Regarding the kiting of large numbers of NPCs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Torven, Dec 1, 2018.

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  1. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    I wonder if we kited TVX trash to peel and kill the named before Temerity did it, if it would be "something never previously attempted on any server" and promptly disallowed also. I assume it's only allowed because Tem do it. I'm also assuming that we must somehow utilise an exact strategy of Level 3 TXVD coth as Tem do, otherwise it will once again be something "never before seen" and promptly disallowed. It will be very challenging to utilise the exact same method since we aren't allowed to spy on their raids.

    The train to plant our coth bot today had less mobs in it than the TVX trains. It seems to only be an issue because we skipped some trash clearing and "Tem cleared to place their coth bots". There are other methods of planting coth bots without clearing, such as using up to 7 divine aura spells on a necro and FDing + rezzing, or just dragging with a cleric and divine rezzing. Is that okay, or also disallowed? Requiring trash clearing to plant Diabo coth bots is an arbitrary demand.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
  2. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Fiddle away on that violin, the devs that have put years of work into this server feel terrible that you have to clear the end game zone one whole time. Devs aren't happy about how Tem clears the zone either so take that argument and shove it.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
  3. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    As I said, Temerity's TVX trains were partially why I frankly blew considerable good will with the other devs here to get my way and get some sort of limits implemented. I'm still allowing TVXs to be kited now as a compromise to all guilds. After the patch, it's gonna get harder to kite those wings. (but still possible)

    I'm really not happy with the amount of trash skipping on this server, no matter who does it. I'm sure you've seen the other thread, where I was critical of Temerity. I hardly know anybody on this server. To suggest favoritism is simply wrong.
  4. lurari

    lurari People Like Me

    Personally, I found the use of sending CoTH bots onto the roof as a much more creative and time-saving strategy than any kiting.

    Who knew this is where we'd go after starting with that Aary pull to zone-in?

    I'm surprised no one here mastered the entire PoGrowth kite after tickling Tunare – given how easy kiting is reported to be compared to AK and EQPC, that old strategy never caught on here.
    Slayzz likes this.
  5. Inacht

    Inacht People Like Me

    TLDR: As Nemce said, if the devs require us to kill trash in order to plant our cothbots, we can do that.

    Torven, once you have implemented your limit, will we be able to kite with bards as we see fit?
  6. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    TL;DR indeed:

    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
  7. Inacht

    Inacht People Like Me

    Lenas, I'm asking Torven this question because there are potentially additional things we can do via kiting that may be be possible even after this fix. I promise you I read his post.
  8. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    You asked if you could kite with bards as you see fit. Yes, feel free. The amount you can kite will soon be limited. If you think that what you are going to do will in any way be interpreted as shady, please feel free to elaborate for a more accurate answer. If you would prefer to keep your ideas secret and up to dev interpretation, feel free to not mention them but realize that every big raid has eyes on it.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
  9. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    ah yes but ntov pulls to west tov have around 7 less mobs in the train, so it's okay
    Kagatob and Slayzz like this.
  10. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    You're right, that should have been outlawed. Aary loot is priceless and you can place mages all around the zone one time to skip any and all challenge.

    The 4 way in NToV is probably a bigger challenge than the entirety of VT as it stands.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
  11. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    So anyways, how come all this trash skipping is a problem now and wasn't a problem in Sleeper's Tomb and Veeshan's Peak?

    Invis pulling single dragons in VP is utter nonsense, but nobody is mad about that. You also just snare park trash and not kill it...

    You skip pretty much all the trash in ST by suicide running down and plant a coth bot. Here's a video of our eqlive guild's ST clear. I bet 99% of the people in EQ never seen what ST actually looks like outside the sleeper bubble chamber.

    Slayzz likes this.
  12. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Trash in VP and ST was cleared many times. I know because I was there. Destiny spent months trying to clear VP in era probably before you ever even played here.

    Why is respecting the devs hard work and clearing one time to place your bots such an issue?
    Beaaden likes this.
  13. Barnd0g

    Barnd0g People Like Me

    Beaaden and Slayzz like this.
  14. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Because it's going to be very difficult, frustrating, time consuming, and is seemingly arbitrary. It's my job to make raids as easy and quick as possible to ensure people are having fun. Clearing trash is never fun, and VT is particularly terrible for that. All raids up until this point have been about killing mobs to get loot. Now there's a "respect the devs hard work" clause thrown in.

    I was under the impression that getting VT loot was your reward for doing emp key, killing emp, doing vt key, and leveling and keying coth bots. We didn't skip any of that effort. VT trash is literally the pinnacle of terrible original everquest devs design. I'm disagreeing with them, not with takp devs.

    Are we also disrespecting devs hard work by not doing Vulak ring, grimling war, and inner acrylia raids?
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
  15. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Welcome to EQ. There are plenty of easy mode servers if you just want to faceroll for loot though.

    Citation needed.

    Are you somehow going to skip content to get or expect easy Vulak, grimling war, or inner AC loots? Please continue down that line of reasoning. No one has done the war or entered IAC yet and Tem put in a TON of work to kill Vulak. More effort to even catch a glimpse of him than you have put in to clearing VT so far.

    You're being asked to clear a zone one time and you're crying about it.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
  16. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Absolutely, because it's the worst. Am trying to do everything I can do avoid seeing as much of VT as possible.
    Skipping trash clearing has seemingly not been a problem up until now. Avoiding doing things you don't have to on raids has been a strategic goal for the past year. Get to the good stuff quickly, get pixels, make things easy for people, move on to other things. I'm not particularly keen to force people to waste many hours on something if there is a way to avoid it.

    Players would rather be doing literally anything than clearing VT trash, even watching re-runs of The Nanny.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
  17. gardnerjens

    gardnerjens People Like Me

    this is straight up not true. Destiny used a rogue and mage to run around and coth thte raids to every worthy killing dragon in VP. Also clearing Trash in VP makes as little sense as raiding Field of bone. ST was a rush with a necro to place a coth bot infront of final arbitor, maybe did master of the guard a few times i dont know that i wasnt the first to get an ST key, but i wouldnt consider that raiding.. Lenas get of your high horse.
    Kagatob likes this.
  18. Barnd0g

    Barnd0g People Like Me

    The current ST coth bot was placed via Destiny clearing the whole way down - Nukem know your facts...
  19. gardnerjens

    gardnerjens People Like Me

    okay, explain how we used higgs for both Xygoz, Phara dar, Nexona and Druusk?... You certainly dont know because you never pulled anything
  20. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    He said his current bot dear. Not a temerity vp bot.
    Barnd0g likes this.
  21. gardnerjens

    gardnerjens People Like Me

    i was talking during the Era of Kunark, which was when Lenas was refering to
  22. Barnd0g

    Barnd0g People Like Me

    Don't get mad about my ST facts bro ;)

    I think the point of this whole thread is maybe something along the lines of - suck it up and clear it once and then you can do as you please...and quit trying to be a shady lady.
    necra likes this.
  23. Nemce

    Nemce Active Member

    my previous post was very simply to get a dev to say that. It's not something we can't do if that's what they asked us. I don't even think its wrong for them to ask. "Hey, we understand its insane to ask everyone on this server to spend the lifetime of this server doing 4 day VT clears but we think it's important to clear it at least once for each raiding guild in there." Boom. No more issues. We just do that and move on and no one needs to implement special code that could effect lots of unforeseen issues. No more lawyering. No more issues and we are all on the same page.
    pharmakos likes this.
  24. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Sorry Torven for bypassing trash.
    Sorry Rob for never doing the majority of the newbie armor quests or the quests I deemed as not worth the reward.
    Sorry Speedz for never using the launcher or playing on a Mac.
    Sorry Haynar for never dragging a Revenant up a tube or using the latest eqgame.dll
    Sorry Cavedude for any numerous other things I forgot that I haven't used or experienced yet.

    I thank you for your efforts, eventhough I may not use those specific features.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
  25. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved


    Can you detail out specifics on the fix so that it can be bugged if there are aspects of it that don't function the way you expect? Your expectations of it, in detail.

    As for the second part, the knee-jerk response if one guild is allowed to do something a bunch of times, then the next guild is allowed twice, is simply going to be favoritism was given. Its going to happen. I understand that's not the case, but that's always going to be the perception with a delayed response.
  26. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    Also cries of dev/gm temerity favoritism. Boys (and ladies) - AK is back!
  27. Shawn

    Shawn People Like Me

    My biggest issue is if there was something a Dev didn't like seeing being done with guild X raid why did it not get corrected with them right away? Pop up in zone and say hey I don't like that! Allow them to do it for months til guild Y enters and then say hey we need to fix this.....
  28. Shawn

    Shawn People Like Me

    And on live our guild didn't plant coth bots at all so I've been through many clearings. We definitely can!
  29. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    What was happening for months that wasn't allowed?
  30. Shawn

    Shawn People Like Me

    And my post isn't a x vs y it simply is to state that guild X will also now have to learn new strats for any changes implemented after they have been doing it a certain way for months. It's not fair for all parties involved
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