Official Raid Rotation Post

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zarwayne, Feb 20, 2015.

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  1. xiexie

    xiexie New Member

    this sounds alot better
  2. sourdiesel

    sourdiesel Active Member

    Good idea but here are some changes that I think will make it better.

    FFA Week. 24 hour period instead of 12 hours seems more reasonable. I say this because of the 12 hour variance in spawns.
    New guilds wanting to get in on the rotation don't have to ask permission, they just kill it.
    After 24 hours it goes FFA and not to the next guild in the rotation.

    The way you proposed it means a guild would have to alter their scheduled raiding time each week if a new guild didn't get the kill.

    When the rotation starts there needs to be a thread where people keep track of kills.
  3. Luddwig

    Luddwig Active Member

    I like this idea too. Letting the dragons go truly FFA after 24 hours will allow loot-hungry guilds to get some additional loot outside of their rotation, which might help reduce frustration with the rotation system in the long run.
  4. Smackage

    Smackage New Member

    I think 12 hours is enough. If it does not mean enough to go and kill it before then others deserve a go.
  5. krenar

    krenar New Member

    I agree with smack 12 hours seems plenty, maybe an 18 hour meet in the middle is needed :)
  6. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    And if the 12 hrs is from 12 midnight to noon? I am guessing you have no job?
  7. Tarkon

    Tarkon Well-Known Member

    This thread is pretty funny. A poll is posted and it is clear where a majority of the respondents are. Perhaps folks feel that if they keep posting in favor of FFA (or in trying to turn the rotation to effectively an FFA system), it will change the outcome of the poll.

    Let's take our example of a 12 hour window a guild has. If the dragon pops at 2 am EST on a Wednesday, that means the guild has until 2 pm EST, Wednesday to kill the dragon. Do people expect that guild's members to call into work sick to kill a dragon? Or are we just assuming people have no jobs and can sit at home all day?
  8. Tarkon

    Tarkon Well-Known Member

    Where is all this frustration with the rotation system coming from? It isn't reflected in the community poll.
  9. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Actually, it is. And when you have 60% for, there are still 40% that do not like the result.

    If there are 20 ppl polled, you have 8 unhappy. But maybe 1/4 will say something.

    Then you have all those that didnt know about the poll.

    When making rules by majority, it does not mean the minority will keep quiet.

    When there are more raid targets, there will be more to go around.

  10. Trisi

    Trisi People Like Me

    Since it seems it is near impossible to get a hold of the leadership of the other guilds (anon and different play times I guess) I resigned myself to discussing this here. As I had mentioned I made contact with an officer in SD, brought up raid rotations, he agreed it would be best discussed it in game and that he'd get back to me. That never happened.

    Perhaps for future discussions the moderators would consider a guild officer section where conversations like this can be had?

    Selecting a rotation shouldn't be a competition. The majority voted for a rotation system . A 24 hour raid rotation is not viable for Destiny's play style. My guild members enjoy the game and are as dedicated to the success of this sever as much as any other players. They also have responsibilities , commitments and interests outside of EQ. We should not be penalized for it. While I understand that people are impatient for new content, I don't think that is happening any time soon. I do not think it is necessary to kill the mob 12-24 hours after it pops so the next guild can get the opportunity as soon as possible. There are plenty of other things to do besides raiding dragons. With limited raid mobs two week rotations are too long. I'd be comfortable with a one week rotation.

    Destiny contains a sizable portion of the server population within our guild (perhaps near a majority) but we are not seeking a competition but a cooperative agreement.

    FFA is not acceptable to us. The poll results showed the majority of the server population against it. New guilds can express interest through a thread here and one existing raiding guild can give up their spot when another guilds show interest. Each guild can take a turn giving up a spot to the guild wanted to join the rotation. If the other guilds leadership does not want to spend the time to coordinate this process I will volunteer Destiny as the coordinator and I will tell which guild has to give up their spot to accommodate new guilds.
    Despite the differences among all the comments on this thread my desire is that all the guilds succeed and that we can cooperate and grow together and make this server even better then Al'kabor was.

    I will do my part to accomplish this.

    I welcome the other guild leaders to contact me in game to discuss it further. I'm on usually every night EST. If that time isn't convenient let me know when you are on and I'll make my best effort to log on then.
  11. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Another thing the poll results do not reflect, is earlier in the poll there were more votes in the other choices. Those dwindled as 2 choices became the front runner, and people switched to those that the preferred.

    There are vast more people that did not like either of the top choices.

    I think what won is fair enough. And to be honest, it really is. But it is not my first or second choice. But its ok. For that matter all of the choices were ok. Each had their disadvantages.

    When it is something that cannot have a correct answer, its a tough choice. And a tough pill to swallow when it is decided on for some.

    How raids should be handled will always be a hot topic. And as long as it is community driven, there will be those that want to alter the community.

    There will eventually need to be a shift in policy making. The community input is great. But the server administrators need to make the final decision. Otherwise its an endless debate of people trying to influence holding another poll.

    You can make some of the people happy some of the time. But you cannot make all of the people happy.

    There needs to be a vision. And that is to be like tak. Some things will work. But for those that argue when things diverge, when was the last time the community really was able to set server policy? The vocal majority could influence, but whose sandbox was it? And you paid to play there too.

    Enjoy the server. Its not perfect. But it can be fun for all.

  12. Sharpe

    Sharpe Member

    Here's to hoping the guild leaders can get together, as Trisi is suggesting, and work something out. I understand the server did vote for a community enforced, with GM support, but so far it does not seem to be working out that way. Let's hope the atmosphere changes and something gets worked out. I would hate to think every small detail of this needs to be either worked out by vote or as Haynar is suggesting, GM enforcement. This is a game. I respect the passion of some, but it is just a game.
  13. sourdiesel

    sourdiesel Active Member

    No one is advocating for straight FFA anymore. The only 'FFA' being discussed if for new guilds wanting to enter the rotation.

    The last poll was horrible with obsolete choices.

    Community driven rotations won.

    It seems Divine Right, Fallout and Starvald have all somewhat agreed thus far how to handle the rotations (while hashing out the finer points) and Destiny is the hold out.

    Lets have another poll on how the ROTATIONS should be handled to settle it because this back and forth nonsense is getting no where.
  14. Oiwon

    Oiwon People Like Me

    Here's an updated example of the suggested changes to the server rotation

    NAG/Vox Rotations ---- > SD -> DR -> Fallout -> 'OPEN' -> Continued rotation ->

    -- If your Guild/Group wants to try to take down a Dragon the 'OPEN' week is FFA for 'non-rotation' guilds for the first 24 hours
    -- If the dragon is not successfully killed within those first 24 hours. The Dragon would become FFA
    -- Once a new guild has made it's way in to the rotation for that dragon, the 'OPEN' spot gets pushed back to the 5th week etc..
    -- Each individual dragon should have to be killed to enter the rotation for that specific dragon. Simply because one can kill Vox doesn't mean they can kill Nagafen / visa-versa. This is fair for those already in the rotation who have proven themselves worthy of a spot.
    -- All ROTATION dragons are SAFE for that specific guild for a 24 hour window. If left up, the Dragon becomes FFA
    -- If it's your dragon, you are responsible for the time table of that dragon.
    -- if you steal someone else's dragon, you miss the next rotation, if you do it again you are kicked from rotation (have to earn your way back in OR GM's could get involved.
    -- To break in to the rotation you've gotta do this on your own, the rotation guilds can't help you.

    There are only 2 dragons guys!!!
    This seems like a fair compromise for all. I don't see BIGGER WINDOWS than 24 hours being fair to the majority involved, with currently only 2 raid mobs per week for the entire server.
  15. sourdiesel

    sourdiesel Active Member

    Not perfect but the best proposed solution so far.

    24 hours could be bumped up to 48 hours if needed but I think 24 is ideal though.

    '-- If it's your dragon, you are responsible for the time table of that dragon. ' --What does this mean exactly, please clarifty. Are guilds required to post kill time, spawn time, etc?

    I think that the 12 hour spawn variance is making this rotation harder then it needs to be.
  16. Oiwon

    Oiwon People Like Me

    24 hours is a pretty fair balance, that's my personal opinion. Others may disagree but it's more than 12 so hopefully people are happy with that. 48 is too much, because that's another day the dragons will be pushed back. = More waiting/Less Dragons and loot for everyone else.

    Basically, the dragon is handed to you on a silver platter for 24 hours. Eat up or it goes cold!

    As for the time table that just means you need to know when your window begins and is over, otherwise somebody else will.
    If you kill someone else's dragon 22 hours in to their window, that's on you your guild.
    I don't see why any time tables (other than who's next on the rotation) should need to be posted on the forums. If the guild leaders want to share this information between eachother they can, but WHEN a mob pops/is supposed to pop - has never been public knowledge, it's the business of those who are interested in taking it down.

    In other words, kill your dragon!!! And don't kill other peoples!!!! (unless it's FFA)
  17. scythic

    scythic New Member

    Where are the poll numbers? Can't fine em. I feel like rotations won a plurality and not a majority.
  18. surron

    surron People Like Me

    Oiwon for rotation president.
  19. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    if a "week" is defined as the period between wednesday morning resets, and each week is assigned to a guild or FFA as per the rotation, what is the worst that would happen? If you're a guild that's willing to mobilize within a 12 or 24 hour spawn window you can basically never miss your dragon, even if the spawn time migrates toward reset day (especially if the GMs are willing to help with dragon spawns that end up in that tuesday night asscrack (if/when it's due to happen middle of the night tuesday and you'd have to bat phone to get it)), and if you're a guild that would rather schedule a raid, you run the risk of occasionally missing your dragon, but that's probably what you signed up for when you decided to do your raids that way. Doesn't everybody win? I'm sure I could be missing something obvious, here, so please enlighten me if that scheme doesn't work.
  20. Oiwon

    Oiwon People Like Me

    I'm a little confused, but sounds good to me for the most part. Is that a thing? Are the GM's resetting the server every wed from here on out? I thought they more or less just did it whenever they felt like it. If so that helps keep things simple as far as scheduling goes.
  21. Senan

    Senan New Member

    I'm pretty sure, with all the votes from the 3(I think?) different rotation categories added together, rotations won by a fairly wide margin.
  22. Tesadar

    Tesadar Active Member

    ya'll need jesus
  23. Suriinya

    Suriinya Well-Known Member

    I think the dragons should be removed from the game until this gets figured out and settled. If you can't sit down and have a discussion like adults, then the toys stay in the box.
  24. Smackage

    Smackage New Member

    Is this because you are level 35 and are not in a place to kill them? What right do you have to suggest to take away content from people because you don't think a discussion is upto your standards?

    Currently SD are at Naggy and may or may not kill him. If they do for the second week in a row then that is fine but I believe leaders agreed to let DR have one shot at it. Currently there is not enough content to support rotations which this is showing. Either get something in place or it is FFA till then imo.

    Edit: SD did kill Naggy? Can a gm confirm this?
  25. Oiwon

    Oiwon People Like Me

    But there's only 1 guild killing them anyways,, nobody else has

    Don't take away our precioussssss!!
  26. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    We manually reset the server for now every Wednesday. No specific time on that day however.
    As far as GM intervention goes, we are watching the thread and seeing the ebb and flow of the opinions here.

    In some ways it does seem someone needs to be appointed as a gatekeeper of sorts in the community if minimal GM intervention is what was desired.
    We do have a ton on our plates getting things set up and continued development. I am tirelessly working on new forum software that will expand some features for us. I am unsure of the availability of this but, there might be a calendar plugin I can install as well.

    Before this gets way out of hand (which I don't see to much of yet) I plan to talk it over with Rob and Zarwayne about a few ideas.
    Then it is on to the guild leads and such. I'd rather not have to constantly waste Dev time on this issue so I do hope that people can play nice and remember that there was a rotation on AK. The ideal is to mirror what was on there before the rotations broke down.
  27. Oiwon

    Oiwon People Like Me

    Okay well nothing is in stone at the moment, i feel there are some really great ideas for a rotation proposed. 2 dragons a week with 4 or 5 guilds wanting a piece of the action ain't much no matter how you slice it.
  28. Smackage

    Smackage New Member

    I propose.

    Next Vox = Fallout. Vox After Starvald. FFA week. Repeat until a new guild comes in Divine are not in this as I do not think they have the force to attempt currently?

    Next Naggy Divine Right. Naggy after Fallout. Naggy after Starvald. FFA week. Repeat until a new guild comes in.

    If you do not kill your dragon within 24 then the Dragon becomes FFA for anyone on server.

    Starvald I put you at back of this because you have had all the dragons recently. If this is not acceptable please let me know.

    Please only representatives of the guilds on the server reply to this so we can move forward.
  29. Bottyburp1

    Bottyburp1 New Member

    I don't know the facts of what SD and DR didn't as I was asleep dreaming about pixels. Some attempt at trying to say they didn't do it seems to suggest that maybe it was a so called 'snipe' which is fine by me, however as noted above, nothing is set in stone yet and until it is, we will be ready for every Dragon we can be as others apparently are
  30. Zarwayne

    Zarwayne Guest

    Ok, we will be reviewing the posts within and will publish our findings shortly.

    Thank you for your input.
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