Sneak pulling

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Synthetix, Oct 5, 2016.

  1. Synthetix

    Synthetix Well-Known Member

    I searched about this topic here on the forums and didnt find anything regarding this. It seems like sneak pulling is not currently working. Lets say 3 mobs are standing next to each other with their backs to you, any class/race combo with a successful sneak should be able to throw something at 1 of those 3 mobs and get it solo (As long as sneak don't break close to the other mobs). Multiple people have told me this worked 6 months ago here on TAKP, but I can't see anyone having bug reported this being currently broken. Am I missing something here or? Is it disabled on purpose to fix something els or?
  2. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    Even if this mechanic were implemented on TAKP, it would be impossible with our current projectile system. Shooting an arrow breaks sneak, and you have to be sneaking when your arrow lands. So it can't be done with projectiles that connect instantly.
  3. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Does throwing an item break your sneak?

    I was under the assumption only getting hit breaks your sneak. However you can hit or attack other mobs while maintaining sneak.

    It's possible the act of throwing the item breaks sneak, but the hitting shouldn't matter according to that patch note. Whether that was reverted over the course of a year until AK cut off though I'm unsure.
  4. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    It currently does here, yes.
  5. Bob Barker

    Bob Barker Member

    My recollection from PC-Live back in the day was that there were 2 different types of 'sneak' pulling.

    1st method: Rogues could fire a projectile, and hit both hide and sneak before the projectile landed. I never played a rogue back then and cant offer more detail, but I always understood this to be by far the most reliable method of 'sneak' pulling IF there was an empty straight stretch to pull from max range, giving more time to activate hide/sneak while the projectile was moving. I assume the hide component was due to today's newly fixed feature "NPCs will no longer assist if they cannot see the target due to invisibility," as the rogue was invis when the projectile landed. This would probably be more accurately called 'hide pulling' but I always heard it referred to as 'sneak' pulling.

    2nd method: Have sneak active, be behind a group of mobs, and throw something. I recall 'throw' not breaking sneak, while 'archery' would break sneak. I was a monk back then, so could be way off regarding archery, but I could definitely throw shurikens without breaking sneak. This could be performed at even a very small range, but wasn't super reliable. In cases where assist radius was really small but you couldn't get line-of-sight to pull without getting in the aggro radius (e.g. tight dungeons with lots of corners), this worked great so long as you could high-tail it out of the adds aggro range before the one you pulled hit you. If the mobs were too close together, it didn't matter if you were sneaking behind them or not, you'd get both. In cases where you were pulling from outside of the aggro radius, sneak would definitely still help get single pulls sometimes.

    I'm not sure how sneak is coded here, but I always understood that sneak was a 2 part ability: make you fake-invis if behind them, and reduce the aggro radius a little bit (which was ofc only noticable from the front). I would guess that it also lowered the assist radius, which is what really made sneak pulling work. Perhaps sneak added X levels to the character when aggro/assist checks were performed?
  6. Guktuk

    Guktuk Member

    When PoP was current on Live, rogue sneak pulling worked even in PoWater, I pulled Hydrotha, and I pulled Reparm in Fire, etc. I dunno how it worked, but it did, all I can recall is assuring that all mobs were facing away, fire a bow or dagger at boss, re hide/sneak ( likely macro'd ) and if it went well, the boss came along solo.

    We even had back up rogues waiting incase it failed, I'd escape, and they'd tag and sneak pull the rest of the way. I suppose that was crucial to using it on raids, since at the very least, on a botched attempt, it spread out or delayed the agro of adjacent mobs, enough that I could bring a boss to camp solo, and escape, allowing for tank tag.

    I dunno how informative this is, or why I posted it.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2016