Connection exceptionally bad since patch..

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cutty, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. Cutty

    Cutty Well-Known Member

    The connection is very similar to how it was when the code was checking corpses every time someone would zone... or whatever was happening. At least on my end. It's pretty much unplayable.
  2. souske

    souske Well-Known Member

    Connection is good on my connection (Comcast). I know what it is like to be a crappy ISP. I switched a few weeks back to Brighthouse, another ISP here and my connection was terrible. I had to switch back to comcast and all is well.
  3. Cutty

    Cutty Well-Known Member

    I'll have to check later... it was really bad when there was a lot of death.. but not so much in an empty zone with nothing going on