TAKP 4th year anniversary events?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mascha, Dec 24, 2018.

  1. Mascha

    Mascha People Like Me

  2. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Something should go in patch day this week.
    Elrontaur and showstring like this.
  3. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    please don't ruin the market for any one or two items

    CoF @ 4k is a joke
  4. Kuron

    Kuron People Like Me

    Bumming you out? <3
    Dane likes this.
  5. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    WHERE is our POACHER ?!
    Dane likes this.
  6. Liegezen

    Liegezen People Like Me

    Rip Paglan
    Bum, gardnerjens and lurari like this.
  7. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Instead of weapon turn ins this year it’s going to be weird tradeskill items
  8. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    Previous Anniversary events are now live. Anniversary Event for year 4 should be in this weekend.
    Smudge and Pithy like this.
  9. Mascha

    Mascha People Like Me

    We have been killing since reboot at giants fort in GD and havent seen a Memorandum of Dwarf slaying yet. Was it that rare or are they not in by any chance? The events are not mentioned in the release notes. Just asking, and thanks for all the work!
  10. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Looks like anniversery #2 rewards nerfed big time. I got a bear skin and a cat pelt from turning in two weapons.
  11. Mascha

    Mascha People Like Me

    It sure was nerfed. I turned in 16 weapons, and got 3 x Vial of swirling smoke, 4 HQ pelts, 1 medium pelt, 3 HP/mana necks, some LOre messages and rubicite boots. Pretty frustrating.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2018
  12. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    I think I forgot to enabled the memoradian drops. I will fix that in a couple of hours.
  13. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    Okay, Anniversary 4 is in. Find the big fat blue Ogre in PoK.
    Lenas, Manstache and Ravenwing like this.
  14. DCortez

    DCortez Member

    When is the event over?
  15. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    The anniversary events usually run for one full reset, so I'd expect this one to end with the next patch. That'll be around 10 AM EST on Wednesday, 1/9.
  16. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    I know XP bonuses will never get the green light again, but would you be open to simply lowering the rarity a tad on rare spawns and/or rare drops for these two weeks next year? I'm not talking anything big, just simply if it was set at 5%, increase to 10% type of thing, 1% to 2%, etc. Obviously cut off with 10% being the max that can be doubled, so nothing would increase to over 20%. I think it may help people finish older quests or camps they've been meaning to.
  17. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    yeah I may add more items along with the guise and increase that chance since the Token chances added more to the rarity of it for next year. I'll see about removing the pelts also.
    Mechaike, showstring, Mokli and 2 others like this.
  18. quesosauce

    quesosauce Member

    as someone whos newer to TAKP can one explain these turn ins a little better? i dont get what i need to be doing to get a reward
  19. Mascha

    Mascha People Like Me

    Ok, there seem to be many questions about the anniversary quests. It is hard to get hard facts, so here it goes. All stuff is quoted from this board, so all praise goes to the original posters.

    1st year Anniversary

    The Servitor of Gala's coins

    Talk to the Servitor of Gala between the soulbinder and the Nexus stone in PoK, and he'll ask you to retrieve his coins. They're scattered all over Norrath -- on Phinny, in the Planes of Fear/Hate/Sky, on solb/lguk nameds, and so on (check the AllaClone list I linked). Turn in a Coin of Gala and you'll get a reward -- including, perhaps, this big ol' bag. (like a Tinkering bag):

    Coin of Gala

    2nd year Anniversary

    Talk to this halfling near the PoK main bank, and he'll give you a list of weapons he wants you to collect. Turn in a weapon and you'll get some number of Action Tokens in denominations A, B or C. Turn in the tokens to Sheriff Roglio in the PoK dark bank for a random quest reward (potions, items, or perhaps a custom title?).
    • Coral Trident - Barnacle Bones in Dagnor
    • Polished Granite Tomahawk - Grenix Mucktail in East Karana or Highpass Hold
    • Langseax or Langseax of the Wolves - Langseax quest in Halas
    • Runed Oak Bow - Coloth Meadowgreen or Kroldir Thunderhoof in South Karana
    • Bone Bladed Claymore - a shadowknight in Befallen
    • Cold Iron Morning Star - a goblin preacher in Permafrost
    • Mystical Claws of Jojo - Jo Jo in Kerra Isle
    • Glowing Iron Pike - Garton Viswin in Mistmoore
    • Polished Steel Dirk - a spectre in the Qeynos Aqueducts
    • Fighting Baton - lumpy goo in the Crypt of Dalnir
    • Fleshripper - Solusek kobold king in Nagafen's Lair
    • Kicsh Der Pavz - Tesch Val Deval'Nmak in Splitpaw
    • Lamentation Blade - Estrella of gloomwater in Kedge Keep
    • Slime Crystal Staff - King Xorbb in his Gorge
    • Axe of the Slayers - Grazhak the Berzerker in Rathe Mountains
    • Runed Falchion - a froglok crusader in lguk
    • Blackened Alloy Longsword - various pickclaw in Runnyeye
    • Blood Fork - spectral knight/protector in Karnor's Castle
    • Messenger of the Queen - Queen Dracnia in Crystal Caverns
    • Spirit Reaver - Jelquar the Soulslayer in Stonebrunt Mountains
    • Pugius - tormented dead and lesser blade fiend in Unrest
    • Bargyn's Torch - Bargynn in Kurn's Tower
    • Glowing Wooden Crook - Lockjaw in Oasis of Marr
    • Axe of the Iron Back - mountain/forest giants in Frontier Mountains, Burning Woods, Dreadlands
    • Bow of the Underfoot - rock golems in the Hole
    It seems devs have nerfed the rewards, I got many pelts and bricks for 16 turn-ins. Some people talked about getting an instant gate potion - I did not see it. Rob stated that the really good stuff drops off the tier 3 type weapons, but I dont know what that means exactly.

    3rd year Anniversary
    TAKP clone:
    A memo about dwarf slaying has to be found and turned into a dwarf near GD stone. The best reward is:
    Priceless for most non porting or binding classes, worth all the hassle.
    Also great for any non porting, binding class, like necro, mage, BL, cleric to bind e.g. Sebilis, and port to Thurg once done.
    One of the best items ever.
    Other prices are 10 dose thorn potions, 10 x Gate potions to Swamp and minor or major gems.
    My experience after this year's event: I turned in about 80 memos, got no brick, many 10 x swamp gate potions, endless gems. Sigh.

    4th year Anniversary
    TAKP forum link:

    It seems like there is a big, fat Orge next to Main Bank and if you give him 4 large Acrylia Bricks, he will buff you with POTG, Aego, KEI etc.
    The problem is, these sell for about 30pp each (?), so that is 120pp for a random buff. Doesn't sound that great.
    Toomuch and Braven like this.
  20. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

  21. Liegezen

    Liegezen People Like Me

    These two aren't part of the event anymore. I blame Nukem, and maybe Swiftbow :p
  22. Dane

    Dane People Like Me

    This is why we can't have nice things.

    Still <3 Nukem.
  23. Yaximus

    Yaximus Member

    I turned in close to ~250 tokens last year and didn't see a guise for what it's worth.
  24. Barnd0g

    Barnd0g People Like Me

    lol you still creeping around swift?
  25. Barnd0g

    Barnd0g People Like Me

    Nukem is know best for running things on the edge of an exploitation so that makes sense...with the bard code in I guess that's why he is not around atm =P
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2019
  26. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    During year 2 I got a CoF, AoN, and a fungi. And a lot more minor things.