takp is like crack to me

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TimChen, Jun 2, 2023.

  1. TimChen

    TimChen Member

    I can't stop playing. Should have played this over p99.

    say hi to me @subwen / seethy / plantman

    really enjoying it so far. it's nice to see what sort of things are different between each server.

    who knew alt tabbing was so fun
    Mokli, Elroz, Smudge and 5 others like this.
  2. Walex

    Walex I Feel Loved

    Wait til you learn about hotkeynet!

    Hotkeynet.exe comes with your client so no additional download necessary. Just run it then press 1,2,3 on your numpad to switch between chars instead of alt-tab.

    showstring, Elroz and TimChen like this.
  3. green_grocer

    green_grocer Member

    TAKP is like crack, but it’s not as bad for you or as dangerous as the street crack that you might find on, say, 99th street.

    It’s like artisanal low-fat non-gmo organic boutique crack.

    It doesn’t grab hold of you and force you to stay awake for 48 hours straight so you don’t lose your place in the non-classic list UI system.

    You can get around more easily at level 1 which means far more options to level off the beaten path without spending two hours getting to where you’re going.

    This means more time playing and enjoying the game, which means you can get things accomplished in a couple hours and then use all the time you saved from running everywhere to spend quality time with your family and friends.

    Passive income through the bazaar means no more time wasted sitting in EC tunnel waiting for people to buy your shit so you can get back to the game.

    It’s just a much healthier version of EQ.
  4. Radda

    Radda People Like Me

    alt tabbing, did that for a few years, but finally learned hotkey... and i now do not have to do math problems when determining how to get to the next client
    Break likes this.