Very New to EQ

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Buudy, Nov 27, 2021.

  1. Buudy

    Buudy New Member

    I had played to like lvl 40 back in like 2000 but I do not remember much. What would be a good suggestion of a 3 box for someone who is pretty much brand new and only will recognize a few zones like fay and bb etc from back then. I want to eventually raid on a main. I was looking at SK but I hear they are pretty gear dependent which I wont have early on. Keep in mind I wont know the best camps and will kinda of just explore and level in the areas I find suitable for my level.
    DubRemix88 and Elroz like this.
  2. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    whoever is your tank will always be pretty gear dependent I'd say, unless you live your life as an enchanter using charm (not a new-player-friendly character IMO). Pal/SK are probably the best bet, fairly easy to learn each one. I'd imagine SK + Cleric + Beastlord, or Pal + Druid + Beastlord would be decent setups that are fairly easy to learn. Pal/Cler can pacify to help pull singles, beastlord would be the primary dps + slows. Druid doesn't heal too great until later on though.
  3. Buudy

    Buudy New Member

    The sk, beastlord, cleric sound good to me I will also probably solo on a Necro from time to time maybe do that first to get a feel for the game as that class is something I like thematically.
    Elroz likes this.
  4. Tylaric

    Tylaric Well-Known Member

    Necro runs great with a Druid and Beastlord..
  5. DubRemix88

    DubRemix88 People Like Me

    Pal/bst/dru in endgame was a little light on dps for me (since with defensive AA's you end up with two capable tanks, and one of em can't dps very well), ended up replacing the paladin with a second beastlord and rolling new toons that better fit the pally (mag/sha). Sk/bst/clr works for sure, but I think an enchanter might fill the beastlords rolls a little better (even if you're just direcharming), and earlier. Like Tylaric said, bst/necro/dru is a solid option as well. Best advice, pick a class you really want to play then pick stuff that makes your first class better (SK's need heals/slows/manaregen/dps for a selfsufficient trio)...

    That said, sk/bst/clr does fill all your roles and can take you all the way.

    As far as gear... it will all come in time, and it gets easier to attain the longer you play.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021
  6. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    Honestly, if you haven't played since Y2K, starting out with a trio might be a bit overwhelming. I'd suggest starting with one or maaaaybe two toons and adding more if you eventually feel like it. Druid is a pretty great first character - easy to learn, powerful, can solo or group, good at exploring, and can easily power-level future toons if you want to add more.
    Sketchy, Neealana, Suriinya and 2 others like this.
  7. actualspaide

    actualspaide People Like Me

    Might i also suggest bard as your primary toon if you play a single toon. They are the most diverse class in game and will allow you to adjust your play style to fit in with almost any role a group needs.
    Sketchy, Break, Radda and 1 other person like this.
  8. Palski

    Palski Member

    You can always have a tankless trio and have 2 pet tanks (incase 1 dies) like BL,Mage,Healer or BL,Nec,Healer. Those can be fun. I recommend BST being one of the pet classes since they have slows, big pet heals, and can also tank once you get some gear.
    Ripwind and DubRemix88 like this.