SW HOH Basement Mobs using the wrong aoe type

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Throndor, Apr 23, 2022.

  1. Throndor

    Throndor New Member

    These mobs, when POP launched, utilized cone-aoes.

    Currently on TAKP, rabid wrulons, undead inhabitants, and recussos are using PBAOE. This is a bugged implementation.
  2. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    I’m pretty sure cone AEs are a myth
    Lenas, showstring and Devour_Souls like this.
  3. Throndor

    Throndor New Member


    Tried these today and can say that they saw through bard invis song and their DoT was a frontal wave affecting curse that ate all casters mana within a few ticks, lasted 3 mins approx.
    Nasty little blighters."

    Alla comment from 2003, and as we all know the comments section of zam was scrubbed of dates precluding 2002
  4. Throndor

    Throndor New Member

    Kelorek `Dar utilizes cone aoes as well. I specifically remember farming these on live, in era. As long as you properly positioned them on their pull path and tanked them perpendicular facing from the group, only the tank had to eat the aoe.
  5. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    There are only two kinds of AE effect in our era of EQ. One is PBAE with a radius from the caster, and the other is targeted, with a radius from (usually!) the tank.

    Kelorek`Dar and the Rabid Wrulons (but not the other two kinds of HoH yellow cons) use targeted AEs. These can be mistaken for directional AEs because someone standing behind the mob is likely to be farther away from the tank (i.e. the spell's target) than someone standing in front of the mob.

    SoE did eventually add true directional AE spells - I'm sure Darchon could tell us when - but not until much later on.
    Toomuch and solar like this.
  6. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Cone AEs are basically a myth until the logic was added to the spell code in DoN, then raids like Rikkikkun could allow the dragon to emote about breath, tail swirls and right or left claw swipes and AE directionally.

    In our era however AEs can be one of two things. PBAE or AE focused on a target. The later is often confused with Cone AEs.

    PBAE has 1 range value. It’s a circle surrounding the NPCs location with that radius.

    AEs have 2 range values. First is range to target. So from the mob to the tank, the maximum range they can cast it on the tank. Second is the AE range. This is the radius of a circle centered on the target (tank generally).

    So when people say cone AE in this era they really just mean a targeted AE with a small enough AE range that it only is hitting the tank and a few people around the tank, but not a bunch of people behind the tank.

    Kelorek’dar is a good example of this:


    Entomb in Ice

    Slot Description
    1 Decrease Hitpoints by 1000
    2 Stun for 6.0 seconds

    Mana 0
    Range to Target 200
    Casting Time 0.00
    Fizzle Time 0.00
    Fizzle Adj 25
    Recast Time 18.00
    AE Radius 15
    Duration Instant
    Target Type Targeted AE
    Spell Type Detrimental
    Skill Evocation
    Resist Unresistable
    Classes None

    As you can see the AE radius on this is extremely small at 15’. This means anyone not standing right next to the tank will avoid the AE basically.
  7. Throndor

    Throndor New Member

    Also of note, if you look at the Lucy for "Entomb in Ice" Kelorek`Dar's aoe, it too is listed as a "targeted aoe" when it's a well known fact that it is a cone-aoes just like the "Grip of Mortal Reality" and "Grip of Mental Reality" aoes
  8. Throndor

    Throndor New Member

    Not true. This is just post-hoc rationale attempting to dismiss the fact that it was coded lazily. I've fought Kelorek Dar dozens of times in the 2000-2001 time range. He was one of my regular farms that we did with my clique, and was an easy "tank pointing sideways/away mob that the melee would just pile up alongside and loot pinata his ass.

    This is a really lazy dismissal btw. Did you ever kill rabid wrulons in era?

    Did you ever kill Kelorek`Dar in era?
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2022
  9. Throndor

    Throndor New Member

    In the burning sea expansion they finally gave wizards aoes of this type, and then proceeded to nerf the mob limit down to 8 mobs several months later. Certain mobs in game had this aoe type as early as velious, as I've already pointed out
  10. Yinikren

    Yinikren Well-Known Member

    Yikes. Who are you again?
    Tuluvien likes this.
  11. Throndor

    Throndor New Member

    Then how were rabid wrulons farmable with a single group, in era, by simply standing adjacent the rabid wrulons with a "350 range" targeted aoe that literally never hit me from less than 100 range standing alongside the mob in melee range
  12. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    We farm them quite often with a group. You RGC the priests > casters after AE hits. Running a bard PoVeeshan getting you to 500 CR gets you very close to immunity against the AE also.
  13. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    Knowing the two people above, if they are saying "we have only 2 AOE effects", then you should believe it. You may have had a different experience, but this is the way it is here, now, with this code base. If it is too deeply wrong for you, then don't play. Arguing about whether cone AE's are a myth in era or not is pointless, since it sounds like we don't have an implementation of them.
  14. Walex

    Walex I Feel Loved

    I 3-box these all the time with bard / cleric / SK. As Darchon said, get your resists up and the AEs are (almost) a non-issue.
  15. Devour_Souls

    Devour_Souls People Like Me

    There is a really good thread on the Safehouse forum circa 2003 about the mythical cone AE. Watching Fury vs. Whyte or I'd hunt for it.
  16. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    AOE on these mobs are correct.

    The cone type AE in out era is a myth. It did not exist. Often confused for targeted AE.
  17. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    eq history is littered with things players believed about the game that persisted for way too long because they were close enough to the truth that it was hard to tell where you were wrong.

    How much trial and error do you have to do to tell the difference between these two?:

    I remember on AK being told that if you turn a little after you stop running but before casting it forces a position update with the server and is less likely to result in an interrupt. In actual fact, it worked because it was a mental shortcut that just made sure you had actually stopped running.

    People still to this day on this very server believe that the doorway into the hall of testing blocks line of sight and you should ask before opening the door. you can very easily test for yourself in any number of places that doors don't block line of sight. but if you believe the myth then you don't open the door and then you don't run into the space where stuff from outside can assist mobs inside onto you (which you needed non-optimal mob positioning in the first place to have happen), and you never actually challenged the flawed belief.

    The list goes on, I'm sure.
    Toomuch, Walex, Darchon and 5 others like this.
  18. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Also bear in mind that walls blocked AE's on live, if that played any part.
  19. Braven

    Braven People Like Me

    Do you even [kill wrulons in era], bro?
    Tuluvien likes this.
  20. actualspaide

    actualspaide People Like Me

    Theres being wrong and being incredibly aggressive in your wrongness
    Smudge, showstring and Tuluvien like this.
  21. Barnd0g

    Barnd0g People Like Me

  22. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    It's impressive how confidently incorrect people can be.

    Directional AOEs did not exist in EQ until the Dragons of Norrath expansion. There is no debate to be had.
  23. Walex

    Walex I Feel Loved

    All it takes is 3 minutes of research, too. If you look at EQLive Lucy for Entomb in Ice (Kelorek`Dar's AE), even today that AE is not directional:
    Range: 240
    AE Range: 15
    Target Type: Targeted AE

    Compare that to Rikkukin's Cone of Cold from Dragons of Norrath:
    Range: 1000
    AE Range: 500
    Target Type: Directional AE
  24. Barnd0g

    Barnd0g People Like Me

    aka go to bed Throndor
  25. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    Not true. This is just post-hoc rationale attempting to dismiss the fact that it was coded lazily. I've fought HoT dozens of times in the 2000-2001 time range. It was one of my regular farms that we did with my clique, and was an easy "dont open door while los that the melee would just pile up alongside and reverse loot pinata Zemm ass.

    This is a really lazy dismissal btw. Did you ever turn while casting in era?

    Did you ever open HoT door in era?

    Tuluvien likes this.
  26. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    I've duod/triod HoT with dire charm pet in 2002, on EQMac, and on TAKP. That door does absolutely nothing. If you get within the mobs assist range it will assist. The walls do block LoS tho.

    Another example is the sebilis crypt door. You agro the mob if you get too close to door, that's how you get in without rogue. Don't need to pet attack, can just agro from other side of door and get summoned etc. You can also cast thru doors and even shoot ranger arrows. Doors are made of air.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2022
  27. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me


    In the burning sea expansion they finally gave doors los of this type, and then proceeded to nerf the los limit down to 8 doors several months later. Certain doors in game had this los type as early as velious, as I've already pointed out