Interest in a Single Box Guild?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vasuki, Nov 27, 2016.

  1. Vasuki

    Vasuki Member

    Hey TAKProject people, I am curious if there is any interest in having a single box leveling guild on the server.

    I played on Al'kabor a long time ago and remember leveling up in groups with plenty of other people and really want relive that.

    So let me know if any of you would like to do that, If we got around 10 people with a similar interest we could have a lot of fun!
    TheAmarant and Bluee like this.
  2. Mardark

    Mardark Member

    I am guessing you are another anti-boxing people from p99?

    My suggestion is this:

    If you don't want to box, then don't.

    If you have issues with boxers, then you won't be happy here.

    Get over the fact that people box. Or it will always bug you, and ultimately will ruin your time here. Because every time you will see a boxer, you will just get mad.


    Join the club. And try boxing. You don't have to 3 box. There is plenty to do 2 boxing, for those times that you only have a few minutes to play.

  3. Vasuki

    Vasuki Member

    Uh no I give no shits whether people box.

    I was simply trying to see if there was any interest in getting together some groups with people while leveling.

    Thanks for being a dick though.
    drownedcitizen, Trybil, Mambo and 2 others like this.
  4. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    Chilllll mardark. I don't think he is hostile towards boxers at all. He is simply just seeing if there is any interest in forming a non boxing guild. What's the harm in that?
  5. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    I wish you luck but I don't think there are enough single boxers here to make a guild like that very successful. Join Nephilim and help bring a third guild to power!
    sowislifesowislove likes this.
  6. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    The population count currently may not support this idea. But I think it would add something to the life of the server if this were to happen.
    Much like Vintage did to AK. Similar concept.
    Ideas are only ideas if they never become a reality.
    Pinoit likes this.
  7. Sabine

    Sabine New Member

    I am a single boxer but found my home in The Horde (as it was on the old Al'kabor server). There are some that exist but it seems like not too many. I would love to see a single boxing guild though just for the population boost it could bring... and it would also make leveling new characters a lot more fun.
  8. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Are there people interested in this idea, yes absolutely.

    Are there a huge number of them already on the server and unguilded waiting for a guild like this, I'd say almost 0.

    If you brought 20-30 of your friends from another server you could definitely make something like this work. (I'm honestly surprised a few of the more casual raid guilds on P99 haven't migrated over for example as they could be extremely successful doing this).

    But there isn't really a population at all of unguilded, solo boxing players who are just waiting to find other like minded individuals to guild with.

    Also for an idea like this, what is the goal? Absolutely no boxing or just a more friendly grouping environment. Because what you will find here, typically speaking, is people will just give you things and invite you to their group because that's the way people typically are on this server. Your run of the mill group here is usually 2 people each 3-boxing, however I've been in all sorts of groups, ranging from 2-4 people typically.

    The server probably needs double-triple the population before it can sustain an Al'Kabor-ish grouping style where there's typically 1-2 groups in HHK, PoN, PoV along the level highway during prime time that are seeking people to join up.
  9. Zianae

    Zianae New Member

    I'd be interested in this. Even if it isn't a guild, but if we set up a channel that would be great. Since there aren't a lot of guilds here, we could be in any guild of our choosing but still have our channel group to get together for leveling or questing.

    Right now I have characters in the 10s and 20s... Ranger, Bard, Wizard, Cleric... and a Rogue in the 30s and a monk in the 40s, all single boxing. Of course, I group with people 2-3 boxing usually, or solo slowly.
  10. Trybil

    Trybil Member

    You might have better luck if your guild allowed multi-boxers to join and just have guild-related groups and raids limited to one-box at a time per member. Then players could multi-box when in the mood or not enough guildies available. This might result in lower guild participation but could be a nice option for some. Myself I typically 3 box but am uncomfortable boxing-and-grouping at same time, it adds even more performance anxiety keeping track of all my own toons plus others.
    sowislifesowislove likes this.
  11. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    I mean, I would wager these people already play on p99.
  12. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    I leveled to 65 on a solo box bst on AK and did solo to 60 on mage here then leveled up my boxes. I still prefer to raid with 1 box and I love being in groups with 6 humans. It's crazy the difference. It's been nice doing ST raids since for the most part it's been just 1 toon per human for Destiny
    Tuluvien likes this.
  13. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    I always hated trying to box in a raid. I think on AK Destiny had a standing rule that we couldn't unless it was a healer in the healer group.
    Depending on my role, I typically don't like to box more than one in a group. Otherwise just one toon.
  14. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Mainly cause Stheno would be a corpse if you boxed ;)
  15. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    No more like singz like he would on AK
  16. TheAmarant

    TheAmarant New Member

    I'd be happy to join, would be fun to have some guild chat going on :D i just singlebox.
    Be warned that i am super casual atm as EQ time for me isn't what it was 10 years ago :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( but if that ok send me a PM :D
    Volkmeer likes this.
  17. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Anyone single boxing is casual on this server.
  18. Volkmeer

    Volkmeer New Member

    I would be interested in this as well, but at the moment I am super casual as well.

  19. Kaminski81

    Kaminski81 New Member

    I also would be interested even though I am 3-boxing right now.

  20. Vasuki

    Vasuki Member

    Well it seems like there are enough people for this to be somewhat viable. Unfortunately I have discovered my laptop doesn't run this EMU well. Currently I do not have access to a better rig enough of the time to be a guild leader...

    I definitely think it would be really cool if this were to be set up though.

    It would be really cool to see a single box guild one day going for raid content on this server and I really do think it would help the server population tremendously.

    I think a guild like this would start off really slow, but once outsiders realized there was something like this on the server they may be inclined to check it out!
  21. TheAmarant

    TheAmarant New Member

    Whats the problem with the laptop? It's most likely fixable. :p Anyone else up for the task of leading the guild?
  22. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    I've ran this on a netbook, did you do a wipe and reinstall of the OS or?
    Alot of times bloated adware viruses and malware can bog stuff down heavily.
  23. Vasuki

    Vasuki Member

    I am on a Dell XPS 13", I had to sell my desktop recently and am not buying another one til this summer.


    Intel i5 6200u(dual core)
    8gb ram
    Intel Iris 520 graphics

    Everything from my frame rate to my cursor was really slow. Not to mention its hard gaming on a 13" screen to begin with hahaha. Its a ultrabook so I never really expected gaming out of it.
  24. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    Only thing I'd be unsure of is the vid. But the other specs are just fine. Well except the 13 inch lol.
    Guess one could get used to playing EQ on a watch? :p
  25. Vasuki

    Vasuki Member

    Yeah the integrated graphics are for sure holding it back. Not what the laptop is designed for :p
  26. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I run on intel integrated graphics. Xps 13 should work fine. Should be able to box 3 chars on that.

    I run on core2 duo with intel gma graphics. Iris on i5 should be leaps and bounds beyond mine.

    We are running a 2002 client. Its not tough to run.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
  27. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    My MacBook Air integrated chip 3 boxes no problem. You using Luclin models or something? Turn em off.
  28. Vasuki

    Vasuki Member

    I am not using Luclin models.
  29. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Sounds like a speedstep or power saving mode to me.
  30. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Your processor benchmarks higher than mine and I only have 4gb RAM so something is off.