request: stonebrunt titans logs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Manstache, Oct 9, 2017.

  1. Manstache

    Manstache Active Member

    Killed 3/5 of these recently, Snowbeast and Old Ghostback were snareable, Slyder the Ancient was 'immune to changes in movement speed'.

    Anyone have AK log to clarify? I never touched them there but this seems odd.
  2. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    No logs, but numerous Allakhazam's comments say all five should be immune to root and snare.
  3. surron

    surron People Like Me

    manstache you got logs of vorshar in neriak being only 2 hour respawn, they have him like 24 hours here
  4. Manstache

    Manstache Active Member

    no logs, rob already said no b/c loots anyway.
  5. Jugo!

    Jugo! People Like Me

    TAKP policy is to match AK though, so if someone did have definite proof, they'd change him to 2 hour?
  6. Delorne

    Delorne People Like Me

    Just saw this stuff about Vorshar.

    Back on AK, I made it my mission to solo all the Realm of Heroes NPCs. Vorshar was one of the first couple I killed and I was legit surprised to see he dropped anything. After that, I killed Vorshar a LOT until I got the gate clicky for my cleric alt. He was definitely on a 2 hour timer.

    I don't have any logs, sadly. But there's no way I would have camped that stick considering how big his loot pool is and much of it was junk in comparison to the other items I had on my alts.

    Food for thought once PoP is added. I recognize there's a lot of parity between Velious groupable/low-end raid items as well as some groupable Luclin gear on Vorshar. Once people are 65, I think the desirability of Vorshar's gear drops significantly when people have access to gear from low tier planes and the ability to easily trio what used to be more challenging.
  7. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    Yea. I’ve only seen 1 gate stick. Drops a lot of the same loot in my experience. Not sure if they’re on different % or bad RNG. Gate stick will still prob never be used having a 20 second cast time. With gem slot 1 and instant click. Just so much faster.