Pet Pulling

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by robregen, Jan 11, 2015.


Should we keep Pet Pulling in its current state like we did on Al'kabor?

Poll closed Jan 25, 2015.
  1. Yes! It's what make this server unique and it's definitely like Al'Kabor.

    73 vote(s)
  2. No! It's clearly a bug and it should be fixed.

    68 vote(s)
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  1. Neopolitan

    Neopolitan Member


    So many people who are obviously abusing this exploit and then come here and say that if you take out pet pulling you have to remove any bug or any other issue anyone might have in hopes of preserving there exploits.
  2. sourdiesel

    sourdiesel Active Member


    I know for a fact that a lot of people in favor of keeping pet pulling aren't as you call it 'obviously abusing this exploit.'

    In fact, I know Surron HASN'T used pet pulling on this server in anyway shape or form. I am also pretty sure Darchon hasn't used pet pulling on this server yet either. I haven't used it myself but have seen it done.

    Know your facts before calling someone a cheater. kthx

    If you fix 1 'bug', fix them all.
  3. surron

    surron People Like Me

    lol i mention unawakeable sleeper and he claims this is another exploit im trying to preserve...

    people from p99 (and that have never played AK) are irrelavnt, hopefully we'll lose these kooks when velious drops over there
  4. Neopolitan

    Neopolitan Member

    I'm not saying it's an exploit, I'm referring to the fact that people act like bugs are under one big umbrella and if you change one you HAVE to change them all. There are varying degrees of exploitability, they should be addressed in that order. If you are against that then you are in fact for exploits.

    As far as knocking people who played on p99, classy move. Because there is no cross over in markets for EQ Emus...get a grip.
  5. sourdiesel

    sourdiesel Active Member

  6. Neopolitan

    Neopolitan Member

    Talking about the sleeper.

    Tell me why someone would so adamantly defend an exploit if they aren't using it? Just based on some misguided principle?
  7. surron

    surron People Like Me

    I can tell you I did not play or box a pet class on AK, and I'm level 35 here lol so no I haven't pet pulled before. I couldn't care either way if pet pulling was in or not, its the principle of the matter.

    you fix one bug you fix all bugs

    are you going to poll the community for every possible bug fix that was from AK? that would be dumb since they already said no matter the vote outcome the devs have final answer. which i'm ok with. but deciding on whats a bug and what is a unique feature of AK will always be opinionated therefore fix them all or recreate AK exactly how it was.

    imo this poll represents more than "pet pulling" it represents whether the community wants Al`Kabor or wants Project 2002

    if abusing an unawakeable sleeper mechanic is not an exploit then how is pet pulling one?
  8. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    With respect, I very much disagree.

    Just because somebody has played a game for years and can play it extremely well, doesn't make the game itself easy. Just because some guy can speed run through ninja gaiden 1 without dying doesn't mean the game is easy. People play punch-out blindfolded.

    The crowd we have here (for now) are certainly vets, but have you played with random project 1999 players? Jesus they suck. I quit playing the entire server because the top raiding guild I was in was so bad. For such an easy game, people sure fail at it.

    Darchon, you've played EQ so much I'm constantly finding your old posts on forums. Of course EQ is going to be easy for you.

    I know you hate me now Surron, but the Warders will always be available.

    Devs here can and will select which bugs will be fixed and which won't. Sometimes with community input, sometimes not.
  9. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    I guess that would be up to the devs of this server, wouldn't it?

    Keeping the sleeper unawakeable for a period of time isn't a bad idea to make sure enough of those loots get out there. As it stands now, there will never be any manastones and numerous other items. I'd like to see at least some of these items in game, just not to the point where the market is flooded. The beauty is that they can see exactly how many will be looted and cut off the spigot when they deem necessary. Its up to the dev team to decide which way it'll go. Most likely that decision will be made as Velious gets closer. I can't imagine them even discussing it seriously for at least 6 months to be honest. Right now, its a moot point. Right now, the issue is pet pulling. I'm really glad they put it up to a poll and are getting input from us, regardless of which way they will end up deciding.
  10. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    i'm sorry, but that really doesn't make sense.
  11. Neopolitan

    Neopolitan Member

    The statement of fix one bug fix them all I guess might be accurate but it's up to the devs.

    You have to prioritize bugs and workload, just like in RL. It's not just a toggle on and off switch.

    I don't know why anyone would want a product that is flawed and can be exploited.
  12. surron

    surron People Like Me

    I will always love you and have tremendous respect for what you do... but i will hate you if you dont implement a bugged ring 6 event lol


    the logic behind it is if you think 1 "bug" is exploitable but not thinking another "bug" is exploitable then how are you drawing the line on an opinionated topic? anything else you need help with?
  13. Neopolitan

    Neopolitan Member

    Everyone who is for fixing pet pulling because it is an exploit, is more than likely a fan of fixing all exploits. I wasn't aware of exactly was meant by the wakeable sleeper comment. Probably because I discovered the dirty server that is p99 a little over a year ago and now I'm on board here.

    I do find it odd that there is a negative view of people who play on p99. You'll likely be pulling a majority of the people who didn't play on eqmac from p99. Makes no sense to rag on fresh blood.
  14. Esildor

    Esildor Member

    WTB AK exactly as AK was ;) So many nifty tricks that made AK amazing.
  15. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    i wish i remembered enough from my logic class to cite the actual logical fallacy here, but i don't remember it and can't be arsed to look it up. either way, though, that's like saying "if you think everquest is awesome then you must love all MMOs," which obviously isn't true. because World of Warcraft sucks.
  16. Zamiel

    Zamiel Member

  17. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    World of Warcraft is loved and enjoyed by 10 million people sir. Just like the Bieb and Miley Cyrus have legions of adoring fans. The market has spoken.
  18. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    eh that is one of the more broad ones. the one i am thinking of is more specific and is commonly known by a latin name.

    if i remember tomorrow i'll research it when i wake up =p
  19. surron

    surron People Like Me

    grats you took PHI1101 you must be proud of yourself

    I got my answer anyways, its up to Torven to decide on what bugs stay/don't
  20. Verdent

    Verdent People Like Me

    When i voted on this, which was later than most it was 70/30 ish, now its almost 50/50. I have complete confidence the devs will make the right decisions about what to keep and what to fix. I know this might be blasphemy but I think this server has a very good chance of being better than AK someday. As always thanks everyone, devs and fellow players alike.
  21. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    PHL140 tyvm :|
  22. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    If I were dictator, this thread would have never existed. Speedz and Rob outrank me.

    Don't take the public silence from the other devs as them taking a different position from mine. If I make statements on how something will be, it's because I've discussed it with them and know their stances on it.

    I'm happy to take the brunt of the criticism though.
  23. Trosh

    Trosh New Member

    Well judging by how close the poll is coming out, you guys could probably just make an executive decision about this particular issue and everyone would be okay with it. It's the process that counts more than the result sometimes :)

    You guys are doing a kick butt job, so do what you think needs to be done to make the game the best it can be. It's your project, after all.
  24. Khorpus

    Khorpus Well-Known Member

    My two cents as well.
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