Forgive my stupidity...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Marche, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. Marche

    Marche New Member

    26 really quite busy and not that versed with my mac. From what i understand, you cannot log into this server unless you have one of the original EQmac clients? Nor can you post about it or w/e due to legal issues...

    Moving forward; how in the heck would any server survive w/o the capability of new blood ever showing up? Eventually people come back, yes, however people also leave and break as well. I played on Al'Kabor but through the PChack using titanium client iirc. That PC is now gone and I've since bought a 27inch iMac, but w/o the original patch I (someone from the old server) will still never be able to log into it?

    Sorry for posting in the wrong area i don't have time to reread all the forum rules and posts through a 3rd time to figure out all these details again.
  2. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    Were you in a guild while you were on Al'Kabor?

    If so, I believe several of the major guilds have links to what you need. I know Temerity does, am betting Destiny and Vintage do.
  3. Marche

    Marche New Member

    Dark Conquest? (why can't i remember the name) Kaanay and Karpan ran the thing, but I'm almost sure they're on a live server now prob not going back.
  4. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    I have also wondered at how the availability of the client impacts player numbers. For one, it is too early, the threat of a wiped char prevents most people from heavily investing in a character. I would never suggest distribution of the Titanium Client, that would be a big legal no-no, and it is so easy to find it shouldn't stop people anyways. P99 does distribute a set of their own key files though, spellfiles, resources folder, all the important stuff. I think having our server accessible to non-technical people will do a lot to create a diverse and busier server. Here is Rogeans getting started guide, notice that it contains everything BUT the titanium client? I believe that is what we should be aiming for.

    As for now, it is available on Rerolled forums in the everquest section, and it sounds like there are various other people sending around copies. By providing only server files, and making people find the rest of the Titanium Client, I think it presents a more professional picture. And less troubleshooting and stress about unknown clients/files out there causing potential issues.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The mac client is the hard one, titanium is everywhere.
  6. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    Ya, I'm worried about this. The fact that getting the Mac client is not trivial I feel will turn away potential players from the server. Wish there was a solution...
  7. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    There are solutions, they just can't be found here.
  8. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    Ya, that's the problem. There are sure to be a lot of people that will have interest, but as soon as they get stuck trying to find the files they need, they will quickly just say "oh well", and move on.
  9. Placer

    Placer Well-Known Member

    Or that is the opportunity. Those so easily discouraged are probably not going to find the right fit here anywhere. Hopefully, old mac farts like me remember to keep old programs around just in case. Dust off those zip disks or burned cd-rom backups! :)
  10. furst

    furst Member

    superiority complex much? What if those same people just need a little help and a nudge in the right direction, and stick around forever?
  11. iance

    iance New Member

    tbh I don't see a big problem with how it is right now. we don't need to have links to stuff on the forums, just ask nicely if someone can help you, and you will probably get a PM sooner or later. This is about protecting the project.
  12. Tylaric

    Tylaric Well-Known Member

    I think my biggest problem was that I had the EQMac App that I downloaded directly from the AK Update Server and I couldn't use that to connect =(..

    My only advise to those looking is check with the guilds - private sources may have it.
  13. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved


    Remember, we use Macs, because we are better.™
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Keep telling yourself that, you pay more for less ;)
  15. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    Really? I didn't realize that this project was only for one group of people. Alpha, yeah I can understand, as you want people who can do decent bug reports. Everyone has different skillsets in life, just because they don't keep old client files, or know how to use a computer as well as others is no reason to write them off. I did tech support for years, and I helped PHDs, DRs, automechanics and 90 year old grandmothers with the most basic stuff. Diversity keeps the server interesting.

    I guess looking at the instructions for the Mac client, there isn't much else we can do in terms of distribution. The client App file has almost everything needed, and we provide the rest. Glad to see people are sharing it. For the Windows client, is it possible we put together a pack, similar to P99/Rogaens, to make setup even simpler for those? So all they need to do is grab Titanium Client. The more people, from all walks of life, that play on this server, the better experience it will be. And if you want to download the code so you can sit alone on a rock in PoK all day, then that option will be available as well thanks to open source =)
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Tech help forum has everything you need to get both mac and pc running except for the clients themselves.
  17. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    The biggest bit of this is that we don't discourage anyone from logging on here.
    We just want to make sure that there is no room for any potential shut down due to copyright issues.
    For now we focus on getting it running right and stable. After beta launch things may change if nothing drastic blows up.

    If a fan page pops up with downloads we have no control over that aside from making sure that it is known that we are not connected to it should it provide copyrighted material.
    I am sure once we pull a few pans out of the fire we can figure out something in the way of a safe file pack to release. But for the OSX side I doubt there is much we can do.
  18. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    I understand we can't provide the Titanium Client. But what about packaging together the correct resources folders/spell files/eqhost/eqmule patch? My understanding is that this is separate from the client. Anything we can do to make it easier for people to get playing on the server. Also ensuring that everyone has similar clients must help from a technical side. I am only arguing this because I am interested in seeing the project grow, and I see what P99 is doing as an opportunity that we are missing out on.
  19. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    Thank you Speedz, a safe file pack for the PC is along the lines I was thinking. I also agree it looks like not a lot can be done for the Mac side. If P99 provided nothing I don't think it would be the success it currently is. And yes, I understand protecting the server legally is of utmost importance. Thank you for your post, hopefully something can be done further down the line.
  20. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    Side note, the closest thing to a pack that exists is eqmule's patch.
    Maybe that could be added to. He would have to chime in on that.
  21. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    EQMule = Secrets? Or did Secrets make the first one?
  22. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    i could say that we could provide text files as well as UI default files. What we won't provide is the exe, dll, and the like.
  23. abacab

    abacab New Member


    Check your inbox
  24. LittleSorcerer

    LittleSorcerer New Member

    I never played on the EQ mac server, as soon as i found out about it and wanted to start it had already been shut down. I do not have the files, and i cannot find where to find the files. I have 5 RL friends with me that all want to play and played on live for 10 years, but seems we cannot get connected to this server =( Any help would be wonderful.
  25. furst

    furst Member

    check pms
  26. Quaos

    Quaos New Member

    Good to see you here LittleSorcerer!
  27. Bupo

    Bupo New Member

    Hi there.

    I guess I am in a similar situation, I'd like to join you all on this server. I played on AK but only for a month or two and was never in any guild. Mostly I just ran around soloing an living the nostalgia.

    I still have my AK client but I am having trouble logging in. I checked the md5 thread and all of my files matched except for these 3 which I apparently have corrupted or lost:

    Contents/MacOS/EverQuest (mismatch)
    Contents/MacOS/EverQuest.idb (I don't have this one at all)
    Contents/Resources/spells_en.txt (mismatch)

    Does anyone know how I can repair these?