Coldain Ring War on Live ( probably Test Server )

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Neealana, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    From Torven, in AC issues thread.

    If you want to do something brainless but time consuming, then do all the steps to trigger the 10 ring war on Test, then contact me before you start it so I can video record it. There may be other events that require a great deal of preparation that I could document as well. Be sure to save a log of the entire process.

    If anybody is interested in recording game video, I can teach them, it's not hard.

    If somebody doesn't trigger the war for me, it's not going to get done because I have a billion things to do.

    Post on this thread if you are interested in helping trigger ( and win ! ) this event.

    I have a 65ish cleric on Druzil Ro. Will get her transferred over to Live.

    Haynar added this gem of wisdom.

    We have done a lot of them on test.

    Get your turn ins ready on a regular server. Then do /testcopy. Run war on test. Then do it often as you want.

  2. Tollen

    Tollen Member

    I have 70 some SK I could test copy and help with this. let me know when so i can get update done ect
  3. PompeiiEQ

    PompeiiEQ Active Member

    I have a 65 Dru, 65 mage, and a 70's Shaman on live I can help with.
  4. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I actually just ran a Ring War on live this past Sunday :).

    I Testcopied the components so I suppose I could run another on test.

    Do you need to FRAPs the entire thing or did you have specific questions about it?
  5. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    After AK I went to Test.

    I have a 100 mage/beast I can help with if you need.

    Let me know
  6. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    The goal is to document the event well enough that it could be replicated with accuracy from just the videos and logs. It makes no sense to scribble notes or run the event a dozen times when you can just shoot some video. This also allows any emu to write their own scripts if they find ours unacceptable, and lets users point out inaccuracies.

    I shoot two kinds of video: game footage and a showEQ window. ShowEQ video looks like this: ... authuser=0

    To grab that, I use Hypercam. For game video I prefer to use Fraps, although there are alternatives. Fraps lets me save raw uncompressed video which results in the best quality. I save footage to a ram disk (I have 32 gigs of ram for this purpose), then compress the raw footage to H.264 using Vidcoder. (which is a very nice program)

    H264 is such a good codec that ShowEQ windows compress extremely well, so you can record an hour of text-readable video in only ~200 megs. Note that the client does not receive NPC position updates very often if they are beyond 1k units of the player, so it's important to center your character in the region you want to capture.

    Now, for the non-video related information, I have some procedures I follow.

    I use a level 90 monk with NO SHIELDING GEAR on (important) and I make sure I'm not buffed with a Vie spell, which mercs cast. If the character has shielding or vie on, it ruins the log for getting min/max hit values. I carefully farmed a set of gear with no shielding on it. Monks are the best for this purpose due to FD and 30 second mend, as well as the melee damage output. To ensure I get max hit values, I sit down while being attacked.

    To get NPC max hp values, I damage the NPCs doing entirely log readable damage and avoid using DoTs because old parsers can't read DoT damage. Spells are typically avoided anyway, because you want the final blow to be as low damage as possible (I switch to 1 dmg weapons for this). My monk does not have the finishing blow AAs, which ruin the log for max HP values.

    Getting NPC resist values is extremely time consuming and will be difficult to do here. I use a shaman to cast many hundreds of spells of each resist type on a NPC, then run a parser that I wrote which spits out estimated resist values. To get +/-5 estimates for all resist types accurate enough to have a 95% confidence interval requires something like 5+ hours, but even just 15 minutes with a mob will give me numbers that are infinitely better than wild guesses. Special attack rates (flurry, ramp) also require very long logs.

    Multiple events will have to be triggered just so we can see the event succeed and fail. I will also need to be attacking the mobs in my area (and the end boss) alone with my shieldingless gear on. After getting a log of the boss kill, I'll need another war triggered so I can cast low level shaman spells on him for hours or until he despawns.

    My sleep patterns are crazy due to a circadian rhythm disorder, so generally evenings are best for me, but depending on the day of the month I can log in at strange hours.
  7. Sturmm

    Sturmm Well-Known Member

    Just as an aside, Torven, just reading everything you go through and the setups etc, gave me a headache. I'm VERY appreciative of all the work you do. I'm sure it goes hand-in-hand with your personality type of looking at minutia ad nauseum, but I'm glad we have someone who not only does this type of work well, but has the time and desire to do it.

  8. Trisi

    Trisi People Like Me


  9. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    This work takes an unimaginable amount of stress and load off the whole deving team.
    Torven, I can't even imagine even trying to do this. Cudos bro. Thanks for sticking with it.
  10. Korbendallas

    Korbendallas New Member

    Torven you're a fucking beast and your dedication is legendary.
  11. lurari

    lurari People Like Me

    I have a host of characters I could log in for this (HI MAC PALS!); I'd probably play as my monk, because Run8 is awesomes.
  12. Korbendallas

    Korbendallas New Member

    I've been very sick recently which is why I haven't been on... I'm hoping this weekend or early next week to be better.... is there an organized time for this?
  13. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Don't really need "help" killing the event. It was easily soloed while I AFK'd and checked back every 5min or so. Just need people who have a video capture program to watch the spawns and movements. You don't want to engage mobs unless they are near Thurg, to get a full view of their pathing.

    The three spawn points are South at the Shardwurm cave Ent, West in the ravine (towards druid portal), East in the ravine (near wizard spires). Would be nice to set up someone at each of them.

    A few comments about the mechanics outright:

    Mobs spawn in two sets:

    "Uruk-hai" Waves (6 total-4 warriors, 2 clerics)
    "Formation" Waves (11 total-8 warriors, 2 clerics, 1 leader)

    The Uruk-Hai waves will walk in formation to a point, and then they will make a beeline for Thurgadin. Think of the suicide torch carrier in Two Towers :p.

    The Formation waves will walk a lot closer to Thurgadin, they will all walk, stop (in formation) before they reach a dwarf army, wait a moment, then run towards Thurg (through the dwarves)

    When mobs are using their walking animation, snare will stop them in place (think of a fleeing mob). They will sit their stupidly until snare wears off then they will walk their path like nothing happened. When mobs are using their running animation, snare will slow them to a walk.

    Even after snaring them or hitting them, they will continue moving towards Thurgadin until someone (PC or NPC) is in their Melee range (under their feet basically), at which point they will stop and fight you. But you can safely nuke them from a distance and they will ignore you and continue on their path.

    Zelrick the Scout acts like an enchanter pet (he will Attack anything that hits the quest starter). I only tested the summon all coldains command, but the coldains will run to wherever Zelrick is and once they reach him they will immediately turn around and walk back to their spawn points. You can keep them all with you by spamming the command. They put out a solid amount of DPS when balled together, but are weak individually.
  14. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Just bumping this to say that nobody has yet to contact me about arranging for a war to be triggered.
  15. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    i've got a handful of toons on test i could use to help film/fight in the war. i don't currently have EQLive installed, but would download it if i knew ahead of time when this was going to happen.
  16. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me


    I have been messing with this on Live ( Xegony server ), but only have one toon ( a 68 cleric ). So, cannot reasonably get through ( /sigh ) even the second part ( where you keep the dwarf hunting the rabid grizzly alive ). I have been collecting the (boring/time consuming) parts with the idea of getting her ready to trigger the war, then doing a /test copy.

    Is it only the 10th war you need triggered? Do you have everything up until then?

    This question was triggered by my watching
  17. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    The immediate answer to your question is no. I want to make some related things clear however.

    This project is really understaffed for the scope involved of recreating multiple expansions of a MMORPG. P99 has a lot more developers and fewer expansions to worry about. Completing the 8th ring quest is so, so far away from our radar that EQ1 might go offline before we get to it. This project has no dedicated quest person AT ALL, and the few people we have are doing multiple jobs. (code, db, quests, etc) We don't even have an inventory of which quests need to be completed. Furthermore, I can't continue to maintain my current level of involvement with this project for much longer. This is why I'm disappointed to see the community fracture over petty squabbles, because it means work is duplicated when other things will never get done.

    Asking for help with the 10th ring war is basically triage. I choose to mention that because it's probably the most significant scripted event perhaps in the entire game. Less significant events are less likely to have been worked on, in fact.
  18. furst

    furst Member

    if the data is collected I am more than willing to do the quest work on the ring wars. I have overhauled basically all of the kunark quests, from epics to spell turn ins. I am going to be looking at velious next.
    Mokli likes this.
  19. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    Are you offering these to us or are you just speaking for P2002? We do have this :
    that you can do PR to.
  20. furst

    furst Member

    I don't have much experience with doing pull requests I just edit or create / rewrite the lua scripts.

    A lot of the epics will have to be edited to fit your npcIDs. There were mobs that had to be recreated.
  21. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    I don't see a problem with that, those are easy to adjust. Lua scripting overall is pretty easy to write compared to c++ coding. The hard part involving in scripting is to be accurate with researching through website, logs and even going on live to verify.

    by looking through their Patchnotes, It just about the same amount of Developers that we have here. Seeing 4 - 5 max with mostly 2 - 3 developers commiting their work which is something like every few months while we commit ours like every week. Which is more of what we have put in comparison. While it's true that they have less expansion and resources to worry about. It probably will take us more time and work to do it. I'm not at all too concern with the timeframe, we will eventually get to it. By making progress not perfection.
    Last edited: May 6, 2015
  22. Ghakim

    Ghakim Well-Known Member

    I think it would be great for the two servers to collaborate even if there is not a 100% conversion from one server to the other.

    Collaboration in the end will benefit everyone.

    Last edited: May 6, 2015
  23. furst

    furst Member

    Hakim, It still leaves a bad taste in my mouth that I am still IP banned on half my IPs and still game banned. But I am willing to put in the effort to getting the ring wars scripted correctly.

    I will have to find a site I can access at work that has a run down of all 10 quests. I have a lot of downtime this time of year.
  24. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Git is obnoxiously needlessly unintuitive to use than it could be. Not terribly surprising since it came from the Linux community. Anyway, you can merely email any contribution to me and I can commit them. I'll make sure you are credited.

    P99 doesn't list all of their devs on their 'about us' page. A cached 2013 copy of that page (site seems to be down right now) lists 5 'content developers' and 4 'programmers' (one does both). This isn't listing people who have previously made contributions like Secrets or Xerion. We of course have all of two people doing any DB work and we both aren't dedicated to that task.

    Code wise we're making fairly good progress; DB wise there is just so much left undone. Classic zones still are lacking pathgrids/roamboxes, NPC diversity is an issue etc. There's just lots of little things to do that won't get done with two people who are also doing code work. It's a shame p2002 and TAKP has what the other lacks in some ways.

    My primary concern is losing access to Live. EQMac shut down with 30 days notice. I doubt the Russian buyers give a fuck about EQ; it could be shut down at any time. We don't have 4 years for one expac.
  25. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I do p99 and takp dev work.

    Who has more devs? Does it matter?

    Takp has a lot of work to do. They need help. They need to make peace with p2002 ( my opinion only ).

    When u ask for more help, but then you are going to alienate those that could contribute significantly. You can't complain.

    Beggars cant be choosers.

    I am a pain in the ass. I know it. If they can learn to put up with me, they can mend the bridges with furst and the gang.

    Mokli and Ghakim like this.
  26. Ghakim

    Ghakim Well-Known Member

    Since it seems on topic does TAKP have an ETA for the release of Kunark?

  27. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    most likely later in the summer or early fall. Plane of Sky is basically done, We will soon open it for testing on Dev probably in a couple of week or so. I have to discuss that with the staff.
    Ghakim likes this.
  28. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    It would be great to see the bridge being mended, it is in everyone's interest. Repairing that bridge will require quite a bit of trust and patience. Furst is extending an olive branch here and offering some important assistance. I hope that his offer is accepted. Judging by the work they have done and the posts on their forums they are just as interested in making a high quality and accurate server as the dev team here.

    I in no way think that the TAKP devs aren't capable of what he is offering, but it seems like it would save a lot of unnecessary work. Basically what Haynar said up there I agree with.

    -edit for clarity
    Last edited: May 6, 2015
    Mokli and Ghakim like this.
  29. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    You are far from a pain in the ass Haynar :p
  30. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    Bumping this. Whenever a developer wants, I have all the "hard to get" elements of the Coldain Ring War ready. Tentative plan is to run event on test as many times as is needed, then advance character on Live to next event.

    ( I have the Coldain Hunting Blanket to turn in to Garadain )

    Need to keep Garadain's nephew alive while he hunts a rabid tundra kodiak

    ( I have the Coldain Hunting Knife ready to turn in to Garadain .) What [smithing hammer] ?

    Need to keep Tain Hammerfrost alive. Kiill 4 frost giants and their leader Grek Squatnot ... loot the elixer from Grek. Give to Tain. Get hammer mentioned above.

    Kill Ry'Gor messenger. Give note to "a coldain lookout", thus triggering Scarbrow and a band of orcs to attack Garadain's postion. Turn in Scarbrow head to Garibain.

    6= Mithril
    Find Korrigain up . Keep Icefang alive while he runs around. When he gets to "the orc hut" kill spawned orcs. Loot note from Poxbreath Yellowfang. Loot Rodrick's head.
    ( I have Rodrick's Head in bank.)

    Rescue Corbin Blackwell . Keep him alive until he returns to Dobbin Crossaxe

    War on Chief Ry'Gorr and his troops ( 30 + rygorr, including some level 50s ). Get marching orders from Garadain. Give to Gloradin in next hut. Trigger event. Loot head from Ry'gorr & turn in to Garadain

    9=Coldain Hero's Insignia Ring
    Accept task from Seneschal Aldikar. Fill Traitor's Bane Box with heads of traitors, plus Dirk of the Traitor. Traitors are Murdrick Tardok, Captain Berradin, Peffin Ambersnow, Doldigun Steinwielder, Juliah Lockheart. Combine in box and take to the Dain.
    ( I have Dirk of the Traitor, and the Tainted Avalanche Ale. )

    10= Ring of Dain Frostreaver IV
    Get note from Dain. Give note to Badain. Zone depops when Badain blows horn. Follow Badain to Seneschal Aldikar. Show Aldikar 9th ring ( he gives back with battle commands ).