What happened to old characters?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hendo, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. Hendo

    Hendo Member

    Hey everyone, I used to play on the old Mac server before it was shut down. Stopped playing in spring of 2013 and just found out yesterday that it ended up getting shut down at the end of that year. Had a blast playing on it and loved all the people on the server. I had gotten A few chars to level 65+ and was just curious what happened to everyone's chars on that server? They just die along with the server? was there any sort of restitution for those chars if you joined a new server like a transfer etc? Doesn't really matter as I don't mind starting from scratch but was Just curious as I am thinking about starting up again! Lastly, how's the player count on here as compared to the old eq Mac server?
  2. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    I never played on AK, but I'm new here as well. Player count is in the 150-250 range at busy times. The people are great, and the server runs very well. Good stuff all around in my opinion.
    Hendo likes this.
  3. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    All characters on Al'Kabor either sit on a server collecting dust or have been destroyed.

    This server is just an emulated version so you would have to start from scratch.

    The population is somewhat similar, maybe a little bit lower with a higher skew towards boxed characters.
    Saskoris and Hendo like this.
  4. Hendo

    Hendo Member

    2 more questions :)

    1. Not sure I'm reading everything correctly, but the new server is NOT the same level cap etc as it is only using up to the Kunark expansion?? So it's not POP?? Reason I ask is because not only am I Curious from a spell standpoint but also from a what zones are in play for xping as I'm sure it can change what zones are best.

    2. Lastly (I promise) and this may be the more difficult question to answer but I am contemplating between this and 99. Obviously my heart lies with AK but wanted to know honest opinions on what make each server good/bad..?

    Thanks in advance again!!
  5. Ransom

    Ransom Well-Known Member

    Sadly the characters from there will never be seen again. However, like on EQMac, starting here is incredibly fun and there are a lot of people willing to help you out with some starter money, buffs or information. Don't worry too much about having to start from scratch.

    I would suggest at least boxing two characters for the first 40-50 levels. Even if you dislike boxing, having a healer or pet class just to help leveling and questing really is worth it. It will keep the server from feeling empty at off hours or less-popular level ranges.

    Level/expansion: Right now the level cap is 60 and everything through velious has been added. Luclin will be next (in a year+) and Planes of Power to follow that. It's a great time to jump in and experience some classic content before AA's and Luclin.

    99 and AK... I like both. I think both have their places for the EQ addicts. However, you'll find this server to be a much more cooperative higher level server. There are raid rotations. Players are typically friendlier without the race competition. That said, 99 is a fantastic place to play 1-55, especially if you absolutely have a distaste for boxing.
  6. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    This server is not a "progression server". But it is progressing through the expansions as the developers code the zones, quests, spell lines, AAS ( AMG AAs ! ), etc.

    We are currently in Velious ( with Nexus, Plane of Knowlege, Shar Vahl, Bazaar, available to us ). Luclin is being actively programmed ( and developers pleading for people to log onto developer server and test ! )

    Eventually we will get to Planes of Power ( and that 65 level cap )

    A recreation ( as much as possible ) of the Mac Al'Kabor server: we are hoping to keep the interguild cooperation that we had there.

    P99 or TAKP ? Why don't you create toons on both and see which you like better ?

    PS A lot of this has been discussed already. /search !
    Hendo likes this.
  7. Hendo

    Hendo Member

    Thanks everyone for the quick and awesome responses. I dont dislike boxing, I did it for a while my last time through although I will say my most fond memories were always the ones were I was playing just one char rolling with 3-5 others through some random dungeon not knowing where the hell we were going. One of the other reasons I was interested in 99 was the classic aspect to it, so knowing there is some opportunity to experience those classic battles etc is intriguing, you will probably see me soon!
  8. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Lower levels on p99 are great. Very nostalgic. If you plan on raiding there, totally different scene. And requires a huge time investment. It is a very good re-createment of EQ in its more brutal unforgiving days.

    Takp has a feel very similar to AK. Luclin will be out late this year and PoP next year probably, as they get finished. We captured a lot of the spawn information before AK sunseted, so much effort is being placed on recreating AK as close as possible. Afterall, this is meant to be a preservation project, not just functionality wise.
    Elrontaur, Mambo, Mokli and 2 others like this.
  9. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    Yah, I agree with Haynar. P99 low to mid is really great, but I did not want to participate in the raiding scene. Plus, I always thought that PoP was the culmination of everything that was EQ greatness, and I missed being able to box.
    Mokli likes this.
  10. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Logic path:

    Are you an asshat?

    Do like to cockblock or be cockblocked?

    Do you have a neckbeard?

    Do you have a bucket and sock next to your computer?

    If yes to any p99 is for you!!!

    Otherwise you will love takp
    pakman, Starsha and Tuluvien like this.
  11. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member


    Starsha, Ravenwing, Yaximus and 9 others like this.
  12. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

  13. Theus

    Theus Well-Known Member

    It was mentioned that characters from AK will never be seen again. Has a decision been made on this? There are a few of us that had our characters saved.
  14. cavedude

    cavedude Administrator Staff Member

    The characters weren't kept on our side, so there is no way to verify they aren't tempered with (they are just text files.) However, when we open our souce again (sometime after PoP is released) I'll include a tool to convert your saved characters to our format so that you can restore your characters on your own private server.

    Edit: I should clarify when I say they weren't kept. We have the data, it has greatly helped us figure out the player profile. But any identifying data was stripped. So things like character/account name and ID are gone. We just have generic character data such as race, class, level, AAs, etc.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
    Elrontaur likes this.
  15. Loraen

    Loraen Well-Known Member

  16. Theus

    Theus Well-Known Member

    Ah so AK chars truly are dead, good to know, thank you,
  17. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I sit in p99 csr channel. Thats nothing.
  18. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    Didn't some people from Al'Kabor pay cash ( $ 25 or $ 50 ) to have their characters' data ( equipment, AAs, etc ) saved ? IIRC, you had to give someone your log in info, so they could copy the character.
  19. cavedude

    cavedude Administrator Staff Member

    That's the data I was referring to. If you still have a copy of the character, it can be converted to our format and be mostly intact on a private server (no faction or keys) when we open our source back up :) But since we have incomplete data on our side, we have no way to validate the data in order to use on TAKP. (If somebody understood the data they could easily create an entirely fictional character and if they did it right we'd have no way to know.) That's the technical reason why that data can't ever be used on TAKP. But I think the other reason is, it's a new server and everybody should start fresh.

    I think somebody else did some sort of character preservation using Magelo. It's important to note that data cannot be converted to our format, as it is too incomplete.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2017
  20. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Make a tool to copy it to dev ;)
  21. cavedude

    cavedude Administrator Staff Member

    That's not a bad idea. The converter is already written, Rob and I both restored our AK toons on a local server. It's probably a bit outdated as the DB has been cleaned up a lot, but that's trivial to fix. The only technical issue I see is the level cap is 60 on dev and it won't be changed until PoP is tested. More than likely we can delevel to 60, but that's going to be a pain in the ass due to XP bonuses/penalites. Our server doesn't handle it well if your level doesn't match your current XP. I'll mull this over some, especially since as I am writing this I thought of a few cool things I would be able to do with a way to export and import raw playerprofile packets.
  22. cavedude

    cavedude Administrator Staff Member

    I just spoke with Rob, and he thinks this is a good idea also. So now that it has admin approval, I'll get to work. I'll post a new thread when it's ready, sometime in the reasonable future.
    Mambo, Elrontaur, Neealana and 2 others like this.
  23. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    I like the dev server idea. I dropped a suggestion in dev chat regarding this.
    Elrontaur and Neealana like this.
  24. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    I'll accept payment of copying ak Bumbum to takp live for my suggestion
  25. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    I like this idea and I did not even get Neea copied !
  26. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    I didn't have my characters copied either, but I like this idea. It should help with the testing population a bit.
  27. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    A lot of PoP raid gear required level 65, so just be aware that some AK toons deleveled to 60 may end up mostly naked. (naked party, woot!)
  28. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Can #si anything you want on dev
  29. cavedude

    cavedude Administrator Staff Member

    Yep, that's another issue. We actually don't check if you should be wearing an item if you're already wearing it. (And neither does the client.) We only check when you try to equip it. The reason why is simple, the only way you can delevel naturally is by dying which clears you of items anyway. This is a bad, because wearing an item you shouldn't be able to can cause desyncs in stats and effects. So, that's something else I want to figure out.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2017
  30. Locnar

    Locnar Member

    I played for years on both EQmac and P99(red)

    Anyways, my opinion is play the low level game on p99 only. If you want to raid/endgame than Alkabor is superior. IF YOU LIKE pvp, then your only choice is red p99 which ironically will have a vastly superior end raid game than blue p99 since there is effectivly only one raid guild on red99, and no rotations, waiting, whatever.