Thinking about TAKP

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tibbs, Apr 14, 2017.

  1. tibbs

    tibbs Member

    Hi guys,

    I'll start by saying I've played on p2002 for the past 2 years. I have nothing ill to say about that community or server, but personally their decisions have faded from my preferences since they decided to switch to titanium client, and I just miss the days of the mac-client, flaws and all.

    I was then reminded TAKP exists. I never knew about any of the politics between the two servers, but simply chose p2002 because it was the one that came my way. Now noticing you guys stuck with the old client, which was one of my biggest draws to p02 in the first place, I'm super excited to see I still have an opportunity to pursue my favorite era of my favorite game, era appropriately.

    As for my overall EQ experience, I played on live from kunark release to underfoot, slowly moving from one account to boxing up to 5 (I owned 3, but I boxed my RL friends' accounts when they couldn't play at my college gaming nerd peak). I played on AK on my mac for about six months in a classic-only guild, so I had a lvl 50 paladin, ghoulbane and lguk drops to the max, but then I purchased a new PC and went back to live. My favorite era for community and content was definitely PoP, perhaps nostalgically because that's when I started actually raiding top content, or perhaps because even looking back as a programmer, I feel it was the best game design era, and PoP progression was simply a stroke of genius from a design perspective, although as an innovative era, it definitely had its flaws.

    But before I hop on, I have a few questions:
    -How is the server stability? I noticed in the change logs you guys have done a lot of work reworking how packets are sent and received on the client, massively reducing overhead, which is freaking awesome, but with 3 clients on a program that was never destined to run multiple instances on a single desktop, I was wondering if reducing overhead resolved the desync issues enough to be viable at all content levels of the game.
    -What boxing software do you recommend? I noticed the approved softwares include eqw and wineq2, does wineq2 work with the current macclient version allowed here?
    -It seems by the forums that you are in Velious content at the moment... what's the timeline for more content (I'm absolutely in no rush, just wondering), and do you have things like PoK, any luclin/PoP spells available, vah shir and beastlords, etc.?
    -Is there a PST guild here? on most servers, both emus and live, EST is the dominating timezone, but with my PST life, I just miss out on the peak times of almost every guild.
    -I noticed a post about group xp with greens to the top lvl, are other pseudo exploits that were allowed on AK, like pet pulling and vendor recharging, blind stopping casting, etc. allowed here or considered exploits/have been fixed?

    And I guess that's about it. I was wondering what trio I should do if I'm starting over, was thinking sk/clr/bst (assuming bst is in game), or war/dru/enc.
  2. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    I just joined up about 5 weeks ago after having been on P99 for a couple years.
    I have had 0 problems with server stability/desyncs. I three box quite often, rock solid.
    I use the approved client on a win 10 box in 3 separate eq directories. I use HoyKey for windows switches.
    here's a 20% exp bonus, and AC actually works (on P99 it isn't as effective as it was originally in the live era, I believe).
    Veilous is current, I hear Luclin in the late fall.
    No idea about the PST guild or the exploits.
    It's a very different culture here from P99 or P2002. Much more laid back.
    I like it.
  3. tibbs

    tibbs Member

    Those are some encouraging responses. What about CT/post-velious content? hate 2.0, fear revamp, spirit wracked cord quest, etc.?
  4. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Hi Tibbs, I saw that recent rant, fun stuff!

    I think you will enjoy TAKP.

    Our client is rock solid, as is the server. I understand p2002 had a lot of connection issues before they switched clients, you won't experience that here.

    We have the versions of CT, Chardok, etc that AK had. That means 2.0, including spirit wracked cords etc. Cazic Thule the zone is not yet available and old zone mobs are found in Feerrott.

    Vah shir/BST are available. So too are zones immediately around Shar Vahl, the Nexus and the bazaar. Some out of era spells are available due to POK being open.

    Grouping with higher levels against greens for exp is accurate to AK and not considered an exploit, however the out of range group bonus does not exist here. Vendor recharging is also functional, along with multi questing outside of a few specific quests like VP key. Blind does not stop mobs from casting (or as you were familiar with on p2002, using AOEs). Pet pulling works, but is greatly limited by range.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2017
  5. tibbs

    tibbs Member

    Lol, I hope you don't take my reputation as reflective of that single rant, that's after months and months of private disagreements...

    That being said, I appreciate your info. I won't be nearly as hardcore as I was over there, as my new schedule doesn't really allow hardcore play, but more a few hours a week or so, with occasional binges.

    What kind of MQs are available? I know being able to MQ epics caused a lot of poopsocking and problems on p99, is an epic a bought thing here, or quested thing here?

    Also, lol @ stopping AOEs hahahaha.
  6. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    You'll love it here, weird you played on p2002, didn't realize it was around still.

    All of our bad apples decided to take their balls and go home and they created that server, surprised it hasn't imploded.
  7. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Certainly not, just not surprised to see you pop up here :)

    99% of quests can be MQ. Only a select few are disabled due to buggy MQ behavior.

    Most MQ you see here these days are Velious quests. Ring 8 / Shawl 8, armors, etc. People don't really sell epics. Well, bum sells Sky crowns for 25k but not much else.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2017
  8. tibbs

    tibbs Member

    wait... when you say MQ shawl 8, does that mean the person can get every step of shawl MQed and circumvent the necessary tradeskills?
  9. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    No, but certain steps can be skipped.

    For example, someone can turn in their 3rd shawl seal, you turn in your 2nd shawl, you get 3rd shawl without having to do the running around and cooking. Similar deal for 4th, someone can hand in the note from Tanik, you hand in shawl, boom you have 4th.

    5th, 6th, 7th shawls you are on your own. 8th shawl, someone can create the approved issue kit for you, start the Iceclad event, and you do the turn in at the end with your 7th.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2017
  10. tibbs

    tibbs Member

    ah so effectively you really only need tailoring/fletching/brewing/pottery, but can skip smithing/JC/baking, got it
  11. tibbs

    tibbs Member

    OK, so one last question:

    I have a mac and PC, and was hoping to be able to play this on both. For PC, I understand hotkeynet is the way to go for boxing hotkeys, but what about for mac? I've never played emu on a mac before, as I just got mine for work, but it's a powerhouse and would love to be able to do menial stuff while waiting for builds at work and such...

    How do you box with mac?
  12. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Multiple spaces, one client per desktop, ideally a mouse button shortcut to switch between spaces.
    tibbs likes this.
  13. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I use 3 computers. PC desktop, PC laptop, macbook.

    Playing multiple on one computer ... ick. Just Say NO!!!!!
  14. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Don't listen to haynar and lenas is almost right.

    Use spaces and set a hotkey to switch spaces I use f16-19 on my wired keyboard, works great
  15. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Ignore bum. We all do.
  16. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Go code yourself a life
    Ransom likes this.
  17. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Mokli and Ransom like this.
  18. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I did.

    Ur in it. We call it "The Matrexas"
    Ransom, Lenas and Bum like this.
  19. Theus

    Theus Well-Known Member

    Small correction here. You need JC for Shawl 7, so you do need JC. But the MQ of Shawl 8 lets you skip smithing. The MQ of 3 lets you skip baking. And MQ of 4 almost lets you skip pottery. You only need a pottery skill of 44 for the kiln combine(result is no-drop) in shawl 7, but you will need a friendly potter do the wheel combine (result is dropable) for you in Shawl 7.