just looking for the place with the healthiest community and population.

    IDK. I like the essence of the idea. I just don't believe it will be good in practice. Maybe if this was come up with and added sooner, before the population fell off as much as it has, it would have been nice to help keep the population up if timed right. But now? Just seems like its going to make the population problem worse.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2024
  7. Xyxbc

    Xyxbc Member

    A TLP classic hardmode server with box limits, small population and no QOL updates. Havent we done this all before (multiple times?), and aren't there similar servers out there? Hard pass, I'm afraid.

    I would rather see a spin-off where all of our toons transfer and more expansions are enabled.
    slamurai, gitgud, Pugnacious and 2 others like this.
  8. PizzaJoe

    PizzaJoe New Member

    Why not attach expansion release to content event? Something like:

    Kunark releases 3 months after Innoruk first killed.

    Velious release is 3 mo after Trak first killed.

    Luclin is 3 mo after sleeper is awakened.

    etc… seems like that might produce a more natural timeline. If you make it too rigid, you risk going too slowly or quickly.
    Ashoal, pivoo and gitgud like this.
  9. Elroz

    Elroz Administrator Staff Member

    to answer more questions from earlier :
    It'll be on the same bi-weekly reset as TAKP.
    The forum tools and trader account won't be available, unfortunately. Those would remain only available on TAKP.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2024
    Ravenwing likes this.
  10. Nafse

    Nafse Well-Known Member

    It's hard to have an opinion with so many details undecided. The limitations that makes takp so weak in competition with other emu servers are there though.
    I get that having a player base was never (high) in the design priorities. It will be interesting to see if this gains traction. Good luck!
  11. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    Can people not keep raiding with their TAKP guilds while also dungeon diving with new folks, folks from other guilds, etc. on the spinoff server?

    I don't see why the two need to be in conflict, unless folks envision the spinoff server as primarily a raid scene.
    Quirk and lurari like this.
  12. surron

    surron People Like Me

    anyone who plays with secret's dll and zeal regularly (aka the people we'd be attempting to capture as they log into PQ and see a new server), would never play without those 2 components for few reasons... 1 the camera fixes and other qol... and 2, having to download something else aka make a separate folder

    same thing with p99 on eqemu login server, they reign supreme... guarantee 50%+ p99 never even played on another eqemu server, because you cant just easily swap over to others
  13. Barnd0g

    Barnd0g People Like Me

    I guess when you are part of one of the two guilds that have end game on farm mode with enough gear and alts from retired members at your finger tips then yep for sure I could see that. I see this however as yet another block in the road for the others like myself that are still working towards end game. The PQ created such a huge hit on new people to the server, which was obvious and I can only see this as doing the same damage or more regardless of the merge at some point in time. There is a big difference between guilds that are still currently progressing through content vs the ones that only log in to raid end game loots then log out.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2024
  14. Tuluvien

    Tuluvien I Feel Loved

    A lot of our (Destiny) raiders are old and busy. As it is, we hope enough people have some free time to be able to get a good raid together, most won't be actively playing two servers at once and choices will need to be made as to where to spend one's time.

    Also, new recruits are vital to continued success, and I imagine those will slow even more.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2024
    pivoo, Palarran, gitgud and 1 other person like this.
  15. Tuluvien

    Tuluvien I Feel Loved

    GM guild beats the game

    gitgud and Barnd0g like this.
  16. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    This is what we had envisioned it to be. I don't see TAKP going away since it's already a home to many folks from AK. It's basically what we build the server for as well as preserved to what it was. Although TAKP will always be a server in its own right. The spin off server is meant to just be a fun seasonal server to play on. It was never intended to kill off TAKP as some of you may think. We may just hold off on this since there's a mixed opinions on this and doesn't seem to generate enough interest.
  17. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I like the idea of a seasonal server but I think for a seasonal server to be successful it needs to have faster EXP rather than slower EXP than base TAKP.

    This should especially be the case if we are talking 1 or 2 box limit.
    slamurai, Ashoal, gitgud and 3 others like this.
  18. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    that would be considered. thank you for your input.
    Aurora, gitgud and Ravenwing like this.
  19. josshiewat

    josshiewat New Member

    Hi, new here started with PQ a few months ago and would like to give my 2 cents as a person that never played on TAKP. While to QoL being something that would be off putting its not a deal breaker. PQ is to easy mode with instanced raiding and everyone having their epics within 1 week of kunark launch, there are a good bit of people that feel this way based on what I personally grouped with. A llot of p99 would be interested in going past Vel. I don't think it would kill the TAKP main server it would cause an influx as stated it would dump into that server. I would be personally interested in a 1 or 2 box since someone above had a good point about giving more accessibility to raiding for clerics etc with 2 box. 3 month progression is far to quick which is the main reason I refused to play TLP era accurate or 9 month would be better maybe 6 month. Like I said just my 2 cents that would make me def play there and later on TAKP main.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2024
    pivoo likes this.
  20. Pugnacious

    Pugnacious Member

    Hey all! I like the idea of a TAKP TLP server that would eventually merge into TAKP. I do however share the concern others here have stated about the health of TAKP's player count. Population has dropped considerably since PQ and I fear that a new TLP would draw in new players that may otherwise come to TAKP, as well as potentially draw current active TAKP players away. Yes, they would eventually join TAKP, but it seems that would be after a considerable amount of time (years). Single boxing doesn't have the draw for me it seems to have for many and would probably keep me from participating in the TLP. I'd like to see TAKP survive and thrive indefinitely!

    One thought I've had about this TLP is maybe it could have some of the QoL things many people want ? I've spoken with guild mates that haven't logged into TAKP in the past year or so and they've said the lack of QoL things is what stops them from returning. Maybe the TLP could loosen the rules on QoL things and draw some of these people back in ? I understand the stated goals of being accurate to AK but I have to say many of these QoL things could be optional and not affect play at all... Using mouse scroll instead of hitting f9 a few times, /w all zone ect wouldn't have any negative impact on anyone and could probably be toggled so you could disable them if you choose to. Maybe the TLP could be a middle ground on these points and help bolster our communities health ?
  21. Walex

    Walex I Feel Loved

    I think for this to be successful then there needs to be some element to the server that hasn't been done before. The less you change from other emus, the fewer "new" players you will attract and the more you will fragment the (already struggling) TAKP population. The promise of eventually merging the population into TAKP is wonderful but it needs to attract the right people imo.

    Some Ideas:
    1. Non-progression server. Opens with all expansions unlocked but gives an even playing field for those wanting a "fresh start". I bet a lot of PQ or P99 players would play on a server that readily had Luclin + PoP available from launch.
    2. 4+ box
    3. Seasonal server (idea stolen from above). It would be fun to see what we could accomplish in 4 months (or whatever length you decide) of increased exp rate
    4. FV ruleset (I know eq archives is doing this currently)
    As a final thought, I think a single box server of some kind is most likely to attract new players. The population of the various existing emus will attest to that... I don't know if that aligns with the devs' goal in all of this, though.
    OuterChimp, gitgud, Break and 4 others like this.
  22. Foxboxx

    Foxboxx People Like Me

    At the very least, I definitely believe faster exp would be better than slower, especially with such limited time between expansions and temporary legacy drops.

    Personally, I'd prefer a bigger focus on group exp bonuses rather than just increased exp rates overall, as grouping is what I enjoy most, but it can be tough to convince yourself to form a party if you're only on for an hour, or in a place where soloing is nearly identical exp or better. I'd also prefer 1box over 2box, simply because handling multiple chars is something I don't feel like doing much anymore. Hopefully with a big enough group exp incentive, you'd have silly situations where a mage might get more exp duoing with a rogue over soloing!
    Ashoal, pivoo, sdpshroom and 2 others like this.
  23. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    I agree that there's a lot of appeal to a single or even two-box server with a group exp bonus in.

    Personally, I'd favor a lazy timeline over a gold rush.
    pivoo, Linkamus, gitgud and 1 other person like this.
  24. Mechaike

    Mechaike Well-Known Member

    I'm not against the idea. Whether I'd actually play is a different matter, it'd depend on the details of the rule set (box limits, xp rate, $gimmick_001, etc). I don't see myself wanting to raid there in addition to TAKP, maybe not raid at all... Especially not luclin by itself ever again! Group content would be a different matter :)

    The TAKP of PoP and the occasional backflags / older content raids are a great happy spot for me.
    pivoo, robregen and Frosst like this.
  25. Mukk

    Mukk People Like Me

    To be honest, I don't get the idea. Without QoL upgrades, you're drawing from the same playerbase as TAKP.
    slamurai, pivoo, sdpshroom and 3 others like this.
  26. Elroz

    Elroz Administrator Staff Member

    The idea is to draw in players that would want to play on TAKP but don't want to start up new on a server that has been running for 9 years. The TLP style is to let them experience each era that TAKP has to offer, and then ending with them joining the rest of the server at the end-era. The classic mechanics is just a bonus to make the server more challenging and feel more nostalgic in earlier eras. QoL upgrades wouldn't make sense for that, since they'd be taken away when they switch to TAKP at the end. I figured there's also TAKP current and former players that are bored and would enjoy something like this.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2024
  27. DuckDo

    DuckDo Member

    Haven't logged into TAKP in awhile. But I'd be interested in a fresh start server.
  28. Bailyvaz

    Bailyvaz Member

    I don't know if it possible or not to do. But a new server that goes up to OOW or Gates of Discord with the TAKP finish would be pretty nice. Yes I know there are plenty of emu's out there already that have this but they don't have the dev team that we do here on TAKP.
  29. Quirk

    Quirk Well-Known Member

    Would love a TAKP based TLP. I'd vote for 1 box, but would still probably play a 2 box, as I think 1 or 2 encourages grouping and social play more than 3+.

    Merging into TAKP at some point far into the server's future is a great idea. It's potentially years down the line, so I imagine it'd just help TAKP's long term player base even if it slightly dips the population on launch.

    To those with concerns that it'd pull players from TAKP, I hear you. But other progression servers are already pulling players further from TAKP. In my opinion, this potential server, being associated with TAKP and eventually rolling into TAKP, has the highest likelihood to keep people in the TAKP ecosystem compared to other progression and emulation options.

    Lots of new players coming to takp are indeed super intimidated or off-put by the extreme lack of low level companionship on TAKP. The new server could potentially give new folks a chance to level up in a setting they're more excited about and comfortable in, only to merge into TAKP later and join it's end game raiding scene.
    Linkamus, gitgud, Break and 2 others like this.
  30. cmdrk

    cmdrk Member

    My 2c as a retired TAKP player:
    I love this idea and would definitely come back to TAKP for a fresh start on a TLP. My fondest EQ experience was on TAKP, running my 2-box in a 6 man group with two friends doing the same. Having a great raiding experience (Imperium <3) was the cherry on top.

    IMO, 2 or 3-box limit ~Akkurate server would be great (preference for 2, personally). Though I would say after doing Quarm and Live TLPs - I am thoroughly done with Classic, especially with the initial rush. The game gets dramatically more breathing room with the opening of Kunark.

    I'd suggest making Beastlord and Vah Shir available at launch as well. If the server is seasonal with perhaps accelerated XP, I don't see any reason to make people have to wait to play their favorite race/class combo. We all know it's coming eventually, and I think making people wait would turn away more folks than not. It's a bummer that if you want a Guise you can't do it with your Vah Shir or Iksar, for example.

    If folks want tons of QOL improvements and single box limit, why not just play on Quarm?

    edit: just to add to this , I think there is some value making the TAKP TLP accurate to _TAKP's_ history rather than Al'Kabor's. as in, having stuff like the Baz and Beastlords available at launch.

    p.s. 3-box hurts the game with incredibly powerful class combos that trivialize content, you know the ones :p
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2024