
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nirrtix, Apr 15, 2019.

  1. Nirrtix

    Nirrtix New Member

    Can anyone give me advice on how to do it? Obviously I need 3 accounts, but it seems like it would be hard to do with two windows open and it looks like it would be hard to do with 2 computers as well.
  2. Shawn

    Shawn People Like Me

    In your EQ client is a file called if you open it before your EQ files , it will allow you to swap using 1 2 3 on your number pad
  3. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

  4. Devour_Souls

    Devour_Souls People Like Me

    If I'm understanding your question the right way, begin with a melee and healer. Switch spaces/instances/keyboards to heal your melee, add additional attributes as you feel comfortable such as using your healer to nuke or dot. When you are comfortable that you are getting near 100 percent out of those two, add a third and blend it into your style. Could also start with a healer and pet class. Whatever fits your play style. If I'm misunderstanding what you are asking, my apologies.
  5. Braven

    Braven Well-Known Member

    Personally, I just use the base UI with adding any hotkey software and manage fine. Dont feel like you *have* to install add ons. I have a desktop where I alt tab between 2 accounts, and then a laptop next to it. I keep my caster dps on the laptop, as it requires minimum keypresses and almost no movement.

    You can easily make a good duo, as someone suggested, and add a 3rd account if you get more comfortable. Some suggestions for solid duos would be:
    1) Shaman + any melee
    2) Shaman + Necro or Mage
    3) Beastlord + Cleric or Druid
    4) Magician + Cleric
    5) Enchanter + Druid (charm strat - a lot of power but challenging for a new player)

    All of these can add in a caster or healer with ease when you feel up to it. Good luck!
  6. Ripwind

    Ripwind People Like Me

    Just get good with a Bst/Clr and you can win EQ. Add a mag or enc for even more ridiculousness.
  7. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    Clr with snare neck seems like a good call for the bst/clr combo.
    Ripwind likes this.
  8. Mr_GreenScreens

    Mr_GreenScreens Member

    Clr neck is way overrated, mob has to be practically dead for it to be effective.

    BST Blind stops mobs faster, abiet with a little more damage to pet, just gotta make sure warder on the mob that wants to run.
  9. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    clinging darkness is terrible, it just makes mobs flee slightly slower
    lurari likes this.
  10. Tryfan

    Tryfan People Like Me

    Never once had a problem with the cleric neck. Mob takes two steps at massive snare speed and then stops from incoming damage. If you don't sit there like controller disconnected with it 1hp into flee range it doesn't matter at all.
  11. Devour_Souls

    Devour_Souls People Like Me

    In complete agreement. Engulfing darkness isn't very good, and it's a couple orders of magnitude better than clinging darkness. Clinging darkness is barely better than no snare at all.
    showstring likes this.
  12. Braven

    Braven Well-Known Member

    You guys are forgetting that even a bad snare overwrites SoW. Ive found the snare necklace very nice in places like Guk, SolB, and Seb.

    Its also nice if your cleric is pulling, indoors and without run speed.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2019
  13. Morbo

    Morbo Well-Known Member

    Hotkeynet is the way to go. It's super simple and allows you to do a lot. I've 3 boxed quite a bit so I'm pretty good at it now, but at the start I was terrible. It takes a lot of getting used to and realizing that your tank will not get healed unless YOU heal him :). Once you learn it and get better at it it's one of the most enjoyable eq experiences i've had in 20 years.
    dingbat and John Stark like this.
  14. HelHound989

    HelHound989 Member

    As Shawn stated, the downloaded client comes with a program that facilitates client swapped much MUCH easier (HotKeyNet), with an already loaded script.

    The script just sets up 2 separate hotkey commands...
    1. CTRL-F12 - This launches 3 separate clients for you automatically, and binds each client to a NUMPAD key

    2. NUMPAD1, NUMPAD2, NUMPAD3 - Pressing each one swaps focus to their respective client. NUMPAD1 for Client1, NUMPAD2 for Client2, and NUMPAD3 for Client3
    Once thats setup, its super easy to swap between them, instead of having to ALT-TAB in Windows.

    For me, I had to make a very slight modification to the script, because the script would facilitate pressing the <ENTER> key after each client loading, which was simulating pressing the "DECLINE" button in the EULA window when the client loaded, so had to remove the enter key press, but other than that, it was simple.

    Now, some boxing advice from a newbie who just started a week ago...
    1. If you are 2 or 3 boxing, pick one of your boxes as your "Main" character. Especially if one of your characters is going to be a melee, make this your "Main", even if your true main character is a caster. This is important, as you will likely spend a good 70-80% of your focus on this character / client window due to having to move for positioning, pulling, etc.

    2. Your other box(es) should 100% be a caster of some type (Either WIS or INT casters). Reason being is trying to move and control 2 or more melee characters at the same time is very difficult, and constantly swapping between them for combat positioning, etc, leads you to losing focus.
      You want your box(es) to be characters that you don't need to spend a whole lot of focus on, and casters are perfect for this, as in EQ, they spend most of their character lives sitting on their butts. You want to be able to "park and forget" them, and only swapping to them to throw the occasional spell here and there.

    3. Learn the macro commands, and setup a follow command (I.E. macro to /tar main, /follow), as well as sit / standing command, and assisting command. For the caster, setup up a couple macros for your most commonly used spells (I.E. for my cleric, I setup a macro to /tar main, /stand, /cast heal, /pause X, /sit). This way, when you do need to swap clients, your not struggling or wasting time to click on a target and then click on a spell, while your main is getting beaten on, etc.

    4. Keep your main and your boxes on the same client windows always. For example, my Rogue is always on client1, my Cleric is always on client2, and my enchanter is always on client3, so that after awhile, if I know that my Rogue needs a heal, I can quickly press NUMPAD2 to swap to my Cleric, then press 1 (ingame hotkey for my heal macro), then NUMPAD1 to switch back to my Rogue. After a short while, it becomes instinctive, and the motion for this becomes quick and fluid.

    5. Lastly, for the first couple of hours, its gonna be confusing for a bit, and you will sometimes forget which character you are currently focused on. But very quickly, you will start to get the feel of it and it will become natural and fluid. Learning is part of the boxing journey, and accept you will goof up now and again (Like when I accidentally tried to cast the heal macro thinking I was on my cleric, and instead casted mez on my enchanter's self.. OOPS!)
    I hope this helps you OP!