Entrancing Lights

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Devour_Souls, Dec 7, 2018.

  1. Devour_Souls

    Devour_Souls People Like Me

    Entrancing Lights duration here seems to be broken. I didn't use it much on AK for obvious reasons. I would expect it to work identically to WoM. On AK WoM lasted, as best as I can remember, for 6 seconds, but here the duration seems to last through the next tick. Am I wrong?

    I'm not looking to report a bug, but to start a dialog. I'm seeing Entrancing Lights lasting for more than 6 seconds. On AK if I fizzled a CoD, WoM would break before I could recast CoD(with AH4), quite often.

    Here I seem to always have much more time to recast charm after Entrancing Lights than I ever had with WoM. I could be totally off base, but it really feels like I have FAR too much time to recast charm than I remember having on AK.
  2. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I believe this comes down to server ticks. Sometimes you get an extra tick out of all spells if you land it just after a server tick? Maybe?
  3. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    If I am interpreting Gadzooks and Pithy from this post then yes this comes down when you land or cast the spell in relation to a server tick. I could be wrong, but check out the thread.
  4. Devour_Souls

    Devour_Souls People Like Me

    I read that thread. Theoretically, based on that info, WoM could last up to 11 seconds. That is not how I remember it working. Right now it appears to always last more than one tick, even if only a fraction of a second longer than one tick. I don't think this is right. I think WoM and Entrancing Lights were in a category by themselves and always lasted for 6 seconds or less. I charmed a ton on AK, and swear it is FAR easier here than I remember it being on AK. I'm not saying that it is wrong, but it feels wrong. Someone with logs could confirm a WoM lasting longer than 6 seconds?

    Strictly anecdotally, I think that WoM should follow stun logic instead of detrimental spell logic.
  5. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    A few logs:

    [Tue May 28 23:16:28 2013] A Diaku Warrior begins to dream.
    [Tue May 28 23:16:35 2013] Your Word of Morell spell has worn off.

    [Tue May 28 23:19:31 2013] A Diaku Warrior begins to dream.
    [Tue May 28 23:19:37 2013] Your Word of Morell spell has worn off.

    [Sun Jun 23 02:16:25 2013] A vann niesa begins to dream.
    [Sun Jun 23 02:16:37 2013] Your Word of Morell spell has worn off.

    [Tue Aug 20 21:58:42 2013] A jopal guardian begins to dream.
    [Tue Aug 20 21:58:49 2013] Your Word of Morell spell has worn off.

    [Tue Aug 20 22:06:35 2013] A jopal guardian begins to dream.
    [Tue Aug 20 22:06:43 2013] Your Word of Morell spell has worn off.

    [Tue Aug 20 22:27:58 2013] A jopal guardian begins to dream.
    [Tue Aug 20 22:28:07 2013] Your Word of Morell spell has worn off.
  6. Devour_Souls

    Devour_Souls People Like Me

    Ooooh Thank you.