How many teleporting fireports are there?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mukk, Mar 18, 2021.

  1. Mukk

    Mukk People Like Me

    So last night Tatianna (I forget the name of their main) discovered, and posted in Alliance chat that the firepot in Qeynos Aquaducts by the sewer sentinels teleports you to Toxxulia Forest. I had to see for myself, and we figured out that the firepot in room #9 in Qeynos Aquaducts teleports you to the hut at #6 in Toxxulia Forest.

    Got us wondering how many other firepots in the EQ world are actually teleporters, akin to the firepot room in Timorous Deep.

    Anyone know of any other "hidden" teleporters that exist? Was this particular firepot like this on the live servers? (all that time wasted waiting for boats...) On AK? Is this a Takp-only feature?
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
    John Stark and solar like this.
  2. Walex

    Walex I Feel Loved

    There is a teleport area hidden in The Hole, between the docks and the area that leads down to the undead tower. It's been a while, but I think one takes you to neriak, one to the observatory room in paineel, and one to Erudin Palace. They aren't firepots, though... just dumb archways.
  3. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    I love this. Maybe there is a firepot connector map somewhere that is correct for our server, if not, I wouldn't mind making one.
  4. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    It's not a TAKP feature, they were there on live too.
  5. Radda

    Radda People Like Me

    there is one in Neriak that takes you to lesserfay
  6. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Yes, but I understand a number of them were disabled, so it is era specific.
  7. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
  8. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    They're not firepots, but I was surprised to find a secret room (through a fake wall in one of the buildings in the ruined city) in the Hole with teleporters to Neriak, Erudin, and Paineel.

    It's always fun to discover something new and cool that I've overlooked in all the years I've played this ancient game. I was also surprised by the size of the some of the underground buildings in the city in the Hole when I explored the zone on TAKP.
  9. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    There was a writeup back in the day, but I can't find it now. It mentioned the one in qeynos, the ones in the hole, the one in Neriak and a few other places. At least some of them were locked, but some of them worked. Used to call it 'Miragul's highway' if I recall correctly.
  10. DubRemix88

    DubRemix88 People Like Me

    Yeah, neriak 3rd gate is a fun one, but felwithe book is still the quickest way there outside of, like, 1 specific newbie quest.
  11. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    from here:

    found this comment: "They were originally going to be a part of Miragul's Highway, which was centreally located in the TD pot room and had ports BACK to the room from every city--The one in Neriak and Qeynos, for example. There's also a lamp in Ak'Anon just before the tunnel to the warrior guild and the city that, when clicked, rotates and gives the sound of a door opening. That was probably a part of it."

    and this site is mentioned for more info on it:

    but its long dead and not even working on the wayback machine.

    some comments from an eq2 forum no less from 2007:

    "I have looked this up on the EQ 1 boards and from what I have read it was originally for the evil classes to get around the world but that unbalanced the game so they scrapped the idea. If you click the firepot in Neriak it will give you a message that you are not holding the key. No one has found a key in the game to unlock the firepot but I have read where GMs have used their "master key" on the pot and it ports them to Greater Faydark I believe it was. So to some extent they do work. As for the ramp behind the wall, I don't believe that has any connection to Miragul's Highway. People have speculated that it was the entrance to the 4th Gate where the Dark Elf Royals would be but it never made it to the game so the developers put a wall up there. Seems believable now since we have a 4th Gate in EQ 2 that parallels that. But back to Miragul's Highway, I really hope they decide to put the Firepot Room in Timerous Deep with the upcoming expansion. Even if they pots don't work it would be neat to see what happened to that room. "

    They actually did eventually put a 4th gate in game over the last few years.
  12. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    Nice. Your google-fu is strong. I think that is the site I remember seeing. Strange that WBM doesn't have it.
  13. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    This guy mentions the portals in the hole, qeynos, neriak from above:

    Break and showstring like this.
  14. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    Here's a fun thread of early 'everquest mysteries' I found on oocities :

    Oh man, that's a live one from '99. FULL of mysteries lol. Megalodon, kraken, Mayong, etc. Seems to page better if you use the ones at the top rather than the bottom.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
    Mokli likes this.
  15. cmdrk

    cmdrk Member

    that's actually highly entertaining to read. some of that stuff is trivially disprovable (there are no zone files for 4th gate or an extra dragon zone attached to Ak'Anon, at least in classic-ish eras!), plus hidden NPCs would've been found by cheat tools. AFAIK the only zone files that weren't publicly distributed were the Sunset Home (cshome) files.

    definitely there is a lot of great lore to be found though, Miragul's Highway, the weird hands in Innothule Swamp, the Sphinx (Sphinges!) in Rathe, etc, etc. There was a good YouTube series on it.

    I remember that terrible Strategy Guide. I spent many car rides to my grandparents fantasizing about what alt I should roll next :rolleyes:
  16. Torrinn

    Torrinn Active Member

    Are the firepots enabled on this server? I thought they were deactivated on live because they never got them to work right.
  17. Torrinn

    Torrinn Active Member

    If, by 4th Gate, you mean the Neriak throne room, there is a place (at least on live) where you can do the sit-stand trick to be able see through a section of wall that has a staircase going down behind it. This is supposedly where the entrance to the throne room was supposed to go. Just because the files aren't included in the client, doesn't mean there wasn't intended to be a zone there. They may have removed the files from distribution before the server went live and never included them in any patches. Why do they have faction hits for the King and Queen of Neriak, if they weren't intended to be in the game? That makes the factions useless.

    OK, I just finished verifying that it does exist on the TAKP server, too. There is a place in 3rd gate where there is a firepot that you can click that takes you to the dark elf camp in LFAY. One of the walls next to it has the stairs that go down. You have to get your nose right up to that wall and hold down the forward key while rapidly clicking sit-stand and you will see the stairs going down on the other side of the wall.

    In my live folder, I also see files for neriaka, neriakb, neriakc, and neriakd. The TAKP folder only has files for neriaka, neriakb, and neriakc. They must have implemented the throne room on live at some point.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2021
    John Stark likes this.
  18. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    The ones in TD work and in fact you can still bind there. The portals mentioned above work (qeynos, tox, hole), I am unsure if the one in Neriak works that requires a rogue to pick since a key was never found.
    John Stark likes this.
  19. relentlessimp

    relentlessimp Member

    They did. Part of the Call of the Forsaken expansion takes you to Neriak Fourth Gate (neriakd) and was a launching zone for a lot of instances during Call of the Forsaken.
  20. Hazmat

    Hazmat Member

    The pot in 3rd gate works.
    John Stark likes this.
  21. Tesadar

    Tesadar Active Member

    I dont remember any of these actually working on AK except the TD ones.
  22. Torrinn

    Torrinn Active Member

    That was my feeling, as well. On live, there was always the rumor of Miragul's Highway that enabled evil characters the ability to teleport to places that would normally require passing through good cities (usually resulting in death and a difficult corpse run) to get to, but that the firepots required keys that you could only get if you were a dev or had a moderator/guide account.
  23. Tryfan

    Tryfan People Like Me

    Makes you wonder if there is a key quest out there but it was never finished or even maybe started because of a spelling mistake in the trigger text or something similar.

    Who knows how many quests were uncompleted because of that, and because there's no one left to remember putting them in to tell people about them.
  24. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Devs changed pretty quick back then and they typically owned a zone when they made them. I would imagine many of them had ideas for the zones they worked on, never got to finish them before they had to go live, then were moved to other projects/priorities.
    John Stark likes this.
  25. Tryfan

    Tryfan People Like Me

    A dev would own a zone would he?

    Find who made Vex Thal.

    I'll work on the plague hamsters.
  26. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    I think in one of the dev videos, Bill Fisher mentioned he was the one that did it as his last zone before moving on. It also wasn't finished until after launch, which is why the VT key quest was such a pain. Was to give them time to finish. Did the zone in 2 weeks I think he said. He also did Kael.