Fungi Drop Rate and Disarmed Magic

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slayzz, Dec 4, 2017.

  1. Slayzz

    Slayzz People Like Me

    So this DOES still drop right?? LOL.

    I mean I’m sure it’s just me having a horrible RNG run but just wanted to make sure.

    For those who have camped it what has been you’re experience. Just wanna know if my horrid luck has been experienced before.

    Been camping on and off over the past 2-3 weeks. I’ve had 22 king spawns in about 110-120 or so PH. 20 robes, 2 staffs... and of course ZERO tunics :(

    Someone told me the worst they’d heard of was 25 spawns before a tunic dropped so I’m approaching that soon ha.

    I know our server is different but it looks like on magelo it’s about a 15% Drop rate from king... it definitely doesn’t feel that way right now ha
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  2. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    it was turned off when velious launched
  3. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    It drops, all right! Hang in there, you'll see one.
  4. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    He's trollin you, fungi's don't exist
  5. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    RNG gonna RNG

    Just ask Vulak
  6. Barnd0g

    Barnd0g People Like Me

    My experience was also horrible - I don't know what the drop rate % is but I killed 15 Kings and walked away with 13 robes and 2 staffs.

    I hope you get it eventually Slay!
  7. 99problems

    99problems New Member

    Sounds like bad luck, unless its been changed the staff was the rare drop.
  8. thor

    thor Member

    They always err on the side of making stuff too hard so you’ll have to convince them otherwise
  9. Devour_Souls

    Devour_Souls People Like Me

    On AK I spent the Wednesday before Thanksgiving killing the PH, all day Thanksgiving day and all day Friday and got a tunic at noon on Saturday. But I wasn't killing the PHers while I was sleeping. So rougly 55 hours of killing King/PH to get one. Then never even used it. It was in Dev's bank when the server went dark.
  10. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I can confirm. Camping a fungi on eqlive. Many many Kings. Never got a fungi.
  11. Synthetix

    Synthetix Well-Known Member

    It was made ultra rare in December 2001. I remember personally selling my fungi tunic for around 40k and 2 days later people were selling it for almost 100k. This was on Prexus.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  12. Liegezen

    Liegezen People Like Me

    Spent a week down there a number of months ago, prolly almost a year now. That week I killed about 30 kings total. all sticks and robes, with the PHer dropping coth 3 times and dropping a cobalt bracer once.

    Since then I've went back every now and again and have killed at least 15-20 more kings. all sticks and robes.

    TLDR. rare is an understatement. Faster to just farm the PP and buy one if they are still in the 40-50k range.
  13. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    I'm going to increase the King spawn rate. It's fairly obvious that we have it too low.

    Drop chances on the loot is hard to say; there are contradictory claims on Allakhazam (and indeed this very thread) and if any NPC was modified by Sony over the years, it would be this one, so I'm not satisfied with Magelo either.
    Lenas likes this.
  14. Draeko

    Draeko Active Member

    I killed king once and got a tunic. I win at EQ :cool:
  15. Slayzz

    Slayzz People Like Me

    I hate you :)
    Draeko likes this.
  16. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

  17. Slayzz

    Slayzz People Like Me

    Someone mentioned the most the had ever heard of was 25 or so Kings in a row without a drop in Alliance the other day... WELL I just tied it, but it looks like someone else is gonna have to beat it because my TUNIC JUST DROPPED!!! :)

    IT ALWAYS WORKS... ALWAYS... Complain on the TAKP forums or in Alliance about a drop rate.. and the RNG gods listen.. 2 Kings after I posted.. TUNIC DROPPED!!!

    115 or so PH's
    25 Kings
    22 Robes
    2 Staffs
    and on the 25th King My Tunic :)

    Cheers RNG Gods :)
    actualspaide likes this.
  18. Elcid

    Elcid Member

    NGU Brother!
    Slayzz likes this.
  19. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Or could have just bought the one in the bumzaar
    Slayzz likes this.
  20. Slayzz

    Slayzz People Like Me

    I screamed NGU!!! over alliance and guild earlier when it dropped and said “This ones for Elcid!” Haha

    Every time I wanted to throw in the towel I had your NGU in the back of mind!
  21. Liegezen

    Liegezen People Like Me

    all of my hate
    Slayzz likes this.
  22. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    But what class is going to wear a Fungi??
  23. Slayzz

    Slayzz People Like Me

    Gave to my Shaman. Originally, my plan was to do it for pp, but then after it took so long I think I might keep it for memories sake lol. Unless of course I get an absurd offer for it. But until then its pretty solid for my Shaman until I get a Vindi BP
  24. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Yea... I traded for one early in Velious and after realizing I can 3-box, Fungi Tunic doesn't quite have the value on a Melee twink since Druids can regen and Clerics can heal out of group.

    I ended up dumping it on my shaman, I've also considered camping another one to put it on my bard for recovering HPs during PoGrowth kites, after reading this thread I'm not sure I'm inclined to do that. But maybe it would make the level 56-60 grind less mind numbing?
  25. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Not possible.
  26. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    This is what I use mine for, and it's great. HP gets chipped away, and the faster you can get it back, the less likely you are to have to start over. (Speaking of which, are you sitting on a bunch of prayers of life? These would be nice to have here, too.)

    I camped a second one for Gadzooks and almost never use it, heh.
  27. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I have 7 or 8 prayers. I used to use them when Nagafen would dual wield until I had the mind blowing idea of disarming him, so now they don't see much use.
  28. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    disarm removes primary slot only, thus he should still have secondary slot weapon equipped, thus he would be clawing + piercing, no?
  29. Avocado

    Avocado New Member

    I valued hp regen on Avo on Alkabor, as a bard. My preferred bp slot was the lunar tunic from VT. As a bard that gets nicked by baddies now and then, or raid AEs, the regen of the tunic plus my own regen song kept me topped off.

    I would probably have a fungi tunic on Avo here half the time, actually.
  30. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    It removes Primary first success and Secondary second success I think?

    But it definitely stops dual wielding after I disarm for a bit.