For IP exemptions read this. (Important)

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Speedz, Jan 3, 2019.

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  1. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    The format to request exemption is to list all effected Forum account names only.
    If and when you get access to each forum name in the account creation tool, create the game accounts and get to character select at least once per game account.
    The reason for the last step is we need the game server to populate the database where we can set game account access.

    Petitions that do not follow this direction will likely be closed without action.
  2. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    Further clarification:

    Request the exemption as follows...

    Post title: Exemption Please
    Forum Account 1
    Forum account 2

    Nothing else is needed BUT do NOT make multiple posts on every account you want an exemption on. ONLY 1 post.
    From here out I will ignore requests that spam the petition forum with requests from every forum account.
    We get to them when we can. No amount of multiple posts will get things to move faster.
    Raven658 likes this.
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