Official Raid Rotation Post

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zarwayne, Feb 20, 2015.

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  1. Zarwayne

    Zarwayne Guest

    The server has spoken and the option that has won is the Rotation, community enforced with GM support.

    Current rotational guilds:
    1.) Starvald Demelain

    Qualifications for getting into the rotation:
    Guilds wanting to enter the rotation will need to kill a qualifying mob (Naggy/Vox)

    Please work with Starvald's leadership to schedule your raid.

    *this thread will be updated as more guilds join the rotation.
  2. krenar

    krenar New Member

    hi zar, is it permissible for a group of friends who arnet guilded, or in different guilds to each other to go and kill them? and how do they apply to be in the rotation? could they just make a group name or something and join in?
  3. Smackage

    Smackage New Member

    It would make sense to have friends create a guild to this in I think.
  4. krenar

    krenar New Member

    The problem is some are in destiny, some are in AnH, some are in there own, etc, and some are un guilded now.
  5. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    As long as these mobs matter to people, the guild's in question will be taking them out.

    Allowing Guild A to have a rotation slot and then 5 members from Guild A plus 5 unguilded people having a rotation slot isn't exactly fair.

    If you really just want to experience those mobs with your specific group of friends you can likely wait until Kunark or Velious when those mobs are deemed irrelevant to many.
  6. Korbendallas

    Korbendallas New Member

    I think it's much simpler reserving it per guild.

    What happens when it's a random bunch of 8 players from 4 guild every week, with people being added and dropped at random, etc.

    Saying guild 1 guild 2 guild 3 etc puts structure to it.
  7. Zarwayne

    Zarwayne Guest

    yes, due to the structure of Rotations they are limited to per-guild. if one guild wants to help another that would have to be settled between themselves.
  8. Tollen

    Tollen Member

    or have 1 guild apply to rotation and if they want to have people outside of guild join that's up to them, but they get say on loot. so only people running risk of not getting anything are people out of the guild.

    think Open raid nights we had on AK, hosted by one guild and they had there own DKP for everyone.
  9. krenar

    krenar New Member


    naggy was up for 2 days in a row I nearly went and did it last night with mates, it only takes 3-4 people
  10. Korbendallas

    Korbendallas New Member

    I would imagine that there could be a simplified clause regarding that, something like 12-36 hours if no attempt is made, FFA. Numbers just out of my butt but you get the point.

    And/or contact the guild who is up for the target and ask if they have specific plans (planning on killing Thursday, etc).
  11. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I was a fan of the 2week window we had for the VT and Seru rotations because it left those mobs as options for your entire window, and you got to decide when to kill them whether you do it on a Monday Friday, whatever.

    I do understand however on a Classic server where the things to do at level 50 are extremely limited and Nagafen and Vox are basically your only "raid content", people will get very annoyed to see them sit up for 3-4 days while a guild waits for a more ideal or their scheduled raid night.

    More important than a raid rotation on Naggy/Vox, is reporting bugs and fixing up the server so Planar and Kunark can come out faster. More content means people can spread out and there is less friction among different factions of players whether it be play style or guild affiliation.
  12. Korbendallas

    Korbendallas New Member

    Absolutely agree that we should be pressing to help development in any way we can, as it will alleviate some of the issues before they become large issues.

    But we should also kill draginz too :)

    As far as "frustrating" to see a mob up when it's another guild's turn to kill it.... those people need to relax, they'll kill it in their agreed upon window. :)
  13. Tesadar

    Tesadar Active Member

  14. lurari

    lurari People Like Me

    The idea of a twelve hour grace period is insane to me. Say your mob pops at 2 am; this means that casual guilds will lose their mob to FFA with regularity. Even a 24 hour window means you are expected to have a raid force ready every day of the week.

    If TAK follows EQMac's resets, it's probably best to take a lesson from the history books and rotate for two week blocks.
  15. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    two week blocks wouldn't work so well if the server ends up with more than a few guilds capable of doing the content.
  16. krenar

    krenar New Member

    a group is capable of doing content, so pretty much every guild in game is!

    2 weeks is way to long! 24 hours imo is a decent window for a guild to get the mob down.
  17. Reiker

    Reiker New Member

    I also suggested 24 hours to Adaephon, think we're still looking for Destiny's opinion.
  18. Rivthis

    Rivthis New Member


    With the way we communicate today, coupled with the knowledge of a game that is this old, 24 hours should be more than enough time to gather up your causal friends for few hours to kill the mobs we have available to us now. If not, than you need more guildies and should be working on doing that not on holding up mobs for 2 weeks while you attempt it 25 times.

    Can always tailor the lock out window for each raid mob or zone or whatever, but right now we talking about naggy and vox, maybe for hate and fear you set those at 7 day zones so you get a chance to kill the named there and can do multiple clears of the zone but that isn't right now.
  19. Elrontaur

    Elrontaur People Like Me

    We need to remember to create opportunity for everyone on the server to enjoy the raid content. I would be willing to lead some Alliance raids on days when guilds aren't hitting their targets during rotations. Since we have regular server restarts and the raid mobs spawn regularly, I would like to see that they get taken down often and that everyone on the server who wants to raid gets a chance at the loot.

    Perhaps we can even add Alliance to the rotation?
  20. sourdiesel

    sourdiesel Active Member

    2 weeks is way too long with only Vox/Naggy in game.

    With variances, 12 hours wouldn't work.

    24 hours would promote competition.

    48-72 hours if you wanna go the super casual route.

    Even with the planes in game 2 weeks is still too long. What if a group of friends wants to go into the planes and clear some trash for gear(which the mobs are on an 8 hour or so timer)? They shouldn't have to wait 2 weeks. Planes trash shouldn't be on a rotation either, only the named.
  21. Reiker

    Reiker New Member

    Honestly the shorter the "lock out" time, the less potential for server drama. We have 5 potential raid guilds already: Starvald, Divine Right, Austerity, Destiny, and Fallout. If everyone took 2 weeks you're looking at a dragon every 3-4 months. Even with 24 hours it's a month and a half wait.
  22. Thunderace

    Thunderace People Like Me


    lol, love this thread
  23. Sharpe

    Sharpe Member

    How long does each mob take to re-spawn?
  24. sourdiesel

    sourdiesel Active Member


    Vox/Naggy are on a 7 day timer with 12 hour variance I think.
  25. Korbendallas

    Korbendallas New Member

    I mean, is it even worth discussing faster than normal repop timers?

    Also was there always variance or was that an emu thing? I swear I remember you could predict exactly when [some?] this would spawn
  26. xate

    xate Active Member

    What are the rules for getting onto the rotation supposed to be? I'm so against rotations especially this early that I'd rather not be in charge of anything about them really., we will abide by what the rules are but now theres lots of guilds wanting into the dragon rotation and no rules on how they get in, where they get added to the list when added to the rotation, and in what order, etc.

    My preference would be if a guild wants to join the dragon rotation they have to bully their way in by killing a dragon first before another guild on the rotation (first to engage, no claim window when mob resets), and added somewhere in the list for both dragons afterwards. This at least makes them have to earn it and stops every guild from getting a huge claim window for free before they've killed a dragon.

    -Adaephon, Starvald Demelain
  27. Bottyburp1

    Bottyburp1 New Member

    Works for me. Although I do think it may be slightly unfair to some guilds as there is only currently 1 guild with the timer on where the dragons are dying (obviously the 12 hours variance) but I have no issue with this
  28. xate

    xate Active Member

    There are two dragons so it should not be hard for a determined guild to find one up over a few days of occasionally checking, the spawn variance on the dragons (12 hours currently), coupled with the fact that we're now in a rotation, is pretty much enough to stop my guild at least from doing any kind of poopsocking or camping. Also it's a good thing that you have to earn your own dragon timers and keep them. It shouldn't be any other guild or GM's job to keep track for members of the rotation (that still doesn't mean the community can't keep a list updated on the forums if they really wanted to), if you get complacent then the server gets an FFA dragon which keeps a little excitement around too.

    -Adaephon, Starvald Demelain
  29. Bottyburp1

    Bottyburp1 New Member

    I agree with that entirely. No one should be 'given' a spot in the rotation just because they have enough lvl 50's etc, I think they should earn it. I think a 24 hours, maybe 48 would be fair while on the ration to kill the mob, if not then its FFA, otherwise if it's a week it would be daft with how long you could have to wait. There aren't enough mobs for a proper rotation, if you make them a more 'fair game' then it will make people actually want to fight for them, not be handed them
  30. Krimziniv

    Krimziniv New Member

    How are u supposed to know how long a dragon has been up if its been 48 hours or not? Which also leads to my question of if a guild wants to attempt it and sits on the spawn point to get it and the current guild is also there waiting how are you supposed to "bully" your way in?
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