Dragon/Giant Bane spells

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kagatob, Sep 19, 2016.

  1. Kagatob

    Kagatob People Like Me

    2 Questions on Porlos' Fury and Hsagra's Wrath, the 2 peridot using 2k unresistible spells.
    I already know ID3 won't affect these spells, though I believe MP3/ER3/spellhaste should.
    Does anyone know if reagent conservation III and above work?

    Also criticals, on live these spells would crit for a flat 4000 damage every crit (yes double) was that true on AK as well?

    The only difference I could find in any of the raw data when compared to another spell such as sunstrike was the unknown-151 row, 100 on banespells and 0 on sunstrike but I don't even know what that is.
  2. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    [2338] Improved Damage III
    Target: Self
    Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
    Focusable: Yes
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 3.3h (1950 ticks), Extendable: Yes, Dispelable: Yes
    1: Increase Spell Damage by 1% to 20%
    2: Limit Max Level: 60 (lose 5% per level)
    3: Limit Effect: Current HP
    4: Limit Max Duration: 0s
    5: Limit Type: Detrimental
    6: Limit Target: Exclude Caster AE
    7: Limit Target: Exclude Caster PB
    8: Limit Target: Exclude Target AE
    9: Limit Target: Exclude Old Giants
    10: Limit Target: Exclude Old Dragons

    11: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
    Increases the damage of spells by up to $1%. This bonus will decay on spells over level #2.

    Per live spell data, Improved damage is the only focus effect which has the exclusion for Old Giant/Dragon target type spells.

    Mana Pres, Extended Range, Spell Haste, and Reagent Conservation should all function on them.

    I'm not familiar with the Wizard innate critical calculation, but once you buy into Spell Casting Fury all critical blasts were double their normal rate until the Destructive Fury AA was introduced. I do have a feeling the innate wizard critical was some smaller factor but I can't speak to the exact amount and whether the bane nukes had a special rule for it though. Would have to ask some Vintage members, most of us got to 65 and SoS without doing banes.