Arisen cultist event from 2002-2003 era...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Yinn Yang, Oct 15, 2015.

  1. Yinn Yang

    Yinn Yang People Like Me

    Does anyone recall the 3-4 week event which was basically an "Arisen Cultist" camp in Trakanon's Teeth that appeared for about a month? I believe I was on the Antonius Bayle server at the time. But did this happen on AK? Does anyone remember?

    The camp just appeared one day around where the river meets the lake. There were about 4 or 5 mobs (cultists) and some would randomly drop a Band of the Arisen Cultist (, along with some other items I believe. There was no set time period, but rumors of whether it was permanent or temporary were flying, as were predictions of how long it might be around. I recall it took about a week before it really caught on, but once it did, it was crazy. A lot of fun, actually. Then, one morning, I logged in and the camp was gone... never to be seen again.

    Those kind of events would be a blast here on TAKP, especially since they last a few weeks and are not fleeting. Makes it so those with odd work schedules or those that are overseas can enjoy it also, even if they aren't on at prime time. The items were always a great memento too, especially since they no longer existed after the event was ended.
    Ransom likes this.
  2. Ransom

    Ransom Well-Known Member

    I remember this. Was in 2002 I believe. I remember camping these as a Ranger in a semi-family guild and savoring over the band.
  3. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Remember it well, I camped it and got many rings.
  4. Yinn Yang

    Yinn Yang People Like Me

    Update: Looks like it ran from about March 26th, 2002 until June 5th, 2002... so a little over 2 months.

    Cool thing about the rings is they weren't lore :) Made a very nice pair ;)

    Here are some more details I found posted about the event:
    From EQ Alla (March 22nd, 2002) This item (Band of the Arisen Cultist) is DEFINITELY in all servers, and as of 5/22 the items STILL DROP. The loc the camp is pos900 pos2400, its a little ruin approx mob spawn is 8 mobs per 17 minutes, and they are uncommon drop, so expect one in every 10 or so mobs. DEFINITELY worth the time, I'm takin as many of my guild of 73 50+ people there as much as I can before they poof... only hard thing is two named mobs that pop there, both are level 60 and hit really hard with insane MR... One drops shield and sword of the arisen cultist; other drops some stupid staff that was crap. In a chanterless group of 5 (55 warrior 55 wizard 56 cleric 59 shaman 60 druid), we almost got TPKd (total party killed) by one of these guys; they are definately not to be underestimated.

    From EQ Alla (May 15th, 2002) Got one of these for each member of my group the other night. They were dropping about once every 45 minutes of clearing the camp. There are 3 normal types of mobs at the camp, and 2 named mobs. The ring is the only really worthwhile item they seem to drop, and it seems random off any of the normal mobs. The Sebilisian Battlemaster (warrior), the Sebilisian Revenant (sk) and the Undead Sebilisian Lich (necro). The normal mobs seem to be level 51-55 and the nameds are both level 60, a necro with spectre pet and an SK (1001 pt HT ). Nameds hit for about 250-270.

    From EQ Alla (June 6th, 2002) Seems gone on Rathe too. Went to check on this and only spectral keepers there. If it is the round building at around pos2600, pos900 anyway.
    Oh well..congrats to all those that got in under the nerf bat.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2015
  5. surron

    surron People Like Me

    2002 is pop era, but that ring looks a little too good for just kunark imo
  6. Yinn Yang

    Yinn Yang People Like Me

    Oh yeah, definitely too powerful for a Kunark release. But even when it did come out, it was just a bit "too" good.

    Rumor had it, that event was intended for the Legends server and SoE just decided to leave it on reg servers for a short time.
  7. shortok

    shortok People Like Me

    You have ignited some long sleeping neurons. I too remember this short-lived camp.
  8. Seduce

    Seduce Member

    Loved that camp. always wonder what happened to those bands. Had a set for my ranger back in the day. Really would great to see them return again at least for a little bit.
  9. Yinn Yang

    Yinn Yang People Like Me

    I saved my two bands in my bank, never could bring myself to destroy them. Every time I looked thru my bank bags, it would bring back great memories. I think I got my second band about one hour before the patch that removed the camp. There were rumors it was going away with an early morning patch, so I got on the waiting list for group at Cultist camp the night before when I got home from work. Finally got to join group at about 11pm iirc, and then about 4 or 5 hours later, got my second band. Great fun... never seen so much activity in Trak's Teeth (other than guilds heading thru for a Trak raid).