
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, Dec 26, 2018.

  1. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    VT doesn't have emotes and emotes have a range regardless.

    It was 35 then I reduced it to 30 last patch, which produced more desirable results. I don't anticipate needing to lower it.

    Not all decisions are made via dev vote as I was not consulted regarding #fi or anniversary events and some other things. In this particular case I threatened to leave the project if we didn't stop this kiting nonsense, because I refuse to work on a project that bears no resemblance to either AK nor PC EQ and wants to instead be EZ server PoP edition. If you like, I can leave and you can have your TVX kiting back which I'm sure Haynar would love.
  2. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I put in a kite limit of 65. If exceeded, mobs peel off. Go home. This is the mechanic that is what was discussed as a dev team when I was there. My intent was to have a similar “feel” to how AK played. I am no longer part of dev discussions.

    All my code was scrapped and Torven rewrote the kite limit code.

    I am still an admin on the server. I am no longer part of the dev group, or on takp discord, when it comes to making these decisions.

    My focus on dev work is core pathing mechanics and server stability.

    I am 100% against adding bugs that are meant as punitive actions, which intentionally result in death of players.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2019
  3. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    I'm happy with skipping TVX mobs if it means we get accurate game mechanics and PoP expansion release. Please don't leave :)
  4. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    You set it at 80, which is why I made the DB fields default to 80 when I softcoded it. I had to rewrite some of it to make a method call usable in other contexts because the way you wrote it only worked in that one particular context and I needed to use it elsewhere. (this was a method to keep track of how many mobs were actively kited) Otherwise the logic behind it is the same: mobs peel off after the limit is reached, but only if they've been aggro 30 seconds. I then added some stuff on top. It's not like I scrapped it all or even wanted to.

    I needed to add more logic to it because the limit was essentially doing nothing if the NPCs were kept in a ball as the NPCs were re-aggroing immediately due to assisting.
    Pithy likes this.
  5. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    I think Faults' guess at the VT kite limit was based on one I made on the Tem forums. I made that guess by experimenting: building a train, noting when the 'path home' mechanic activated, and counting spawns on the (extremely detailed) EQAtlas VT map. I've never heard Faults talk about using ShowEQ or any other third-party software.
    Mokli likes this.
  6. Slayzz

    Slayzz People Like Me

    Oh damn didn’t know the kite number was nerfed again on the 26th change Logan ... thought it was the same as the original implementation. *Sigh*
  7. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    Cuz I don't use 3rd party software - ffs I barely use hotbuttons to twist.
  8. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    My initial commit was 80. Worked for shit. I adjusted it to 65 and had it working better. When I tried to merge it, there were conflicts due to changes that altered the method over what I was using. So I scrapped it.

    I never had my code active that worked well.

    I am 100% against kiting large amounts of mobs like was done in ME.

    Making TVXs a challenge is ok too.

    Making you clear a wing and get TVXs down, in under about 40 min? Thats hard. Not sure how sucessful Tem has been since patch.

    TVXs will just be killed less often. Which is AKurate.

    I am ok with a forced clear or TVX wings. But increase spawn times. Its too short. Make the mobs all 2 hr respawn. Forbid kiting TVXs. But sustaining the dps needed. Needs help. Such as unnerf Rangers to start.

    Make the game fun. Keep it a challenge.

    Make it suck and waste ppls time? Not fun.
    Linkamus likes this.
  9. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    As I said this morning, I already increased the respawn times. I suspected it was wrong because clearing the wings in 44 minutes didn't make sense because there were too many mobs (and these are higher level mobs) and I never saw comments about rushing to beat a timer anywhere. (and these are the low end bosses of the zone, after all) I investigated and found rather strong evidence that the timers in the wings should be double the rest of the zone.
    Pithy likes this.
  10. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    My apologies, Faults
    Faults and Pithy like this.
  11. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Not just mobs in 44 min. You gotta get tvx down too before respawn.
  12. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    That's interesting - I didn't know the TVX wings were on longer respawns. I didn't really do the TVXs at all on AK, aside from a couple of zonepulls with Zygor and maaaaaybe one crawl on an actual raid. Tem did clear one of the wings on TAKP with the 44-minute timer during our first key-up raid. I don't recall it being particularly tight.
  13. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    (It does make sense that the TVXs would be more forgiving, though, since they're the first and easiest bosses.)
  14. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Tems first clear of TVXs were pre-interrupt changes too. Not sure how that impacts things now. It does add challenges to it overall.
  15. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    I remember doing a TVX wing clear on AK with about 10 (level 65, EP-geared) characters and it was fine, so it's probably true that the respawn timer on the trash was longer than the standard 44 minutes. A comment I made on the Tem forums back in 2010:

    As Pithy says, it wasn't particularly hard clearing TVX's wing here on TAKP with a full raid, but these were likely meant to be manageable with less people.