Discovered weapons so far on NPC

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by robregen, Jan 4, 2023.

  1. S9Forever

    S9Forever Member

    Wiki updated, thanks for announcing your find!
    Pugnacious and pivoo like this.
  2. dalidali

    dalidali Member

    I'm curious what the final # was for Guises this year. Felt much harder lol but maybe that was just the fatigue of returning to the same camps from the year prior. I know you're not asking, but suggestions for future years: if you have a list of all potential Nameds that could drop swords maybe have them RNG selected each anniversary reset so it's a fresh batch of some knowns mostly unknowns that we could search out/return to and I would even take reduced odds of C token and reduced odds of Guise if the sword droppers dropped a sword 100% of the time but say the odds of it being a Negerbor compared to a Ralos are weighted given the difficulty/rarity of that mob.

    FYI this continues to be my fav anniv event despite the RNG pain so big thanks to all the devs and ofc feel free to ignore my suggestions!
    pivoo likes this.
  3. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    We were talking about this in NAG the other day, I think we got 8 or 9 total.
  4. Manstache

    Manstache Active Member

    Xi Thall got a fair bit of traffic this year I think. Pretty cool.
    giantfortt likes this.
  5. Domni

    Domni Member

    Before I forget, I also found a Negerbor's on Yaka Razorhoof in GD and A Drolvarg Captain in KC.
    Frosst likes this.