Howling Stones: duplicate named mobs in one wing or no?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Videri-Tala, Apr 7, 2017.

  1. Videri-Tala

    Videri-Tala Well-Known Member

    Currently, you can have more than one of each named up in one wing of Howling Stones. We had two "the Skeleton Sepulcher" up last night in the South Wing (plus another on track in another wing). Does anyone from AK know if there was only one allowed per wing?

    I'm hoping there could only be one of each named per wing. That would mean if you got Mob A, Mob B, Mob C, and Mob D to spawn at any four spawn points in South, only Mob E (or a placeholder) could spawn at the final spawn point. Then you would only kill that PH plus trash to maximize the chance of spawning Mob E. This this can be done on another server.

    A little Googling and digging revealed nothing, but it's kind of hard to describe what I'm looking for in a search bar. I'm hoping someone knows which way it should be here.
    jcmtg likes this.
  2. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    What mob are you trying to spawn? I've farmed South a lot.
  3. Videri-Tala

    Videri-Tala Well-Known Member

    The Crypt Feaster, for his Steel Hilted Flint Dagger. I would appreciate any tips.
  4. Verdent

    Verdent People Like Me

    Enoy the fire opal collection.
    Videri-Tala likes this.
  5. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Easiest way to camp him is the tunnels that connect the South and East wings. There are two roamers that can only be the Feaster or a PH iirc. Using wake of tranquility you can kill only the two mobs per cycle if you like.
    Videri-Tala likes this.