Simply an introduction of myself..

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cutty, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Cutty

    Cutty Well-Known Member

    Hello all, I just want to say hello and applaud this effort! Over the years, I have played them all... I always end up back to EQ.. but most recently it has been to EMU's because I just can't handle what live has become. The community, however, for the old school is nothing like any other MMO. I did WoW for quite some time... but as fellow EQ players... you already know my feelings on this lol...

    Then I learned that old Mac EQ server was still up! Al'Kabor... shoot.. let me get a Mac! Then they closed the server shortly afterwards...

    P99 next! Only 1 toon allowed, beautiful... content will be extremely limited.. I can handle that! Then my main was a BST... and my most fond memories were luclin and PoP... but I can live with P99...

    Then I learned of this server from a friend in P99... this is everything I would have wished for bundled into one server... and I love that I am learning of this early on! I am not the biggest fan of plain classic, but to be a pioneer for what I know it will become is a great feeling... also not too excited about the character wipe.. but as it says in the FAQ hehe... being a part of the bigger thing. Growing as a group of people with like interests...

    Thank you for the developers of this project, I hope you all don't lose motivation! This could be a wonderful thing!
  2. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    Nice intro :)
    No worries we won't lose motivation.
    We will take little breathers here and there, but for the most part rob and I have done a bit of something each and every day on this since before the close of AK.
    A few things got in the way once in a while, like my move to a different state, rob and school, etc.
    But aside from the crazy that is alpha, we have not lost any interest at all and plan not to.
    The wipe is to balance the playing field once the game imbalanced bugs are smoothed out.
    So people who prefer to play a release type game can do so on a even playing field.

    Some days it seems like not much is being done, but I assure you, not everything is visible all the time. I bash my head on the keyboard lots.
  3. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    Welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay here. The server is in a pretty unique situation from the other EMUs out there, besides its' beta status. The pre-titanium client makes things a lot different, usually towards being harder, but I don't believe any other server out there uses it. The old client while I am sure is frustrating to work on from a dev side, is a major nostalgia factor for me as a player. The server is well populated with NPCs, item drops, and the pathing is decent. Crashes and disconnects to happen, so don't get too attached to your character, this is just a test, no need to stress about char progression. Population is low, which is to be expected given the current wipe. That said, it still fun to log on, check things out, and find some bugs. Best part is being able to work towards a more open, classic to PoP server.
  4. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    Its a slow process, but by playing this early, you also get a good look at how the server is put together. Torven, Robregen, Cavedude, Secrets and a bunch more also did a lot of data pulling from Al'Kabor while it was alive, so we are hoping for a very accurate representation of the former server. Its amazing to see some of the data that these guys were able to capture.
  5. Cutty

    Cutty Well-Known Member

    @ Speedz - That's PEACE and totally understandable.. I didn't necessarily mean I hope a daily grind to get it up is always there... hehe... more like, I hope the motivation remains 10 years from now =)

    I just got mine set up and looking forward to trying it out.. on the first laptop I tried I couldn't click the create button but wouldn't activate.. I clicked rotate to stop the damn rotation and that worked.. so I'll just try another computer later.

    Keep up the great work and to your buddy in school.. keep at those studies.. that's higher priority hehe...

    @ Sketchy - Yeah to all be expected.. I was thinking of just checking some things out.. seeing how they go.. maybe make a toon that should die straight away in a wipe like a Ranger hehe
  6. Merriam

    Merriam Member

    Welcome to the party!