Shadows of luclin newly discovered music

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lenas, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    So during DBG's 17th EverQuest anniversary stream, Prathun revealed, "So we stumbled upon all the music files that were supposed to be in Luclin all these years." Jay Barbeau made 20 songs for the expansion that they just forgot to ever put in the game.

    You can download all of these new music files by running an EQ live patcher.

    Alternatively, listen on YouTube:

    Might it be possible to incorporate these music files here on TAKP or would the client not support them?
    Verdent likes this.
  2. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    hmm not sure. can try. =D
  3. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    can get those files from live. and put them in your client folder. they will either work or not work.
  4. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    I can see why they didn't include them. Most of them don't fit the mood of the zone. VT one definitely doesn't. Nearly half of the ones from PoP would have been a better fit.
  5. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    I think most of them are pretty great. Though yes some like VT would drive me nuts during a 6+ hr raid.

    Scarlet Desert music would have actually made the zone enjoyable. Reminds me of Zelda's Gerudo Valley. Mons Letalis music reminds me of Nibelheim from FF7.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
    Verdent likes this.
  6. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    How in the world do you commission the work for soundtracks for every zone in the expansion and just forget they exist? That blows my mind. This ain't midi music.

    Of course they deemed the new model animations acceptable and never improved them in 14 years, so it shouldn't be too much of a surprise.
    drktmplr12 likes this.
  7. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    One of these days I'm going to try playing EQ with the sound on, although I'm sure it'll drive me crazy within 10 minutes.
  8. surron

    surron People Like Me

    bazaar is riding

    GE is the only one that remotely fits imo
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
  9. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    PoP and Classic zones are worth it, the rest, meh. <3 PoEarth, Torment and SolRo's Tower (reminds me of Stargate SG1 theme). Natimbi is nice too, but that's from a future expansion that will go unnamed.
  10. Beaaden

    Beaaden Active Member

    Most of these sound like EQ2 music.
  11. Cillipis

    Cillipis Well-Known Member

    The most music I ever heard was when I first tried playing in 2000 and I heard music at the character loading screen and promptly muted the speakers.

    I couldn't identify a single eq song if you played it. But I could probably tell you the CDs (!!!) I used to listen to while grinding/raiding 15 years ago.
    Ransom likes this.
  12. Verdent

    Verdent People Like Me

    Cobalt scar beach music/crystal cavern dwarf village music is funny how it's the same. Steel drums on the beach fir the othimirs but not the frozen dwarves in CC. Kelethin music/vendor music is also very nostalgic and soothing to me.

    Doesn't surprise me in the slightest that these songs were just forgotten. SOE wasn't the most well run company.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
  13. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    Wasn't luclin the time that SoE took over for verant? Or was that velious
  14. vannari

    vannari Well-Known Member

    I think Luclin. I know Brad McQuaid worked on Classic, Kunark, and Velious.
  15. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    I think from Velious to Luclin, some of the core developers jumped ship. Probably related to that.
  16. Kuron

    Kuron People Like Me

    Gonna do a little review here of the tracks if'n ya'll don't fret it. I'm sure you all love walls of text:

    Acrylia Caverns/Fungus Grove: Yes, this is the sort of music I expected. An audible memorial for every relationship I lost by spending too much time camping stupid VT shards in these places. "One more placeholder, dear!" I'd say, "One more divorce!" they'd reply.

    Bazaar: What the actual fuck. Were we supposed to be making porn instead of chasing bargains? I mean I guess it makes sense now, the bazaar was where we bought unique spells and horses, we had all the tools necessary for eroticism, the only thing missing were the cameras. It's so obvious now.

    Akheva Ruins: This reminds me of another track from classic/kunark but I can't remember which. Either way it's like a bittersweet lament. Like someone pondering something with a lot of emotional weight. "Should I have eaten all those deviled eggs? Should I have? I can probably make it up by jogging later, but will I? Will I?"

    The Nexus: This reminds me of that movie about the people training monkeys to be astronauts. Don't judge me. What the hell was that movie called. It had that one monkey that made farting noises to piss off some scientist, and then there was something about an evil monkey or something. I think one of them got lethally irradiated maybe. I dunno, why are you still reading this?

    Vex Thal: Egyptian space laundromat.

    Grieg's End: This is actually very fitting, because I'm scared as shit listening to this and I'm scared as shit every time I go in that zone.


    Echo Caverns/Deep: This track is almost as annoying as these zones were.

    Ssraeshza Temple: I keep waiting to hear some guy yell "I AM TUROK!"

    Katta Castellum: Somehow this doesn't quite capture the mood of a dark, brooding city slowly but surely losing its battle with unseen vampire insurgents.

    Dawnshroud II: Thank you for joining us, I'm David Attenborough. Today we're going to be observing the untamed beauty, mystery and wonder of Zelniaks. Or as some of you may know them, Carnivorous, Stunted Giraffe Mutants.

    Paludal: No. No, no, no. How in the world was this supposed to represent "festering, endless tunnel system of criminals, insects and snot-monsters?" What were they thinking? As far as I'm concered, the only score this zone should have is: "Ohhhh-ho-ho-ho *chains rattling* "ha ha ah aha" *coins jingling* *incoherent hobo babbling* *distant water drip* over and over again.

    Grimling Forest: Ah yes, exactly the kind of happy, upbeat jaunt you'd expect from menacing, tribal ape-men performing cannibalistic blood rituals.

    The Grey: Not hopeless enough.

    Mons Letalis: Actually this one is pretty good. Suspenseful with just a pinch of exploration.

    Marus Seru: Are the medals for the Halfing Olympics being awarded or something? This doesn't make me think of having my lungs crushed by giant rock men at all.

    Sanctus Seru I: It works I suppose. This city always felt like "The King of all Malls" to me, so I can see how this would be fitting. Unfortunately, I think it would drown out the occasional "Eeekaayyy...HO!" of the changing of the guard you'd hear. Wouldn't be the same without that.

    The Maiden's Eye: Good. Another track that sums up the feeling of absolute mourning that comes from farming VT shards perfectly.

    Shar Vhal I: This one is quite fitting. I'm picturing an ancient city of powerful but wise Cat people. Some mysticism, heavy traditions, a thick and oily haze of ammonia hanging in the air from the incessant territorial spraying. Yep, it captures every element.

    Shadow Haven I: I feel like you'd hear this sort of track playing in the background of a low budget instructional video, such as "Learning to Use Your FryDaddy Crockpot" or "Earning Your Real Estate License is Easy!"

    Grimling Forest II: This is the low-budget, "Sweded", "please don't sue us" version of the Imperial March. Call me a liar.

    Scarlet Desert: The title I would give this track is "Jesus Christ, How Many Sunrises Am I Going to Have to Watch Today?!"

    Shar Vahl II: It reminds a lot of that ghost vendor dude from N64 Zelda. Also, cat pee mist is still pretty thick here but it might just be one of those smells that gets like...stuck in your nose you know?

    Hollowshade: Alternate title for this would be "I Can't Believe our Submarine Didn't Work, We Worked So Hard On It". I'm not getting the feeling of a three-sided war between Unseeing Eye-Dogs, BirdBears and a race of people that vaguely resemble Gilbert Gottfried from this tune at all.

    Twilight Sea: This is peaceful, yes. It seems fitting. However I feel like it could be better about warning people not to bother doing the armor quests or hunting for any of the rare named here.

    Netherbian Lair: WAYYYYY too happy. If some poor, innocent noob heard this before going there he'd skip down the tunnels thinking at any moment he's going to arrive a Fraggle-fucking-Rock. Instead he or she'd end up with their biological material used to expand the hive of these eyeless horrors.

    Twilight Sea II: Seriously, the armor and named drops are awful compared to the time required. Just don't do them.

    Sanctus Seru II: Camper's Log - Day 72 - Still no Concillium Reports. Fear death is nearing. Can only order so many pizzas. Family concerned. Friends gone.

    Umbral Plains: Should the Umbral Plains sound this peaceful? It's full of Ring Wraiths.

    Tenebrous II: Actually, this one is pretty damn good. It gives me a Castlevania-grade spoopy feeling and that's exactly what the zone did too!


    Shadow Haven II: All I'm hearing is a touching story about a boy finding a puppy.

    Shadeweaver's Thicket I: Right here, this is the song that should have been in Hollowshade. It also reminds me of the movie Predator. This track is pretty rad.

    Shadeweaver's Thicket II: RUN! GO!! GET TO DA CHOPPA!!!

    Tenebrous I: I don't like this one as much as Tenerbrous II, but it still maintains that creepy gothic feel so i think it's quite fitting. It would definitey keep me company while waiting for the damned Grimling Runner or Valdanov Zevfeer to spawn.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2016
    Ghakim, Neealana, Aades and 4 others like this.
  17. Marche

    Marche New Member

    These are all amazing! I'd play with music on if I had them.

    Imo ducktales (moon level) theme is what should be the nexus midi hands down!
    drktmplr12 likes this.
  18. drktmplr12

    drktmplr12 Member

    chortled. This is a great find.

    sidebar- i recall purchasing a sound blaster Live! in 1999. it was literally a game changer. I recently tried installing ff7 for the PC which uses a midi mixer for sound. funny how terrible it sounds with the on board audio and windows midi instruments compared to the AWE32. Is there a way to replicate the AWE32 and override the crappy windows version?
  19. Yinn Yang

    Yinn Yang People Like Me

    Quick note about including them on TAKP, might be relevant: I have always noticed that the truly original, classic music will play when I am on the PC (Secrets) version, but not when I am on my Mac. Some music will play with the Mac, all music will play with my PC. I've dug into it pretty deep, and many others notice the same issue. There doesn't seem to be a workaround. It apparently has to do with either the file extension and/or the "trigger" location on the game (the precise area of the zone where the music/sound effect should play).

    There is a way, I've read about it online. You'll have to dig around a lot to find the info, but I believe it involves finding an old SoundBlaster Live! card (and precisely the right one) and some pretty intense tweaking inside the card's BIOS, or something like that. Someone made available the "ultimate" sounding midi files to load into the card itself... not even entirely sure how all that stuff works, sounds like hacking to me ;)
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
  20. Yinn Yang

    Yinn Yang People Like Me

    One thing was certain, the SoL release was an absolute disaster, on so many levels. The graphics were awful, the animations were awful, many players were no longer able to play because of the demand on the hardware. Many players (myself included) spent over 4 hours trying to patch and get into the server (for me it was over 6 hours before I got in, and then it was unplayable). There were massive bugs and issues, I had never seen anything like it and not seen anything like it since. I'm not even remotely surprised that the music got lost... fits perfectly with that whole scenario.

    On another note: the best music was always Kelethin tree house music and the banker/vendor music :)
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
  21. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    Oh man, I'd love to get these working! New music!