Just wanted to get some ring of shadows

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Radda, Jul 24, 2018.

  1. Radda

    Radda People Like Me

    but Groi Gutblade seems pretty elusive.
    anyone have some insights?
    need a invis item other then a mask that i can use till later items

    i did some research, this is how i found out that lyguna for mallets is much harder then i thought it would be!
    but such a big zone, im not sure.
  2. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Ask in our discord, Radda. Someone may have something collecting dust.
  3. Morbo

    Morbo Well-Known Member

    Groi roams the west side of SK. Closer to NK than lake. Don't remember much else.
  4. Manstache

    Manstache Active Member

    35 seconds at this location. lion, lioness, elephant calf, mist wolf. 0/6 for ring.
  5. Radda

    Radda People Like Me