
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tylaric, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. Tylaric

    Tylaric Well-Known Member

    Hi all...

    Thought I'd drop a proper hello and introduction to the community. I had the pleasure of playing on AK but sadly only for about the last 8 or 9 months of it's life. To that end I got to know a lot of you but not many of you very well I'm sad to say.

    On AK I was Grunch, Tylaric, Nemis, Gwee and many others.

    I've been playing MMO's since Meridian 59 and spent most of my time playing EQ starting in April of 99 on the Rathe and then moved to Brell where I spent the bulk of my game time. It was on Brell (Tylaric) that I really fell in love with the game mostly due to the incredible community and wonderful friendships I developed there. Sadly things fell apart after a couple years and people moved on. From Brell I went to the Test Server and played the remainder of my EQ time there as a Pre and Post wipe toon. I took a few years off EQ and played other games (DAoC - EQ2) and came back to AK only to catch it's Sunset =(. I'm not a hardcore raider by habit but I enjoy loot =).. I'm a camper, a farmer, and chit chatter by play style and I'm just as happy to help you find the Pegasus in SK as I am to drop a god.

    IRL I'm 41, raising my 10 year old boy and I work in IT as a Network admin for a Mac Powered School District. I'm also a Volunteer Fire Fighter and a Canadian Forces Reservist (Canadian Ranger). I live in very small and remote community in North West BC Canada called Haida Gwaii (formerly known as the Queen Charlotte Islands) where I'm surrounded by Ocean, Mountains, Ancient Trees, and awesome people =)..

    That in a nutshell.. Is me =).

    See you all in game !
  2. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    Hi Tylaric,

    Hope you get online to play with us !
  3. Placer

    Placer Well-Known Member

    Canadian, no wonder I found you to be unusually polite.