Bazaar Search Function

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hendo, Mar 27, 2017.

  1. Hendo

    Hendo Member

    I was going to post this in server bugs but before I did I wanted to make sure I wasn't an idiot and doing something wrong, so i wanted to see if anyone else noticed this too.

    It seems as if the search function isn't working 100% correctly in the bazaar.

    For example I was searching for some armor for sale for my warrior Mrtankers. Specifically cobalt stuff. Anyways if I did a generic search for cobalt multiple results would pop up. There were multiple cobalt vambraces for sale. However when I did a search for armor in the arm slot for warrior they would disappear from the search results.

    Just curious if anyone else has noticed this as it would seem to be a big issue because normally I search for specific slots I am looking for and based on this they would not be showing up which means I'd leave without purchasing stuff that could actually be there.

  2. Aporia

    Aporia Member

    One mistake I always make--and have made since 2001--when searching for items in the bazaar is forgetting to delete the text of old searches before applying filters with the drop-down lists, thereby imposing impossibly specific search criteria by accident. Is it possible you were doing something similar?
    Mambo likes this.
  3. Hendo

    Hendo Member

    To be honest I was running out of the door this morning to work so I was rushed and couldn't really dive in to figure out if I was being an idiot or not... always a possibility haha. But on the surface I don't think that was the issue because I only typed in the search box AFTER I couldn't find the cobalt vambraces that I clearly saw for sale. Here's the weird thing. There were 3 for sale I believe when I searched for just anything for a warrior with nothing in search box.

    So I decided to then refine the search by doing arms warrior and armor and then 2 of the 3 remained but the third... and the cheapest one which is why I noticed... disappeared.

    I thought maybe someone bought it in that short time so I kept it on arms warrior and armor and typed in cobalt and then hit search. Then they all disappeared. That's when I knew something was wrong.

    So I cleared the categories and just typed cobalt in the search box and then all of them popped up again. It seemed as though refining it to arms or armor was the issue but again I didn't have enough time to really dive in.

    Will look more tonight when I get home. Hopefully I will comeback will solid info rather than realizing I'm a moron and was just doing something like what you said haha
  4. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Don't search armor just search warrior + arm slot
  5. lurari

    lurari People Like Me


    Who needs a search when one trader has everything you'll ever need?
    Kagatob likes this.
  6. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    I approve this message
  7. Hendo

    Hendo Member

  8. Aporia

    Aporia Member

    Lol. Yeah, it sounds like the "armor" flag just doesn't work. And since it's redundant with a specified slot, might as well drop it.
  9. Hendo

    Hendo Member

    Ok, I figured out what the problem is, I will be posting in the bugs unless of course this is how it is supposed to work..

    The CLASS refinement is the issue. If searching for cobalt armor for example, if I type in cobalt into the search box fine... if I search for arm slots, fine... if I search for effect its fine... etc. etc. but the second I look for warrior specific items and I simply try to refine anything by looking for something specifically for a warrior it removes certain pieces. It's almost as if it removes things that are WARRIOR ONLY, although I will need more time to be sure.

    So for now, just an FYI to anyone searching in the bazaar looking for items for your specific class DO NOT refine by class or it will remove certain items from the search list.
  10. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    That's odd because I almost exclusively use the class filters to search for items. All I do is set a class, then set a minimum price like 1500 to avoid the 200 item filter.
  11. Hendo

    Hendo Member

    So do I which is why its concerning. Now the only thing Ive noticed is the cobalt... so maybe there is just an issue with that piece. Try searching for "cobalt" with no filters... then refine it warrior and it disappears. You can also leave the search box blank and search for all warrior items and its not there.. search for any classes arm slot and it appears again
  12. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    I use class refiners all the time, works for me

    just tried what you suggested, no issues
