Ench/Clr/X (SK/War/Shm?!) Best options!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Alphawolf, Sep 22, 2020.

  1. solar

    solar Administrator Staff Member

    The monk AC can't be changed without also changing the client because that is a shared stat. You could hack the client code of course but that's a pretty custom and kind of random thing to mess with.

    The amount of mana granted by Mental Corruption's proc is something that can be fixed because it's only processed on the server. I located the bug in the client decompile, it granted around 6000 mana each proc. The problem with this is that it makes it so shadowknights just have free mana and don't have to worry about mana pool or mana regeneration, but the items and quests in the game are all designed around the idea that they do.
    Mechaike and Cadsuane like this.
  2. Devour_Souls

    Devour_Souls People Like Me

    Like what?
  3. Walex

    Walex I Feel Loved

    Meh. I'm with devour on this one. SK spells suck and even chaining my spears and stuff, I never go oom. I don't care to see the MC bug brought back because it sounds like its only use case would be filling a Mana bar after a rez. I'm not sure how much Mana I'll be blowing on pop spells but in luclin that would save maybe 3 minutes on a rez?
  4. John Stark

    John Stark People Like Me

    Well talking about MC really wasn't the point of my post.
  5. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Yep, not enough SK spells that would empty your mana really anyway without that bug if you have a KEI going. I rarely go oom as well. As others have said, most spells suck and/or have long cool downs.
  6. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    To be fair, PoP does bring two pretty nice lifetaps (1, 2) on 10-second cooldowns, as well as a new spear and a decent DoT. Even with PoTime weapons, about half of SK DPS in PoP will come from spells, at least for 2-3 minutes until mana runs out. The MC bug would basically upgrade SKs from a burst DPS class to a sustained DPS class in PoP. Plus give them the equivalent of about 600 regen (two taps every 10 seconds), which is like putting on 40 fungi tunics.

    IMO, MC wasn't as powerful a bug as insta-rune or perma-pac or pet pulling, but it was pretty strong.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2020
    Cadsuane and Ravenwing like this.
  7. Yarnee

    Yarnee People Like Me

    yea i didnt need to heal in most zones as long as i spammed lifetaps
  8. Delorne

    Delorne People Like Me

    I'm kind of surprised by what people are describing as their experience with Flash of Light. I don't remember it being a zero risk pseudo-root. Yeah, closest melee was primary target, but it's very reductionist to say that's the only way it worked.

    I played a paladin on live Kunark-to-PoP and I had blind on my monk, necro, and cleric back on AK. I remember it getting resisted a lot and I remember it causing such chaos (in spite of my ability to generate agro) that it was universally derided.
    Ravenwing likes this.
  9. solar

    solar Administrator Staff Member

    I think the intended use of Flash of Light is to use it as a travel/escape spell, and perhaps for griefing people in pvp. If you have no movement speed buff and you aggro something while traveling or just decide to flee because you're losing, you can't really get out of its melee range. Flash of Light is very cheap on mana so even if you don't have enough for a root you might have enough for it, and it might be enough to create a gap and get away without being hit in the back, but even for that it's not very reliable. Since it's a generally useless spell that doesn't get used much, it was overlooked and was not implemented correctly.
  10. Nakunaru

    Nakunaru People Like Me

    The rare times blind would ever land on a player was amazing when it happened.

    The true griefing came into effect when VZ / TZ first opened and you would get enchanters charming players and sending them to fight the guards. Which then was very quickly changed so charm wouldn't work on players. Oooooo the memories of masses of gnomes raiding Kelethin at the start of those servers.
    John Stark likes this.
  11. badpoet

    badpoet Member

    Me too, but it is what it is. I did a little Internet sleuthing on it but couldn't find anything conclusive and even I could have I doubt they would have reversed their change.
  12. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Its hard to follow the logic of the original EQ devs as to why they did something or didn't. I feel a lot of stuff was put in to simply mirror D & D gameplay and see how it worked out, then adjust later on if too overpowering, or simply not upgrading the line. The fact that Druids get an outdoor AE version of blind always puzzled me, because if something was hitting on you, you'd blind yourself anyway if you used it. I don't recall many resists at the lower levels. I do believe blind as a whole was kind of discontinued on purpose due to an increase in NPC magic resistance and the line not being upgraded for any class really.
    John Stark likes this.
  13. Wellmine

    Wellmine Active Member


    Read some of the comments... mob didn’t run in melee... I step back and the mobs runs when out of melee.. our version of flash of light is unique I remember using it to prevent flee and agro back in the day as the mob hit the closest melee toon.
  14. John Stark

    John Stark People Like Me

    I agree wholeheartedly. There is a ton of D&D in EQ, both in terms of the mechanics and stuff like the classes/races etc., to many thing about the setting/world. Which is part of the reason I still play this game.
  15. Quinas

    Quinas Member

    Just returning to the OP's discussion - I have a 53 RNG/CLR/ENC trio, and I tend to just tank and DPS with the ranger because I've found every time I use the ENC to charm (pre-Boltran's mind you) I get so many breaks. Even with GINA and Rune V I'll eat a death occasionally which makes me wonder if it's better to just take the chill way and use the RNG.
  16. Botboy141

    Botboy141 New Member

    I'm running this same combo (fresh 60s) and agree that it takes some getting used to. Use Allure instead of Boltran's when you can (max duration is double Boltran's but's 51 max instead of 53 and longer cast time). Also, make sure your cleric has an assist/stun macro for your chanter as well as a quick heal macro for your chanter.

    I rarely have deaths from charm breaks anymore. Some zones are tougher such as hasted pets in UP but the likes of Velks are now a joke. It also helps as your enchanter's defense reaches higher levels. Lastly, hit me up anytime in game with questions. Meiffert/Xedd.
    Quinas and Ransom like this.