Stuck and can't log

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dryfly, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. Dryfly

    Dryfly Active Member

    While 3 boxing I had a lovely crash. Afterward, I cannot log 2 accounts in. I get unable to connect to server error # 2. Funny thing is, when I log in with my 3rd account, I see one of my characters still stuck in the game. I'm assuming the other toon is as well, just in a different zone. Sooo... what do I do about this? I've restarted my CPU... same thing, I can only log onto my 3rd account and still see my main sitting in North Qeynos.



  2. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Wait until characters are booted completely, log in again.
  3. Dryfly

    Dryfly Active Member

    It's been about 3 hours... I think they need to be kicked on the server side. I sent a petition.
  4. Yinn Yang

    Yinn Yang People Like Me

    Yeah, they will usually get kicked within 10 minutes (more like 3-5 typically). Sounds like yours is an odd exception... something seriously wrong when it's 3 hours.

    Back on AK, rumor was, that if you spam the LD character with tells (especially with lots of special characters in the tell) they will get booted faster... not sure I believed it, but I did it anyway, just in case. Like the tale that tapping on the top of a soda can before opening it keeps it from exploding... don't know if it works, but I still do it. Haven't had a can of Diet Coke explode on me ever since (and that's been over 10 years now)... go figure.
  5. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Sometimes characters that crash while zoning won't be marked as LD for quite a while. If you try to log on a zone-stuck character it will usually force the LD and start the disconnect timer.