Desyncs/ld/zone instability

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sketchy, Jul 9, 2015.

  1. Pinoit

    Pinoit Well-Known Member

    This is relevant. I've always believed that for TAKProject, it has been a combination of server configuration as well as connectivity between player ISPs and the server itself (a player's location using different ISPs will produce very different results because each ISP routes differently). I think it's a prudent idea to minimize all non-essential services (e.g. Magelo updates) until the problem is resolved, and slowly re-introduce them back in. This should help with the load balancing issue that could be a problem with the data centre. Certainly, I think someone should be investigating changes at the data centre level, but it sounds like Rogean is already doing that. Specifically, on P99 he asked:

    "If you are only recently having issues getting the server list and you are technical savvy, you can post some traceroutes (to here so we can gather information about where the issue is. Include ping packetloss amounts, traceroutes, general region (northeast US, for example), and ISP (Comcast, etc)." (Rogean, Recent Connectivity Issues, Project 1999 Forums.
    We should be collecting this information and sending it back to P99 administration, as I am sure it is also relevant. We allow for boxing here, whereas they do not. This could be partially why effects are much more severely noted here (as Haynar indicates in his posts about how autofolllow puts load on server communications).
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
  2. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    The changes I have been making, should show this sort of response. I have basically been trimming the fat. Less data is sent to the client, so less overloading what the client can process. Or that was the plan.

    The datacenter issues are more likely the problem lately. And I think some of that started a month ago.

    I have no connectivity issues that I have seen lately. I can 3 box and move zone to zone, and some evenings I will never go LD. And I have a good route to the datacenter.
  3. Ghakim

    Ghakim Well-Known Member

    That is basically how I have always operated on this server. I very rarely go LD or crash. Not sure why sever stability seems to affect some people and not others.
  4. Zetro

    Zetro Member

    Update. As sweetly-scented as bixie berry buns convectioned in a unicorn queef oven.

    I've had no de-syncs for 3 days. Zoning and loading time have improved. I haven't had a chance to be in another raid situation since Friday. However I've xp'd in a zone population as high as 14 without issue. Thanks Haynar for the traffic trimming!
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2015
  5. Sturmm

    Sturmm Well-Known Member

    "As sweetly-scented as bixie berry buns convectioned in a unicorn queef oven."

    Words cannot express how much I love this statement.... maybe I'll start cooking my bixie berry buns in THIS manner!
  6. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Having not played heavily in a month or so, coming back yesterday was really smooth. Three boxing and zoning without any issues, and mob positional updates are quite a bit better. Didn't have one crashes or desyncs.
  7. Ransom

    Ransom Well-Known Member

    I've found desyncing to not be an issue after the latest patch. However, I still lose 1/3 of my boxes each time I zone. Even if I single box, every 2-3 times I zone I'll go LD on zoning.