Pre-Luclin Giveaway

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Darchon, Jul 17, 2018.

  1. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Being that Luclin is coming and bagspace may need to be made for new and interesting things I thought it might be neat to create a giveaway thread.

    The purpose of the thread is to list a set of items you have that you’re willing to give away to newer players for free.

    The target audience is generally someone who is newer to the server and doesn’t have a level 60 character yet.

    Here is my list:

    Pre-Luclin Giveaway:

    Axe of Lost Souls
    Barbarian Hunting Spear
    Brahhms Horn
    Brahhms Horn

    Brigandine Tunic
    Cane of the Tranquil
    Chetari Wardstaff
    Cloak of the Cave Bear
    Crystalline Short Sword
    Dark Mail Gauntlets
    Darksea Harpoon
    Fellspines Tail
    Gauntlets of Fiery Might
    Gauntlets of Iron Tactics
    Gloomwater Harpoon
    Immaculate Shell Horn
    Jade Reaver
    Jade Reaver
    Jade Reaver

    Master Wu's Trance Stick
    Orb of Tishan
    Orb of Tishan

    Orc Fang Necklace
    Orcish Lute of Singing
    Pair of Bent Spectacles
    Polished Bone Bracelet
    Ravenscale Cloak
    Ravenscale Mask
    Runed Lava Pendant
    Section of Lodizal's Shell
    Spine Chill Spear
    Thick Leather Apron
    Throneblade of the Ykesha
    Trakasaur's Tooth
    Wand of Allure
    Wand of Lava
    Whirling Amber
    Whirling Amber

    Whirling Crystal
    Whirling Quartz
    Whirling Turquoise
    Whirling Turquoise

    White Scaled Tunic
    White Scaled Tunic
    White Scaled Tunic

    I will try to keep it updated as I hand away things. If anyone else is feeling like they’ve got a bunch of gear they don’t have any need for and don’t want to spend time selling, post your own lists in the thread.

    Feel free to ask for an item in the thread. I’ll honor the earliest post requesting an item. No “I will take them all” posts.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2018
    Verdent, Sketchy, Rabitz and 4 others like this.
  2. Megolash

    Megolash New Member

    Cloak of Flames please!
    Aegnor Eldruin and Quirk like this.
  3. Rabitz

    Rabitz Member

    Well this sure is a great way to start my day! How is CoF on here?! I love this server.

    That CSS would be a huge asset to my 42 ranger (Dakota)- I was actually saving up for one already.

    Other upgrades would be:

    Section of Lodizal -OR- Dire Wolf-Hide Cloak

    I don't mean to be a mooch though, I know I'm not the only new player here =P
  4. Ripwind

    Ripwind People Like Me

    If someone else has snagged that CoF, and you need haste, let me know. I have a Silvery Belt of Contention I'm sick of trying to sell.
  5. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    To those that have already posted I’ll try to get on tonight around 7PM Eastern.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2018
  6. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Let me know an in-game character name to look for you on.
  7. Ripwind

    Ripwind People Like Me

    Last edited: Jul 22, 2018
    Foxhorde likes this.
  8. tibbs

    tibbs Member

    Holy Crap!

    I'm new to server with a main trio of lvl 12 mnk, 14 dru, 13 enc. A lot of this list would be a massive help, but going down the list, specifically:

    Cane of Tranquil
    Gauntlets of Fiery Might
    Runed Lava Pendant
    Polished Bone Bracelet
    Whirling Crystal
    Dire Wolf-Hide Cloak
    Platinum Armband
    Netted Kelp Amice
    Orb of Tishan
    White Scale Tunic (Unless Syphie's Loam Encrusted Robe is on the table)

    Loam Encrusted Robe
    Imbued Fighters Staff
    Black Chitin Leggings
    Mantle of Mirth

    I know I'm asking for a lot, but figured I'd just dump what I think would be an upgrade out of the lists here, and feel free to pass on whatever you're willing to part with. I don't wanna be greedy, and would happily take the smaller upgrades and save the bigguns for people in their mid levels that have already shown more commitment to the community, but I'm obviously happy to take whatever you're willing to give!

    I'm Ikkles/Tibboi/Timmli in game
  9. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

  10. Ripwind

    Ripwind People Like Me

    Find me on Syphie when you're online, or leave me a message on SyphieTrader if you don't see me. Well figure something out!
  11. srubin

    srubin Member

    Hi @Darchon I’d like the gauntlets of mortality, runes shell necklace and netted kelp amice pls if available still. Thanks.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2018
  12. quesosauce

    quesosauce Member

    ive just returned after a long absence, my two toons are both level 38 and i still havent gotten to 60 here...i was really enjoying myself, then i had an accident and hurt my arm and needed surgery, now im back and could proabbly use some gear

    i have a druid and a paladin bazegull and djaspurr
  13. Kreljnok

    Kreljnok New Member

    @Darchon I'm interested in the Ry`Gorr Battle Mail for me and Gauntlets of Mortality for my brother. Thanks!
  14. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    @Rabitz @tibbs

    I will be looking for you in-game. Let me know in-game characters if you haven't listed them.

    Sunday/Monday/Tuesday I should be on in the evenings on my trader Darchonmule
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2018
  15. Tentarro

    Tentarro New Member

    Do you still have the belt? My character is Jotaro, level 30 monk.
  16. Ripwind

    Ripwind People Like Me

    I do! I'll hold it for you.
  17. DCortez

    DCortez Member

    If you still have it, I'll take it on Hypnotoad and pass it to my shm.

    Can give to Jotaro or Sarprider, my RL co-players.

    Barbarian Hunting Spear
  18. Ripwind

    Ripwind People Like Me

    Gotchu now!
  19. Tentarro

    Tentarro New Member

    Thanks again, I appreciate it. ^^
  20. Rabitz

    Rabitz Member

    Sorry for being AWOL. My main is Dakota. People won't stop being generous and I have a hard time saying no- so I actually have a CSS and Dire-Wolf Hide Cloak now, but would love the lodi piece if you're still looking for a good home.

    Bless you <3
  21. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I ended up giving the cloak to my brother but I do have one remaining Lodizal Shell I can give you.

    I’ll be on this evening (eastern) most of the night I suspect. Contact me on Darchonmule to collect the items you’ve posted about here anyone who hasn’t yet.