TAKP => PEQ (older zones)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Shin Noir, Oct 12, 2016.

  1. Shin Noir

    Shin Noir New Member

    I've been working on a tool on my free time called eqcleanup, that does tiny tweaks of various assortments to the PEQ db.

    One thing I've noticed is that TAKP is working towards snapshotting an older version of Everquest, including turning zones into classic status.

    I've been working on a new feature of eqcleanup that migrates zones of TAKP to PEQ format, and wanted to be sure if everyone here is cool with that?

    I love the work this server is doing!
  2. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    Fine with me. only thing that the code and database is now closed source since January. You can still obtain the database through here: http://www.takproject.net/redirect/ which is from December of last year.

    We will eventually open up the code and database sometime after PoP is completed which I estimated to be in 2019.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
  3. Shin Noir

    Shin Noir New Member

    Oh. :/ Well, I'd love to talk to someone on the team about at least learning to support the classic version of revamp zones, e.g. Chardok, Paw, Cazicthule, PoM, etc.. let me finish the project up and we can play it by ear then.

    Would love to just have a fully open sourced early era content database out there somewhere. One day.
  4. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    We don't have the classic version of Chardok and Cazicthule.

    You can contact us on Discord if you have any question. I am always in the eqemucoder channel as well as PEQ. You can contact me there.
  5. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    You should probably consult with me because our database has significant changes. E.g. we added combat regen fields and the original regen fields were repurposed into out-of-combat regen, so converting that over would result in mobs regenerating a ton of hitpoints in combat. Most of these changes were made after closing the source though.

    Stock EQEmu is missing a lot of things required to be accurate to Live let alone old EQ. It for example has no real way to set a random number of loot drops, which was very common for Velious bosses. We implemented a new loot drop field to guarantee a certain number of drops even when a probability is set. Without this field, converting the drops over to EQEmu would result in fewer than desired drops.

    As Rob mentioned, our Paw, Chardok and CT are not original. I did grab a bunch of original CT data from Ragefire's beta server if you or anybody has interest in it.