Hot Zones

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nicandrea, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. Nicandrea

    Nicandrea New Member

    I did a quick search on the forums to see if this was posted anywhere and I didnt find anything.

    Do we implement Hot Zones on this server? I was just wondering because it seems that certain zones, (Najena, Unrest) yield way more XP than let's say Mistmoore where I have been grinding lately.

    I apologize if this has been covered before but using the forum search bar I was unable to find a list of them or if they even existed.

    Thanks guys and I am having a blast on the server!!
  2. MikayahEQ

    MikayahEQ Well-Known Member

    We don't have "Hot Zones" in the sense of the way they have been implemented over the years on Live servers, but there is a list on the Wiki of the Zone Experience Modifiers (ZEMs) for most zones.

    You can find the list, here: ZEMs
    Nicandrea likes this.
  3. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

  4. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    Yeah, our ZEMs were inherited from Al'Kabor. If it seems a little weird that, for example, Highkeep's massive ZEM makes it an exp highway from level 20 to the high 50s, well, it is weird! But this was the state of SOE's exp bonuses when Al'Kabor forked, and TAKP strives to faithfully reproduce Al'Kabor, so here we are.
    Nicandrea likes this.
  5. MikayahEQ

    MikayahEQ Well-Known Member

    All those <100 ZEM numbers through Kunark (and Velious fwiw) make me /sadpanda, but the grind goes on!
    Nicandrea likes this.
  6. Nicandrea

    Nicandrea New Member

    Awesome! That exactly what I needed to know! :) So I wasn't imagining the exp was way better in Unrest and Najena! Great! Think Ill be leaving Mistmoore and heading elsewhere! :)

    Thanks everyone!!!!!