
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    (Secrets) ACK sequence fixes. Should now persist if it rolls over past 65535.
    (Secrets) Removed some Mutex locks that were locking the inbound thread when processing outgoing packets. In theory you should lock the inbound and outbound queues when sending/receiving data... may experiment with that later. It's what the EQ client does.
    (Cavedude) Fixed Extended Enhancement.
    (Cavedude) Removed ppdump as it's no longer needed or relevant.
    (Cavedude) Added walkspeed and runspeed to client #showstats.
    (Nikaya) refactored reagent code for bard instruments, pet reagents and pet focus items. This splits the loop for focus items and consumable components so that Greater Conjuration: pets do not require their associated elemental mastery staff. This happens because the second component is -1 and the second focus item is the staff in the db.
    (Cavedude) Changes to cmake defaults. Building the login now defaults to on, client files is off, and disable logging is off.

    Added missing loots for an orc lumberjack in Misty Thicket
    regenerate new loottables for Zah the Vile in North Karana
    added missing loots for Capt Surestout in OoT
    added missing loots for undead cleric in Kithicor
    added missing loots for Dark Assassin in Everfrost
    added missing loots for Advisor C'zatl and General V'ghera in Kithicor
    added missing loot for Grizzleknot
    added missing loot for Dragoon Zytl in Commonland.

    added trigger script a chance to spawn Dragoon Zytl after Kizdean Gix dies.